Copy Number Variants / 16p13.11


Case population data
Control population data
Average Length
Associated Human Genes
Associated Mouse Models
Autism Reports
74 (68 case / 6 control)
654 (506 case / 148 control)

Summary statement in development

Reports related to 16p13.11 (61 Reports)
# Type Title Author, Year
1 Major Array CGH identifies reciprocal 16p13.1 duplications and deletions that predispose to autism and/or mental retardation. Ullmann R , et al. (2007)
2 Major Functional impact of global rare copy number variation in autism spectrum disorders. Pinto D , et al. (2010)
3 Major Copy number variations associated with autism spectrum disorders contribute to a spectrum of neurodevelopmental disorders. Rosenfeld JA , et al. (2010)
4 Minor Population-based study of genetic variation in individuals with autism spectrum disorders from Croatia. Wang LS , et al. (2010)
5 Minor Intra-family phenotypic heterogeneity of 16p11.2 deletion carriers in a three-generation Chinese family. Shen Y , et al. (2011)
6 Major 16p13.11 duplication is a risk factor for a wide spectrum of neuropsychiatric disorders. Ramalingam A , et al. (2011)
7 Major Multiple recurrent de novo CNVs, including duplications of the 7q11.23 Williams syndrome region, are strongly associated with autism. Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
8 Minor Rare de novo and transmitted copy-number variation in autistic spectrum disorders. Levy D , et al. (2011)
9 Major An evidence-based approach to establish the functional and clinical significance of copy number variants in intellectual and developmental disabili... Kaminsky EB , et al. (2011)
10 Minor Genetic and functional analyses of SHANK2 mutations suggest a multiple hit model of autism spectrum disorders. Leblond CS , et al. (2012)
11 Minor Application of array comparative genomic hybridization in 102 patients with epilepsy and additional neurodevelopmental disorders. Bartnik M , et al. (2012)
12 Major Phenotypic heterogeneity of genomic disorders and rare copy-number variants. Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
13 Major Application of custom-designed oligonucleotide array CGH in 145 patients with autistic spectrum disorders. Winiowiecka-Kowalnik B , et al. (2012)
14 Major Refinement and discovery of new hotspots of copy-number variation associated with autism spectrum disorder. Girirajan S , et al. (2013)
15 Minor Contribution of copy number variants involving nonsense-mediated mRNA decay pathway genes to neuro-developmental disorders. Nguyen LS , et al. (2013)
16 Minor Rare exonic deletions implicate the synaptic organizer Gephyrin (GPHN) in risk for autism, schizophrenia and seizures. Lionel AC , et al. (2013)
17 Minor Global increases in both common and rare copy number load associated with autism. Girirajan S , et al. (2013)
18 Major Male-biased autosomal effect of 16p13.11 copy number variation in neurodevelopmental disorders. Tropeano M , et al. (2013)
19 Major Confirmation of chromosomal microarray as a first-tier clinical diagnostic test for individuals with developmental delay, intellectual disability, ... Battaglia A , et al. (2013)
20 Minor The duplication 17p13.3 phenotype: analysis of 21 families delineates developmental, behavioral and brain abnormalities, and rare variant phenotypes. Curry CJ , et al. (2013)
21 Major Reciprocal duplication of the Williams-Beuren syndrome deletion on chromosome 7q11.23 is associated with schizophrenia. Mulle JG , et al. (2013)
22 Minor Transmission disequilibrium of small CNVs in simplex autism. Krumm N , et al. (2013)
23 Minor Identification of small exonic CNV from whole-exome sequence data and application to autism spectrum disorder. Poultney CS , et al. (2013)
24 Major Both rare and de novo copy number variants are prevalent in agenesis of the corpus callosum but not in cerebellar hypoplasia or polymicrogyria. Sajan SA , et al. (2013)
25 Major Convergence of genes and cellular pathways dysregulated in autism spectrum disorders. Pinto D , et al. (2014)
26 MiMinorr Phenotypic spectrum associated with PTCHD1 deletions and truncating mutations includes intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder. Chaudhry A , et al. (2014)
27 Minor Refining analyses of copy number variation identifies specific genes associated with developmental delay. Coe BP , et al. (2014)
28 Minor Large-scale discovery of novel genetic causes of developmental disorders. Deciphering Developmental Disorders Study (2014)
29 Minor Performance of case-control rare copy number variation annotation in classification of autism. Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
30 Major Excess of rare, inherited truncating mutations in autism. Krumm N , et al. (2015)
31 Minor Microdeletions of ELP4 Are Associated with Language Impairment, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Mental Retardation. Addis L , et al. (2015)
32 Minor Routine Chromosomal Microarray Analysis is Necessary in Korean Patients With Unexplained Developmental Delay/Mental Retardation/Autism Spectrum Dis... Shin S , et al. (2015)
33 Minor Recurrent copy number variations as risk factors for Autism Spectrum Disorders: analysis of the clinical implications. Oikonomakis V , et al. (2016)
34 Minor Genome-wide analysis of copy number variations identifies PARK2 as a candidate gene for autism spectrum disorder. Yin CL , et al. (2016)
35 Minor Microduplications at the pseudoautosomal SHOX locus in autism spectrum disorders and related neurodevelopmental conditions. Tropeano M , et al. (2016)
36 Major Pathogenic copy number variants and SCN1A mutations in patients with intellectual disability and childhood-onset epilepsy. Fry AE , et al. (2016)
37 Minor Chromosomal microarray analysis in clinical evaluation of neurodevelopmental disorders-reporting a novel deletion of SETDB1 and illustration of cou... Xu Q , et al. (2016)
38 Minor Diagnostic yield of array CGH in patients with autism spectrum disorder in Hong Kong. Siu WK , et al. (2016)
39 Minor Rare Inherited and De Novo CNVs Reveal Complex Contributions to ASD Risk in Multiplex Families. Leppa VM , et al. (2016)
40 Major Chromosomal microarray testing in adults with intellectual disability presenting with comorbid psychiatric disorders. Wolfe K , et al. (2016)
41 Major Whole genome sequencing resource identifies 18 new candidate genes for autism spectrum disorder C Yuen RK et al. (2017)
42 Minor Chromosomal microarray in clinical diagnosis: a study of 337 patients with congenital anomalies and developmental delays or intellectual disability. Sansovi I , et al. (2017)
43 Minor Use of clinical chromosomal microarray in Chinese patients with autism spectrum disorder-implications of a copy number variation involving DPP10. Mak ASL , et al. (2017)
44 Minor Chromosomal microarray analysis in a cohort of underrepresented population identifies SERINC2 as a novel candidate gene for autism spectrum disorder. Hnoonual A , et al. (2017)
45 Major Paternally inherited cis-regulatory structural variants are associated with autism. Brandler WM , et al. (2018)
46 Minor Comparative Analyses of Copy-Number Variation in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Schizophrenia Reveal Etiological Overlap and Biological Insights. Kushima I , et al. (2018)
47 Minor Rare Copy Number Variations in a Chinese Cohort of Autism Spectrum Disorder Fan Y et al. (2018)
48 Major Impact of on-site clinical genetics consultations on diagnostic rate in children and young adults with autism spectrum disorder. Munnich A , et al. (2019)
49 Minor Exome sequencing of 457 autism families recruited online provides evidence for autism risk genes Feliciano P et al. (2019)
50 Major Autism risk in offspring can be assessed through quantification of male sperm mosaicism. Breuss MW , et al. (2019)
51 Major Rare genetic susceptibility variants assessment in autism spectrum disorder: detection rate and practical use. Husson T , et al. (2020)
52 Minor Comorbidities associated with genetic abnormalities in children with intellectual disability Chen JS et al. (2021)
53 Minor Prevalence and phenotypic impact of rare potentially damaging variants in autism spectrum disorder Mahjani B et al. (2021)
54 Minor Genetic Testing in Patients with Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Experience of 511 Patients at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Du X et al. (2021)
55 Minor Genetic care in geographically isolated small island communities: 8 years of experience in the Dutch Caribbean Verberne EA et al. (2022)
56 Major Cross-Disorder Analysis of Genic and Regulatory Copy Number Variations in Bipolar Disorder Kushima I et al. (2022)
57 Major - Miyake N et al. (2023)
58 Major - Zhang Y et al. (2023)
59 Minor - Tuncay IO et al. (2023)
60 Minor Next-generation phenotyping integrated in a national framework for patients with ultrarare disorders improves genetic diagnostics and yields new molecular findings Axel Schmidt et al. (2024)
61 Minor Genetic Diagnostic Yield in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Epilepsy Phenotypes in Children with Genetically Defined ASD Karen Lob et al. ()
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102 patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsy (IGE) or epilepsy with other neurodevelopmental disorders


Primary diagnosis of epilepsy. 50 cases with isolated epilepsy, 52 cases with epilepsy accompanied by DD/ID, dysmorphism, autism, or other neurological signs.

Bartnik M , et al. (2012)
Cohort Size: 102

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: 100
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 790000

Deletion: 0
Duplication: 2

Total CNV: 2
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Custom Agilent 180K V8.0 and V8.1 microarrays designed by Medical Genetics Laboratories at Baylor College of Medicine
Software: BCM web-based software, IMiD-web2py
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Poland



Patients affected by DD/ID/ASD/dysmorphic features of unknown origin observed at the Stella Maris Institute (Pisa, Italy) between May 2004 & December 2011


34 cases with borderline intellectual disability, 237 cases with mixed intellectual disability, 78 cases with intellectual disability and ASD (cases referred with a provisional diagnosis of ASD evaluated with ADI-R and ADOS-G)

Battaglia A , et al. (2013)
Cohort Size: 349

Age Min: 42
Age Max: 103
Average: 72.5

Male: 50
Female: 50
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 1300000

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 2
Discovery Method:

aCGH, array SNP

Validation Method:


Platform: BACs aCGH, Agilent 44K, Agilent 180K, Affymetrix 6.0
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Italy



Cases (children referred to Guy's and St. Thomas NHS Foundation Trust, southeastern UK from pediatricians and regional hospital) from Brain and Body Genetics Research Exchange (BBGRE)


Developmental delay, ASD, speech or language delay or congenital defects

Addis L , et al. (2015)
Cohort Size: 4092

Age Min: 144
Age Max: 144
Average: 144

Male: -
Female: 100
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 1256986

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Agilent 60K
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: United Kingdom



Affected individuals from the Relating Genes with Adolescent and Child Health (REACH) cohort (362 cases from 311 families; 54 multiplex, 243 simplex) and the Simons Simplex 1 (SSC1) cohort (518 cases from simplex quad families)


REACH cohort: 285 cases diagnosed with ASD, 43 cases diagnosed with PDD-NOS, 10 cases diagnosed with ADHD, and 24 cases presenting with speech delay, epilepsy, anxiety, or other related developmental disorders that were classified as cases for bioinformatics analyses; Simons Simplex Collection 1 (SSC1) cohort: all 518 cases were diagnosed with ASD

Brandler WM , et al. (2018)
Cohort Size: 880

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: 100
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 913100

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:

PCR, array SNP

Platform: Illumina HiSeq X10 or HiSeq 2500
Software: -
Algorithm: ForestSV, Lumpy, Manta, Mobster, SV2
Geographical Ancestry: N/A



Individuals with PTCHD1 deletions (Xp22.11 locus) not previously published


Most common diagnoses: ASD or autistic features, developmental delay (DD), and intellectual disability (ID)

Chaudhry A , et al. (2014)
Cohort Size: 11

Age Min: 120
Age Max: 120
Average: 120

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 1100000

Deletion: 0
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:

Array SNP

Validation Method:


Platform: Affymetrix CytoScan HD
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Predominantly Caucasian



ASD probands from the REACH cohort and from a cohort of ASD probands with an additional diagnosis of epilepsy (NYU Medical School)


Diagnosis of ASD (autism was assessed by a clinical psychologist using the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised, the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule and the Childhood Autism Rating Scale).

Breuss MW , et al. (2019)
Cohort Size: 20

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 913100

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Illumina HiSeq
Software: SAMtools v.1.2, GATK v.3.3, Picard Tools v.1.129
Algorithm: ForestSV, Lumpy, Mobster
Geographical Ancestry: N/A



Individuals from 21 families containing 17p13.3 duplications with primary clinical diagnosis (out of 34 individuals), ascertained personally or by query of Signature Genomics, GeneDX, and DECIPHER databases


Common diagnoses/phenotypic feaures included developmental delay/intellectual disability, ASD, MCA, and dysmorphic features

Curry CJ , et al. (2013)
Cohort Size: 30

Age Min: 4
Age Max: 4
Average: 4

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 1240000

Deletion: 0
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Agilent SignatureChip OS (105K or 135K), 244K, 660K-Quad, or 105K; Oxford Gene Technology (OGT) 105K; Genome Dx 105K; Signature Genomics Laboratories BAC; Genzyme Clarisure; UNC SGLSelect 105K
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: 80% Caucasian



Primarily pediatric cases with intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD (cohort consists of 13,318 previously unpublished cases and 15,767 cases originally published in Cooper et al., Nature Genetics 2011); annotated CNVs extracted from Table 1 ("New CNVs") and Supplementary Table 2 ("Newly Significant Genomic Disorders").


Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Cohort Size: 29085

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 790000

Deletion: 36
Duplication: 68

Total CNV: 104
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: N/A
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: N/A



Consecutive patients enrolled at National Cheng Kung University Hospital (Tainan, Taiwan) from Feb 2018 to Dec 2019


Cases presented with moderate or severe developmental delay/intellectual disability (DD/ID); autism spectrum disorder (ASD) was diagnosed in 15 cases (24.6%) based on DSM-V criteria.

Chen JS et al. (2021)
Cohort Size: 61

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 1157300

Deletion: 0
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: CytoOne Array (Phalanx Biotech)
Software: MATLAB v.R2009a
Algorithm: CBS
Geographical Ancestry: Taiwan



Samples from the Autism Genome Project (AGP)


Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Cohort Size: 1892

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 1536280

Deletion: 6
Duplication: 12

Total CNV: 18
Discovery Method:

Solid phase hybridization

Validation Method:


Platform: Illumina 1M
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Caucasian



Individuals who had a Neurodevelopmental Reflex (NDR) panel ordered through Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) from January 2018 to April 2019.


Common clinical indications for patients in this cohort included autism spectrum disorder (ASD), developmental delay(DD), speech delay, intellectual disability (ID), gross motor delay, mixed receptive-expressive language disorder, epilepsy (EP), and/or dysmorphic features.

Du X et al. (2021)
Cohort Size: 511

Age Min: 48
Age Max: 48
Average: 48

Male: -
Female: 100
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 1323126

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:

Solid phase hybridization

Validation Method:


Platform: Illumina CytoSNP-850Kv1.2 BeadChip
Software: Illumina Genome Studio V2009.2
Algorithm: NA
Geographical Ancestry: United States



Children recruited through all 24 regional genetics services of the UK National Health Service and Republic of Ireland as part of the Deciphering Developmental Disorders Study


Cases affected by severe, undiagnosed developmental disorders; most common phenotypes include developmental delay, intellectual disability, specific learning disability, autism, seizures, microcephaly, and dysmorphic features.

Deciphering Developmental Disorders Study (2014)
Cohort Size: 1133

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 33
Female: 33
Unknown: 33
CNV Size: 1755770

Deletion: 2
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 3
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Agilent 2x1M, Agilent Exome+
Software: Cnsolidate, CoNVex
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: UK and Ireland



Participants recruited between 2010 and 2014 and identified through medical genetics, learning disability, and pediatric neurology clinics around Wales


All cases presented with childhood-onset epilepsy (25 with epileptic encephalopathy, 22 with non-lesional focal epilepsies, 22 with genetic generalized epilepsy with ID, 11 unclassified or unknown) and developmental delay (DD) or intellectual disability (ID)

Fry AE , et al. (2016)
Cohort Size: 80

Age Min: 240
Age Max: 240
Average: 240

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 750000

Deletion: 0
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:

aCGH, solid phase hybridization

Validation Method:

Solid phase hybridization (Illumina)

Platform: Illumina610-Quad SNP-array, Illumina OmniExpress SNP-array, BlueGnome CytoChip ISCA 8x60k v2.0 array
Software: Illumina BlueFuse Multi v3.1
Algorithm: PennCNV
Geographical Ancestry: 78 White British, 1 South Asian, 1 Mixed White/South Asian



Chinese individuals recruited from July 2014 to December 2017 from the Developmental and Behavioral Clinic at Xinhua Hospital and Shanghai Children's Medical Center


Cases diagnosed with ASD (DSM-5, ADOS, CARS)

Fan Y et al. (2018)
Cohort Size: 401

Age Min: 107
Age Max: 107
Average: 107

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 845000

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:

Array SNP

Validation Method:


Platform: Affymetrix CytoScan HD
Software: ChAS
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Chinese



ASD probands from 457 families (418 simplex, 39 multiplex) from the SPARK cohort


All cases diagnosed with ASD

Feliciano P et al. (2019)
Cohort Size: 465

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 11307

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Illumina HumanCoreExome 550K
Software: CoNIFER, XHMM
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: N/A



Samples from affected children submitted to Signature Genomic Laboratories from 2008-2010.


Developmental delay with or without congenital malformations

Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Cohort Size: 32587

Age Min: 12
Age Max: 168
Average: 106.2

Male: 2
Female: 1
Unknown: 97
CNV Size: 790000

Deletion: 45
Duplication: 98

Total CNV: 143
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:

FISH, aCGH, or confirmation by inheritance

Platform: BACs aCGH, SignatureChipOS
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: -



1979 simplex cases from the Simons Simplex Collection (SSC), 579 multiplex cases from AGRE.


Diagnosis of ASD based on meeting criteria on the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and on the Autism Diagnostic Interview, Revised (ADI-R)

Girirajan S , et al. (2013)
Cohort Size: 2588

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 1650001

Deletion: 4
Duplication: 4

Total CNV: 8
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:

aCGH (NimbleGen 135K array)

Platform: Custom microarray with a high density of probes targeted to 1,367 regions with a susceptible genomic architecture
Software: Agilent Genomic Workbench
Algorithm: ADM-2
Geographical Ancestry: NA



Children with autism ascertained from the Childhood Autism Risks from Genetics and Environment (CHARGE) study conducted through the Medical Investigation of Neurodevelopmental Disorders (MIND) Institute at UC-Davis after passing QC criteria (274 initial cases)


Diagnosis of autism confirmed by ADOS and ADI-R. Exclusion criteria: children with developmental delay but lacking symptoms and autism, as well as children with ASD as defined by the CHARGE protocol

Girirajan S , et al. (2013)
Cohort Size: 243

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 57479

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Roche NimbleGen custom targeted hotspot array comprised of 135,000 probes with higher density probe coverage in genomic hotspots (regions flanked by segmental duplications)
Software: -
Algorithm: DNA Copy Number v1.6
Geographical Ancestry: 133 European, 57 Hispanic, 27 Mixed Race, 20 Asian, 6 African-American



Cohort of 114 Thai ASD probands (68 retrospective ASD cases with the use of chromosomal microarray/CMA as a second line test; 46 prospective ASD and developmental delay cases with the use of CMA as the first-tier test)


68 cases with non-syndromic ASD (61 of which also presented with intellectual disability) were diagnosed with ASD based on meeting DSM-IV criteria for ASD, whereas an additional 46 prospective ASD and DD cases were given a clinical diagnosis of ASD based on DSM-5 criteria.

Hnoonual A , et al. (2017)
Cohort Size: 114

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 1500000

Deletion: 0
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:

Solid phase hybridization

Validation Method:


Platform: Illumina Infinium CytoSNP-850K v1.1 BeadChip
Software: BlueFuse Multi v4.3, GenomeStudio Data Analysis v.2011.1
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Thai



Cases from the International Standards for Cytogenomic Arrays (ISCA) consortium


Unexplained developmental delay, intellectual disability, dysmorphic features, multiple congenital anomalies, autism spectrum disorders, or clinical features suggestive of a chromosomal syndrome

Kaminsky EB , et al. (2011)
Cohort Size: 15749

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 1817216

Deletion: 14
Duplication: 26

Total CNV: 40
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:

FISH, qPCR, MLPA, aCGH, standard G-banded chromosome analysis

Platform: Agilent 44K, Agilent 105K
Software: Feature Extraction, DNA Analytics
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: NA



A subset of 679 unrelated subjects diagnosed with ASD or Asperger syndrome recruited from 2009-2017 by clinicians of a local expert center


Cases diagnosed with ASD or Asperger syndrome according to DSM-IV-TR criteria (evaluations based on ADOS-2, ADI-R, and/or CARS).

Husson T , et al. (2020)
Cohort Size: 253

Age Min: 60
Age Max: 132
Average: 96

Male: -
Female: 100
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 1298369

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 2
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Illumina HiSeq4000
Software: CANOES
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: France



Probands from quad families ascertained as part of the Simons Simplex Collection (SSC); CNVs detected using data from four previously published exome sequencing studies (O'Roak et al., 2011; Iossifov et al., 2012; O'Roak et al., 2012; Sanders et al., 2012)


Diagnosis of ASD. Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) used as a quantitative measure of social deficits

Krumm N , et al. (2013)
Cohort Size: 411

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 40
Female: 60
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 13107

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 2
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Whole exome sequencing platforms used in four recent publications (O'Roak et al., 2011; Sanders et al., 2012; O'Roak et al., 2012, and Iossifov et al., 2012)
Software: CoNIFER
Algorithm: DNACopy, CGHCall
Geographical Ancestry: N/A



Probands from the Simons Simplex Collection


Diagnosis of ASD

Krumm N , et al. (2015)
Cohort Size: 2377

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 63
Female: 38
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 1459893

Deletion: 3
Duplication: 8

Total CNV: 11
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:

Solid phase hybridization (Illumina 1M, 1 M Duo, or Omni 2.5)

Platform: -
Software: -
Algorithm: CoNIFER, XHMM
Geographical Ancestry: N/A



Individuals predominantly recruited from the middle of Honshu Island (Japan)


Cases were diagnosed with ASD according to DSM-5 criteria, with diagnostic and screening instruments (ADI-R, ADOS, ASQ, and SRS) used to evaluate ASD-related behaviors and symptoms in the majority of cases.

Kushima I , et al. (2018)
Cohort Size: 1108

Age Min: 228
Age Max: 552
Average: 386.4

Male: 50
Female: 50
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 822731

Deletion: 0
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: NimbleGen 720K, Agilent 400K
Software: Nexus Copy Number v.9.0
Algorithm: FASST2
Geographical Ancestry: Japanese



Individuals predominantly recruited from the middle of Honshu Island (Japan)


Cases were diagnosed with schizophrenia (SCZ) according to DSM-5 criteria.

Kushima I , et al. (2018)
Cohort Size: 2458

Age Min: 228
Age Max: 552
Average: 386.4

Male: 50
Female: 50
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 1635275

Deletion: 2
Duplication: 3

Total CNV: 5
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: NimbleGen 720K, Agilent 400K
Software: Nexus Copy Number v.9.0
Algorithm: FASST2
Geographical Ancestry: Japanese



Japanese ASD probands evaluated for copy number variation from an initial cohort of 1,236 probands before quality control.


Cases diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) according to DSM-5 criteria.

Kushima I et al. (2022)
Cohort Size: 1205

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 1167451

Deletion: 0
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: NimbleGen 720K Whole-Genome Tiling, Agilent SurePrint G3 Human CGH 400K
Software: BioDiscovery Nexus Copy Number v.9.0
Algorithm: Fast Adaptive States Segmentation Technique 2
Geographical Ancestry: Japan



Japanese bipolar disorder probands evaluated for copy number variation from an initial cohort of 1,843 probands before quality control.


Cases diagnosed with bipolar disorder (BPD) according to DSM-5 criteria.

Kushima I et al. (2022)
Cohort Size: 1818

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 1386113

Deletion: 0
Duplication: 4

Total CNV: 4
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Agilent SurePrint G3 Human CGH 400K
Software: BioDiscovery Nexus Copy Number v.9.0
Algorithm: Fast Adaptive States Segmentation Technique 2
Geographical Ancestry: Japan



Japanese schizophrenia probands evaluated for copy number variation from an initial cohort of 3,111 probands before quality control.


Cases diagnosed with schizophrenia (SCZ) according to DSM-5 criteria.

Kushima I et al. (2022)
Cohort Size: 3014

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 1635276

Deletion: 2
Duplication: 4

Total CNV: 6
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: NimbleGen 720K Whole-Genome Tiling, Agilent SurePrint G3 Human CGH 400K
Software: BioDiscovery Nexus Copy Number v.9.0
Algorithm: Fast Adaptive States Segmentation Technique 2
Geographical Ancestry: Japan



Autistic probands from 887 families from the Simons Simplex Collection (SSC)



Levy D , et al. (2011)
Cohort Size: 858

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 86
Female: 14
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 995291

Deletion: 2
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 3
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: NimbleGen HD2
Software: -
Algorithm: HMM
Geographical Ancestry: -



Dataset featuring ASD patients from the Autism Genome Project carrying de novo SHANK2 deletions previously identified by Pinto et al. 2010. CNV validation information taken from Pinto report.


1 patient diagnosed with autism, 1 patient diagnosed with PDD-NOS.

Leblond CS , et al. (2012)
Cohort Size: 2

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 13781

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:

Solid phase hybridization

Validation Method:


Platform: Illumina 1M SNP array
Software: -
Algorithm: QuantiSNP, PennCNV
Geographical Ancestry: 1 Canadian, 1 French



Children affected with ASD from 1,464 families from the Autism Genetic Resource Exchange (AGRE)


Diagnosis according to ADOS and ADI-R

Leppa VM , et al. (2016)
Cohort Size: 1764

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 82
Female: 18
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 2800000

Deletion: 4
Duplication: 5

Total CNV: 9
Discovery Method:

Solid phase hybridization

Validation Method:


Platform: Illumina 550v1 and 550v3, Omni-1.0-B and -H, Omni 2.5
Software: GenomeStudio, CNVision
Algorithm: PennCNV, QuantiSNP, GNOSIS
Geographical Ancestry: N/A



Patient cohort composed of 1158 Canadian ASD patients, 72 Austrian ASD patients, 450 Canadian schizophrenia patients, and a clinical dataset of 3704 individuals with primary diagnosis of ASD and/or seizure disorder referred for clinical microarray testing at the Mayo Clinic cytogenetics laboratory.


ASD (n=1230), schizophrenia (n=450), and ASD and/or seizure disorder (n=3704). Canadian and Austrian ASD patients met criteria for ASD diagnosis based on ADI-R and/or ADOS.

Lionel AC , et al. (2013)
Cohort Size: 5384

Age Min: 60
Age Max: 60
Average: 60

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 577852

Deletion: 0
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:

aCGH, array SNP

Validation Method:


Platform: Agilent ISCA 44K, Agilent 180K, Affymetrix 6.0
Software: Agilent DNA Analytics, Birdsuite, iPattern, Affymetrix Genotyping Console
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: NA



Study participants in the PAGES cohort, a large ongoing population-based cohort study in Sweden that started in 2012 with the overall aim to identify possible genetic and environmental risk factors for ASD.


Cases diagnosed with ASD according to ICD-9 and ICD-10 criteria.

Mahjani B et al. (2021)
Cohort Size: 996

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 67
Female: 33
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 1387949

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 2

Total CNV: 3
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Infinium OmniExpress Exome
Software: NA
Algorithm: PennCNV
Geographical Ancestry: Sweden



Patients with ASD whose electronic medical records (EMRs) were queried from April 1, 2015 through March 31, 2020 and who had at least one genetic testing result documented in their chart; study completed at the Children's Neurodevelopmental Center, Hasbro Children's Hospital, Providence, RI.


Cases diagnosed with ASD (ICD-10 code F.84), with the majority of diagnoses made using the ADOS-2 followed by CARS.

Karen Lob et al. ()
Cohort Size: 523

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 1067102

Deletion: 0
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: -
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: United States



Chinese patients diagnosed with ASD recruited from a child assessment center (Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, the University of Hong Kong) between January 2011 and August 2014.


Diagnosis of ASD made using DSM-IV-TR or DSM-V; tools such as CARS, CHAT-23 modified, ADI-R, or ADOS were used in difficult cases

Mak ASL , et al. (2017)
Cohort Size: 258

Age Min: 23
Age Max: 204
Average: 113.5

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 1160000

Deletion: 0
Duplication: 2

Total CNV: 2
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: NimbleGen CGX-135K or Agilent-CGX 60K
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Chinese



SCZ probands of Ashkenazi Jewish descent recruited nationally over a 6-year period


Diagnosis of schizophrenia based on meeting DSM-IV citeria

Mulle JG , et al. (2013)
Cohort Size: 554

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 1304875

Deletion: 0
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:

Array SNP

Validation Method:

Solid phase hybridization

Platform: Affymetrix 6.0
Software: Affymetrix power tools software v1.12.0
Algorithm: GLAD, GADA, BEAST
Geographical Ancestry: Ashkenazi Jewish



Children and young adults with ASD recruited from 26 day-care hospitals and specialized institutions within the Greater Paris region


Diagnosis of ASD based on DSM criteria, with standardized clinical assessment performed using CARS, ADOS, and/or ADI-R

Munnich A , et al. (2019)
Cohort Size: 502

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 1200000

Deletion: 0
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:

aCGH, karyotyping

Validation Method:


Platform: Agilent 60K
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: France



Cohort of ASD probands consisting of 351 trios, 24 quads, and two quintets included in a multi-center cohort.


Cases were clinically diagnosed with ASD based on DSM-V.

Miyake N et al. (2023)
Cohort Size: 405

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 415489

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:

Exome sequencing

Validation Method:


Platform: Illumina HiSeq 2000/2500
Software: XHMM
Algorithm: NA
Geographical Ancestry: Japan



Patients from the Developmental Gene Anatomy Project at Harvard Medical School (DGAP), the Developmental Gene Discovery Project at Georgia Health Sciences University (DGDP), the National Institute of General Medical Sciences Human Genetic Cell Repository (NIGMS), the Signature Genomic Laboratories Genoglyphix Chromosome Aberration Database, and DECIPHER


Predominant cohort diagnosis of developmental delay/intellectual disability and/or mulitple congenital anomalies (MCA); 5 cases with additional diagnosis of autism/ASD

Nguyen LS , et al. (2013)
Cohort Size: 57365

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 2620459

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: SignatureChip BACs aCGH, SignatureChip Oligo whole-genome microarray
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: N/A



ASD cases evaluated with chromosomal microarray (CMA) from 2008-2015


Cases assessed for ASD according to DSM-IV behavioral criteria

Oikonomakis V , et al. (2016)
Cohort Size: 195

Age Min: 144
Age Max: 144
Average: 144

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 447700

Deletion: 0
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Agilent 244K, 4x180K, or 4x180K (SurePrint G3 arrays)
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Greece



Autism Genome Project (AGP) consortium patient cohort from families with at least two ASD individuals


ASD (ADI-R and ADOS): strict, broad, or spectrum ASD

Pinto D , et al. (2010)
Cohort Size: 996

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 883361

Deletion: 0
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:

Solid phase hybridization

Validation Method:

qPCR, long-range PCR (LR-PCR), MLPA, FISH, aCGH (Agilent 1M), array SNP (Affymetrix 500K)

Platform: Illumina Infinium 1M SNP microarray
Software: -
Algorithm: QuantiSNP, iPattern
Geographical Ancestry: European



ASD probands from simplex and multiplex families collected as part of stage 2 of the Autism Genome Project (AGP) after quality control (1,604 before QC)


Cases classified according to ADOS and ADI-R

Pinto D , et al. (2014)
Cohort Size: 1359

Age Min: 24
Age Max: 110
Average: 76.666666666667

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 1406982

Deletion: 2
Duplication: 4

Total CNV: 6
Discovery Method:

Solid phase hybridization

Validation Method:

qPCR, MLPA, long-range PCR

Platform: Illumina 1M (v.1 and v.3)
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Predominantly European



ASD cases of European ancestry from AGRE retained after filtering (original cohort size of 432 cases)


Cases diagnosed with ASD

Poultney CS , et al. (2013)
Cohort Size: 299

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 57
Female: 43
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 1435673

Deletion: 4
Duplication: 2

Total CNV: 6
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Agilent SureSelect Human All Exon v.2
Software: -
Algorithm: XHMM
Geographical Ancestry: European



Samples submitted between 3/2004 and 7/2008 that had ASD as indication for study (Signature Genomic Labs, Spokane, WA)



Rosenfeld JA , et al. (2010)
Cohort Size: 1461

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 396587

Deletion: 0
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: BACs aCGH, whole-genome oligo-aCGH
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: -



Consecutive pediatric patients evaluated at Children's Mercy Hospitals & Clinics, Kansas City, MO.


Patients diagnosed with one or more of the following: developmental delay (DD), autism (ASD), seizure, dysmorphic features, or multiple congenital anomalies

Ramalingam A , et al. (2011)
Cohort Size: 1645

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 1560000

Deletion: 6
Duplication: 3

Total CNV: 9
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Agilent 244K
Software: Agilent CGH Analytics 3.2.5
Algorithm: ADM-2
Geographical Ancestry: -



Individuals with severe congenital brain malformations [agenesis of the corpus callosum (ACC), cerebellar hypoplasia (CBLH), and/or polymicrogyria (PMG)] and additional neurodevelopmental phenotypes


Diagnosis of agenesis of the corpus callosum (ACC), cerebellar hypoplasia (CBLH), and/or polymicrogyria (PMG); additional diagnoses of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), developmental delay (DD), intellectual disability (ID) and/or seizures in some patients

Sajan SA , et al. (2013)
Cohort Size: 487

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 837759

Deletion: 2
Duplication: 2

Total CNV: 4
Discovery Method:

Solid phase hybridization

Validation Method:


Platform: Illumina InfiniumII HumanHap610
Software: -
Algorithm: PennCNV
Geographical Ancestry: 81.31% Caucasian



Epilepsy patients recruited as part of a multi-center effort from Austria, Germany, Australia, and Canada; 98 patients from multiplex families (at least two affected siblings)


Cases diagnosed with rolandic epilepsy according to International Classification of Seizures and Epilepsies; 230 cases with rolandic epilepsy, 51 cases with atypical rolandic epilepsy.

Reinthaler EM , et al. (2014)
Cohort Size: 281

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 1600000

Deletion: 0
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 0
Discovery Method:

Solid phase hybridization

Validation Method:


Platform: Illumina HumanOmniExpress BeadChip
Software: Illumina Genome Viewer
Algorithm: PennCNV
Geographical Ancestry: Caucasian



Autistic probands from the Simons Simplex Collection (SSC). 872 probands in quartet families, 272 probands in trios.


ASD diagnosis: 89.5% autism; 8.5% PDD-NOS, 2% Asperger syndrome. Mean full-scale IQ 85.1 1.5 (mean verbal IQ, 81.9 1.7; mean non-verbal IQ, 88.4 1.4)

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Cohort Size: 1124

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 69
Female: 31
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 1018022

Deletion: 10
Duplication: 13

Total CNV: 23
Discovery Method:

Solid phase hybridization

Validation Method:


Platform: Illumina 1M v1, Illumina 1M v3
Software: -
Algorithm: PennCNV, QuantiSNP, GNOSIS
Geographical Ancestry: White non-Hispanic, 74.5%; mixed, 9.3%, Asian, 4.3%, White Hispanic, 4.0%, African-American, 3.8%; other, 4.2&



Father and son from a three-generation Chinese family with ASD and language delay.


Diagnosis of ASD based upon DSM-IV criteria.

Shen Y , et al. (2011)
Cohort Size: 2

Age Min: 144
Age Max: 492
Average: 318

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 32678

Deletion: 2
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 2
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Agilent 244K
Software: DNA Analytics
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Chinese



Patients with normal karyotype referred for further genetic testing from March 2012-April 2014


34 cases with ASD, 54 cases with DD/ID, 8 cases with ASD and DD/ID

Shin S , et al. (2015)
Cohort Size: 96

Age Min: 24
Age Max: 24
Average: 24

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 1047000

Deletion: 0
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:

Array SNP

Validation Method:


Platform: Affymetrix CytoScan 750K
Software: Affymetrix ChAS v.2.1, Nexus Copy Number v.7.5 (BioDiscovery)
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Korean



41 adult ASD cases (39 males, 2 females, age range of 22-33 years, median age of 27 years) recruited from a cohort of a local study on the adult outcome of children with autism with normal intelligence, and 27 pediatric ASD cases (21 males, 6 females, age range of 2-15 years, median age of 5 years) assessed in the Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine of Princess Margaret Hospital or T


Diagnosis of ASD in cases from the adult cohort was made during childhood (before the year 1990) using Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Third Revised Edition and was confirmed with the developmental, dimensional and diagnostic interview during adulthood; diangosis of ASD in cases from the pediatric cohort was confirmed using ADI-R. IQ of cases in the adult cohort was assessed by Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Third edition (WAIS-III) Chinese version. Developmental delay reported in 13/27 (52.0%) of cases in the pediatric cohort.

Siu WK , et al. (2016)
Cohort Size: 68

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 75
Female: 25
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 1160000

Deletion: 0
Duplication: 4

Total CNV: 4
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: NimbleGen CGX-135K
Software: DEVA, Genoglyphix
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Hong Kong



Unrelated patients from Croatia referred to the Department of Medical Genetics and Reproductive Health, Children's Hospital Zagreb, University of Zagreb School of Medicine


Cases diagnosed by clinical geneticists or pediatricians to have developmental delay/intellectual disability (DD/ID), ASD, congenital anomalies, or a combination of those features

Sansovi I , et al. (2017)
Cohort Size: 337

Age Min: 60
Age Max: 60
Average: 60

Male: -
Female: 100
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 1676000

Deletion: 0
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Agilent SurePrint G3 Unrestricted CGH ISCA v2
Software: Agilent Feature Extraction (v12.0), Agilent CytoGenomics (v3.0 and v4.0)
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Croatia



Patients who had undergone exome sequencing and were partially analyzed with next-generation phenotyping approaches enrolled in the TRANSLATE NAMSE prospective study at ten German university hospitals.


The majority of children were assigned to the disease category neurodevelopmental disorders (n=702, 54%); patient phenotypes were also annotated with terms of the Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) by the respective CRD physicians.

Axel Schmidt et al. (2024)
Cohort Size: 1577

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 1470001

Deletion: 0
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:

aCGH, Exome sequencing

Validation Method:


Platform: Illumina HiSeq 2500 or NovaSeq 6000
Software: ExomeDepth v1.1.10, ClinCNV v1.16.1
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Germany



Patients referred to Guy's and St. Thomas NHS Foundation Trust from region pediatricians and other health specialists, as well as from genetics centers (UK).


Range of diagnoses including developmental delay (DD), intellectual disability, ASD (~1400 patients), ADHD, specific developmental delays such as speech or language delay, or multiple congenital anomalies/birth defects.

Tropeano M , et al. (2013)
Cohort Size: 10397

Age Min: 2
Age Max: 576
Average: 122.4347826087

Male: 59
Female: 41
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 1366511

Deletion: 11
Duplication: 16

Total CNV: 27
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Agilent 60K
Software: Feature Extraction, DNA Analytics
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: 70% Caucasian, 15% African, 15% other/mixed ancestry



Cases with neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD), including ASD, referred for clinical genetic testing in the United Kingdom [n=9650; Brain and Body Genetic Resource Exchange (BBGRE)] and Canada (n=9207; the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada)


Cases present with one or more of the following reasons for referral for genetic testing: ASD (n=3541), developmental delay, neurocognitive disability, ADHD, psychoses and other behavioral abnormalities, speech/language delay, learning disability, motor delay, microcephaly, macrocephaly, structural brain abnormality, epilepsy/seizures, abnormal muscle tone, and other neurological problems.

Tropeano M , et al. (2016)
Cohort Size: 18857

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 1305048

Deletion: 0
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Agilent 60K, OGT Cytosure 4x180K
Software: Agilent Feature Extraction, Agilent Genomic Workbench, Agilent Feature Extraction v.10.7.11, OGT Cyt
Algorithm: ADM-2
Geographical Ancestry: United Kingdom and Canada



ASD probands from East African families with at least one child affected with ASD (30 simplex families, 3 multiplex families).


Cases diagnosed with ASD using ADOS, ADI-R, and DSM-V.

Tuncay IO et al. (2023)
Cohort Size: 36

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 34503

Deletion: 2
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 2
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Illumina NovaSeq 6000
Software: CNVkit, GISTIC2.0.
Algorithm: NA
Geographical Ancestry: East Africa (Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya)



Australian autism discovery cohort screened by aCGH


Autism, diagnosis based on fulfillment of DSM-IV-TR criteria

Ullmann R , et al. (2007)
Cohort Size: 70

Age Min: 42
Age Max: 228
Average: 135.6

Male: 83
Female: 17
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 1500000

Deletion: 0
Duplication: 2

Total CNV: 2
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: BACs aCGH
Software: CGHPRO
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Australian



Australian autism replication cohort screened by qPCR for 16p13.11 CNVs


Autism, diagnosis based on fulfillment of DSM-IV-TR criteria

Ullmann R , et al. (2007)
Cohort Size: 112

Age Min: 42
Age Max: 228
Average: 135.6

Male: 83
Female: 17
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 1500000

Deletion: 0
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: -
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Australian



Patients with mental retardation in a Danish cohort, which were previously used in a Kirchhoff et al. 2005 CNV study.


Mental retardation (MR)

Ullmann R , et al. (2007)
Cohort Size: 95

Age Min: 42
Age Max: 228
Average: 135.6

Male: 83
Female: 17
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 1500000

Deletion: 2
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 2
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: BACs aCGH
Software: CGHPRO
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Danish



Patient with mental retardation, born to non-consanguineous parents, that was previously reported in a Rosenberg et al. 2006 aCGH study.


Mental retardation (MR)

Ullmann R , et al. (2007)
Cohort Size: 1

Age Min: 42
Age Max: 228
Average: 135.6

Male: 83
Female: 17
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 1500000

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: BACs aCGH
Software: CGHPRO
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Brazilian



ASD patients recruited from Centers for Autism in Zagreb, Rijeka, and Split (Croatia)


ASD (according to DSM-IV criteria)

Wang LS , et al. (2010)
Cohort Size: 103

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 1164000

Deletion: 0
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:

Solid phase hybridization

Validation Method:


Platform: Illumina HumanHap550 BeadChip
Software: BeadStudio
Algorithm: PennCNV
Geographical Ancestry: Croatian



ASD patients from 132 simplex and 13 multiplex families of Polish descent


Diagnosis of ASD based on ICD-10 standards and Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) protocol. 45 cases with additional diagnosis of developmental delay /intellectual disability.

Winiowiecka-Kowalnik B , et al. (2012)
Cohort Size: 145

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 1200000

Deletion: 0
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: OLIGO V8.0 and V8.1 exon-targeted CMA (MGL/BCM)
Software: BCM web-based software, custom-designed IMiD-web2py software
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Polish



Patients recruited via the Mental Health Research Network (MHRN) at 32 National Health Service (NHS) trusts and 1 non-NHS provider across England between August 2012 and March 2014.


All cases presented with intellectual disability. Clinical data including medical and psychiatric history (ICD-10 diagnoses) was collected from an informant and/or medical records; detailed psychiatric and behavioral phenotyping undertaken using the Mini Psychiatric Assessment Schedule for Adults with Developmental Disabilities (Mini PAS-ADD) and Behaviour Problems Inventory-Short Form (BPI-S).

Wolfe K , et al. (2016)
Cohort Size: 202

Age Min: 540
Age Max: 540
Average: 540

Male: -
Female: 100
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 1724212

Deletion: 0
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Nimblegen 135K
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: 74% White British



Patients in the Dutch Caribbean referred to a visiting Dutch clinical geneticist between November 2011 and November 2019 by local pediatricians for a clinical genetic evaluation at the outpatient pediatric clinics of the Curacao Medical Center, Dr. Horacio E. Oduber Hospital (Aruba), Fundashon Mariadal (Bonaire), and St. Maarten Medical Center.


Common reasons for referral included developmental delay (DD) and/or intellectual disability (ID) (39%), with or without other anomalies, and congenital anomalies (24%); a subset of individuals also presented with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and/or seizures.

Verberne EA et al. (2022)
Cohort Size: 331

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 1271854

Deletion: 0
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: NA
Software: NA
Algorithm: NA
Geographical Ancestry: Dutch Caribbean



Discovery cohort of ASD cases recruited from the Department of Psychiatry of National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH), Chang Gung Memorial Hospital (CGMH), Taoyuan, and Taoyuan Mental Hospital (TMH), Taiwan.


Cases diagnosed with autistic disorder according to DSM-IV and confirmed by using the Chinese version of ADI-R. Cases' autistic behaviors assessed by Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS), and cognitive functions assessed by the Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Edition (WISC-III) and the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST).

Yin CL , et al. (2016)
Cohort Size: 335

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 40237

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:

Array SNP

Validation Method:


Platform: Affymetrix 6.0
Software: Affymetrix Genotyping Console v.4.1
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Han Chinese



Patients referred to the Duke Autism Genetics Clinic for clinical genetic evaluation of ASD and DD/ID from 2010-2014


66 cases with confirmed primary diagnosis of ASD (DSM-IV, DSM-5, ADOS, and ADI-R used to support ASD diagnosis), 49 cases with primary diagnosis of DD or ID (based on IQ and DQ scores).

Xu Q , et al. (2016)
Cohort Size: 115

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 1600000

Deletion: 2
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 2
Discovery Method:

aCGH, array SNP

Validation Method:


Platform: BlueGnome CytoChip v2, Affymetrix 6.0, Affymetrix Cytoscan HD
Software: Affymeytrix Genotyping Console v3.0.2
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: N/A



ASD genomes (1745 ASD probands, 879 ASD-affected siblings, 1 ASD-affected father, and 1 ASD-affected grandfather) from AGRE (n=730), the AGRE; Autism Treatment Network cohort (n=192) ,the ASD: Genomes to Outcomes Study cohort (n=1421), the Baby Siblings Research Consortium (n=43), the Baby Siblings Research Consortium; The Autism Simplex Collection cohort (n=6), the Infant Sibling Study (n=62), th


ASD diagnosis of research quality when meeting criteria on one (n=437) or both (n=1361) of the diagnostic measures ADI-R and ADOS; clinical diagnosis of ASD (n=819) when given by expert clinician according to DSM-IV or DSM-5

C Yuen RK et al. (2017)
Cohort Size: 2626

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 1891999

Deletion: 3
Duplication: 12

Total CNV: 15
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:

aCGH (Agilent 1M), array SNP (Affymetrix 6.0, Affymetrix CytoScan HD), solid phase hybridization (Illumina 1M, Illumina OMNI 2.5M)

Platform: Complete Genomics, Illumina HiSeq 2000, HiSeq X
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: N/A



Patients diagnosed with ASD from the the Department of Psychiatry, Beijing Children's Hospital, from July 2019 to May 2021.


Cases diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) according to DSM-V criteria; the two most common features of ASD cases in this cohort were intellectual disability and language delay.

Zhang Y et al. (2023)
Cohort Size: 354

Age Min: 24
Age Max: 24
Average: 24

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 1590616

Deletion: 0
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Illumina Novaseq
Software: CNVnator (v.1.2.2), BIC-Seq (v.0.7.2)
Algorithm: NA
Geographical Ancestry: China
Show all Case Details Show all Cohort Details


Clinical Profile:

Developmental delay, hypotonia

Cognitive Profile:


Addis L , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: 12 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 14954893
CNV End: 16211879
CNV Size: 1256987
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR1972-1, MIR6511B2, MIR3180-4, MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, NTAN1, NPIPP1, PKD1P6-NPIPP1, PKD1P6, NPIPA5, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, PDXDC1, RRN3, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:

Age of onset of epilepsy: 9 years. Seizure types/epilepsy syndrome: juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME). Parental phenotype: mother normal; father and brother have epilepsy.

Cognitive Profile:

Normal IQ

Bartnik M , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Epilepsy

Age: NA

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Paternal

Family Profile: Multiplex
CNV Start: 15823243
CNV End: 16198337
CNV Size: 375095
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Paternal
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, FOPNL, ABCC6, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:

Age of onset of epilepsy: 16 years. Seizure types/epilepsy syndrome: juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME). Parental phenotype: unknown.

Cognitive Profile:

Normal IQ

Bartnik M , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Epilepsy

Age: NA

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 15424607
CNV End: 16214290
CNV Size: 789684
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:

Autism: yes (autism). Epilepsy: no. Dysmorphic features: yes. Carries premutation allele at the FRAXA locus (61-62 triplets).

Cognitive Profile:

Borderline DD/ID

Battaglia A , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism and borderline DD/ID

Age: 3 yrs. 6 mos.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Paternal

Family Profile: Possible multi-generational
CNV Start: 14954894
CNV End: 16155750
CNV Size: 1200857
Validation Description: FISH or qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Paternal
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Possible multi-generational
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR1972-1, MIR6511B2, MIR3180-4, MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, NTAN1, NPIPP1, PKD1P6-NPIPP1, PKD1P6, NPIPA5, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, PDXDC1, RRN3, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:

Autism: no. Epilepsy: no. Dysmorphic features: yes.

Cognitive Profile:

Moderate DD/ID

Battaglia A , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay/intellectual disability

Age: 8 yrs. 7 mos.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Paternal

Family Profile: Possible multi-generational
CNV Start: 14850703
CNV End: 16155750
CNV Size: 1305048
Validation Description: FISH or qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Paternal
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Possible multi-generational
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR3179-1, MIR3670-1, MIR3180-1, MIR6511A1, MIR6770-1, MIR1972-1, MIR6511B2, MIR3180-4, MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, NOMO1, NTAN1, NPIPP1, PKD1P6-NPIPP1, PKD1P6, NPIPA5, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, NPIPA1, PDXDC1, RRN3, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:

Case from REACH cohort

Cognitive Profile:


Brandler WM , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 15362394
CNV End: 16275493
CNV Size: 913100
Validation Description: PCR or SNP data validation (SNP VCF)
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, NPIPA5, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, NOMO3, MYH11


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD (autism was assessed by a clinical psychologist using the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised, the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule and the Childhood Autism Rating Scale).

Cognitive Profile:


Breuss MW , et al. (2019)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 15362394
CNV End: 16275493
CNV Size: 913100
Validation Description: PCR, ddPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, NPIPA5, MPV17L, NDE1, ABCC6, BMERB1, MARF1, ABCC1, NOMO3, MYH11


Clinical Profile:

Psychiatric/behavioral disorders: ASD, mood swings, aggressive behaviors, impulsivity. Neurological features: hypotonic face, intention tremor. Dysmorphic features: prominent ears with simple and superior helices, deep set eyes, prominent upper central incisors, pointed chin, bilateral 5th finger clinodactyly. Growth abnormalities: relative microcephaly (head circumference 10th %ile).

Cognitive Profile:

Developmental/cognitive functioning: global developmental delay; mild intellectual disability (IQ 60-70).

Chaudhry A , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD, developmental delay, and ID

Age: 10 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15323173
CNV End: 16435944
CNV Size: 1112772
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MIR3179-2, MIR3670-2, MIR3180-2, MIR6511A2, MIR6770-2, MIR6511A3, NPIPA5, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, PKD1P1, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, NOMO3, NPIPA7, MYH11


Clinical Profile:

Developmental delay/intellectual disability

Cognitive Profile:

Developmental delay/intellectual disability

Chen JS et al. (2021)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay/intellectual disability

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 15037718
CNV End: 16195017
CNV Size: 1157300
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6511B2, MIR3180-4, MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, NTAN1, NPIPP1, PKD1P6-NPIPP1, PKD1P6, NPIPA5, MPV17L, CEP20, ABCC6, PDXDC1, RRN3, BMERB1, MARF1, ABCC1, NDE1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:

Presentation: failure-to-thrive, hiatal hernia. Developmental and neurological features: hypotonia. Brain imaging abnormalities: thin corpus callosum consistent with mild partial agenesis, ventriculomegaly, probable or mild cerebellar vermis hypoplasia, cerebellar tonsilar ectopia with Chiari 1 malformation, subtle basi-occipital changes. Rare phenotypes and other health problems: Marfanoid habitus, hiatal hernia, umbilical hernia, Morgagni hernia, ventricular septal defect, hemivertebrae, gastroesophageal reflux, GT, recurrent bilateral otitis media. Growth parameters: birth weight >90th %ile; weight 50th %ile, height 14th %ile, OFC 25th %ile. Ethnicity: Caucasian.

Cognitive Profile:

Mild ID

Curry CJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ID

Age: 4 mos.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 14955942
CNV End: 16194046
CNV Size: 1238105
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR1972-1, MIR6511B2, MIR3180-4, MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, NTAN1, NPIPP1, PKD1P6-NPIPP1, PKD1P6, NPIPA5, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, PDXDC1, RRN3, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:

Speech delay, low carnitine levels, language disorder

Cognitive Profile:


Du X et al. (2021)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: 4 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 14875001
CNV End: 16198126
CNV Size: 1323126
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: ABCC6, RRN3, NDE1, BMERB1, CEP20, NTAN1, MPV17L, PKD1P3, PKD1P6, MIR484, RPL15P20, MYH11, ABCC1, NPIPA5, RPL17P40, MIR1972-1, MIR3179-1, MIR3180-4, MIR3670-1, MIR3180-1, NPIPP1, MIR6511B2, MIR6506, MIR6770-1, MIR6511A1, RNU6-213P, MARF1, NPIPA1, PDXDC1, NOMO1


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 14829807
CNV End: 15154226
CNV Size: 324420
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR3179-1, MIR3670-1, MIR3180-1, MIR6511A1, MIR6770-1, MIR1972-1, MIR6511B2, NOMO1, NTAN1, NPIPP1, PKD1P6-NPIPP1, PKD1P6, NPIPA1, PDXDC1, RRN3


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 15386022
CNV End: 16254748
CNV Size: 868727
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, NOMO3, MYH11


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 15351371
CNV End: 15525217
CNV Size: 173847
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: NPIPA5, MPV17L, C16orf45


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 14769675
CNV End: 16305955
CNV Size: 1536281
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: ABCC6P2, MIR3179-1, MIR3670-1, MIR3180-1, MIR6511A1, MIR6770-1, MIR1972-1, MIR6511B2, MIR3180-4, MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MIR3179-2, NOMO1, NTAN1, NPIPP1, PKD1P6-NPIPP1, PKD1P6, NPIPA5, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, NPIPA1, PDXDC1, RRN3, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, NOMO3, MYH11


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 16504220
CNV End: 16744832
CNV Size: 240613
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 14958889
CNV End: 16305955
CNV Size: 1347067
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR1972-1, MIR6511B2, MIR3180-4, MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MIR3179-2, NTAN1, NPIPP1, PKD1P6-NPIPP1, PKD1P6, NPIPA5, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, PDXDC1, RRN3, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, NOMO3, MYH11


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 14807513
CNV End: 15933867
CNV Size: 1126355
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: ABCC6P2, MIR3179-1, MIR3670-1, MIR3180-1, MIR6511A1, MIR6770-1, MIR1972-1, MIR6511B2, MIR3180-4, MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, NOMO1, NTAN1, NPIPP1, PKD1P6-NPIPP1, PKD1P6, NPIPA5, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, NPIPA1, PDXDC1, RRN3, C16orf45, MARF1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 16126269
CNV End: 16161383
CNV Size: 35115
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: ABCC6, ABCC1


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 16168715
CNV End: 16209531
CNV Size: 40817
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 16000744
CNV End: 16068182
CNV Size: 67439
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 16526470
CNV End: 16707209
CNV Size: 180740
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 14769675
CNV End: 15368440
CNV Size: 598766
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: ABCC6P2, MIR3179-1, MIR3670-1, MIR3180-1, MIR6511A1, MIR6770-1, MIR1972-1, MIR6511B2, MIR3180-4, NOMO1, NTAN1, NPIPP1, PKD1P6-NPIPP1, PKD1P6, NPIPA5, NPIPA1, PDXDC1, RRN3


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 14807513
CNV End: 16214494
CNV Size: 1406982
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: ABCC6P2, MIR3179-1, MIR3670-1, MIR3180-1, MIR6511A1, MIR6770-1, MIR1972-1, MIR6511B2, MIR3180-4, MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, NOMO1, NTAN1, NPIPP1, PKD1P6-NPIPP1, PKD1P6, NPIPA5, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, NPIPA1, PDXDC1, RRN3, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 15022299
CNV End: 15079148
CNV Size: 56850
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: NTAN1, PDXDC1, RRN3


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 15386022
CNV End: 16198126
CNV Size: 812105
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 16490462
CNV End: 16707209
CNV Size: 216748
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 15386022
CNV End: 16269382
CNV Size: 883361
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, NOMO3, MYH11


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 16223780
CNV End: 16725420
CNV Size: 501641
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR3179-2, MIR3670-2, MIR3180-2, MIR6511A2, MIR6770-2, MIR6511A3, PKD1P1, NOMO3, NPIPA7


Clinical Profile:

CARS score 28 (mild severity)

Cognitive Profile:


Fan Y et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: 8 yrs. 11 mos.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15355840
CNV End: 16200848
CNV Size: 845009
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, NPIPA5, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:

Clinical profile N/A; CNV from Supplementary Table S13

Cognitive Profile:


Deciphering Developmental Disorders Study (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: N/A

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15017383
CNV End: 15094128
CNV Size: 76746
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: NTAN1, PDXDC1, RRN3


Clinical Profile:

Polydactyly (feet); Cerebellar hypoplasia; Feeding difficulties in infancy; Abnormality of the nervous system; Enlarged cisterna magna; Global developmental delay; Dandy-Walker malformation; Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia; Abnormality of the penis; Abnormality of the tongue; Upslanted palpebral fissure; Epicanthus; Abnormality of the lip; Abnormality of the ear; Abnormality of the umbilicus; Abnormality of eye movement

Cognitive Profile:


Deciphering Developmental Disorders Study (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: N/A

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex
CNV Start: 15400847
CNV End: 16294603
CNV Size: 893757
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, NOMO3, MYH11


Clinical Profile:

Intrauterine growth retardation; Short stature; Clubbing; Feeding difficulties in infancy; IgA deficiency; Microcephaly

Cognitive Profile:


Deciphering Developmental Disorders Study (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Microcephaly and dysmorphic features

Age: N/A

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex
CNV Start: 14711524
CNV End: 16467294
CNV Size: 1755771
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: Simplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: ABCC6P2, MIR3179-1, MIR3670-1, MIR3180-1, MIR6511A1, MIR6770-1, MIR1972-1, MIR6511B2, MIR3180-4, MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MIR3179-2, MIR3670-2, MIR3180-2, MIR6511A2, MIR6770-2, MIR6511A3, NPIPA3, NPIPA2, NOMO1, NTAN1, NPIPP1, PKD1P6-NPIPP1, PKD1P6, NPIPA5, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, PKD1P1, NPIPA1, PDXDC1, RRN3, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, NOMO3, NPIPA7, MYH11


Clinical Profile:

Clinical features: moderate-to-severe intellectual disability, ASD, challenging behavior (history of aggressive episodes). Age of seizure onset: 10 months. Epilepsy syndrome: focal epilepsy. Seizure types: febrile seizures, focal dyscognitive seizures, evolution to bilateral or convulsive seizures. Family history: family history of childhood epilepsy in the case's mother and a maternal uncle (untested).

Cognitive Profile:

Moderate-to-severe intellectual disability

Fry AE , et al. (2016)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD, intellectual disability and epilepsy

Age: 20 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Possibly maternal

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 15418717
CNV End: 16168714
CNV Size: 749998
Validation Description: Solid phase hybridization (Illumina)
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Possibly maternal
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:

Family history: both parents negative for ASD; no mental health diagnoses reported for the mother (father unknown).

Cognitive Profile:


Feliciano P et al. (2019)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 16154628
CNV End: 16165934
CNV Size: 11307
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR6506, MIR484, RNU6-213P, RPL15P20, RPL17P40, MPV17L, NDE1, FOPNL, ABCC6, C16orf45, MARF1, ABCC1, MYH11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 15408642
CNV End: 16198642
CNV Size: 790001
Validation Description: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38