Copy Number Variants / 2p16.3


Case population data
Control population data
Average Length
Associated Human Genes
Associated Mouse Models
Autism Reports
95 (89 case / 6 control)
517 (440 case / 77 control)

Deletions at the 2p16.3 locus have been observed far more frequently than duplications in autistic cohorts. CNVs at this locus are typically located within or adjacent to the NRXN1 gene.

Reports related to 2p16.3 (78 Reports)
# Type Title Author, Year
1 Major Mapping autism risk loci using genetic linkage and chromosomal rearrangements. Autism Genome Project Consortium , et al. (2007)
2 Major Structural variation of chromosomes in autism spectrum disorder. Marshall CR , et al. (2008)
3 Minor Identifying autism loci and genes by tracing recent shared ancestry. Morrow EM , et al. (2008)
4 Major Autism genome-wide copy number variation reveals ubiquitin and neuronal genes. Glessner JT , et al. (2009)
5 Major Genome-wide analyses of exonic copy number variants in a family-based study point to novel autism susceptibility genes. Bucan M , et al. (2009)
6 Major Recurrent rearrangements in synaptic and neurodevelopmental genes and shared biologic pathways in schizophrenia, autism, and mental retardation. Guilmatre A , et al. (2009)
7 Major Intragenic rearrangements in NRXN1 in three families with autism spectrum disorder, developmental delay, and speech delay. Winiowiecka-Kowalnik B , et al. (2010)
8 Minor Clinical genetic testing for patients with autism spectrum disorders. Shen Y , et al. (2010)
9 Major Deletions of NRXN1 (neurexin-1) predispose to a wide spectrum of developmental disorders. Ching MS , et al. (2010)
10 Major Functional impact of global rare copy number variation in autism spectrum disorders. Pinto D , et al. (2010)
11 Major De novo rates and selection of large copy number variation. Itsara A , et al. (2010)
12 Minor A genotype resource for postmortem brain samples from the Autism Tissue Program. Wintle RF , et al. (2011)
13 Major Copy number variation characteristics in subpopulations of patients with autism spectrum disorders. Bremer A , et al. (2011)
14 Minor Rare structural variation of synapse and neurotransmission genes in autism. Gai X , et al. (2011)
15 Minor Reduced transcript expression of genes affected by inherited and de novo CNVs in autism. Nord AS , et al. (2011)
16 Minor A 10.46 Mb 12p11.1-12.1 interstitial deletion coincident with a 0.19 Mb NRXN1 deletion detected by array CGH in a girl with scoliosis and autism. Soysal Y , et al. (2011)
17 Minor Multiple recurrent de novo CNVs, including duplications of the 7q11.23 Williams syndrome region, are strongly associated with autism. Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
18 Major Rare de novo and transmitted copy-number variation in autistic spectrum disorders. Levy D , et al. (2011)
19 Minor Identification of a functional rare variant in autism using genome-wide screen for monoallelic expression. Ben-David E , et al. (2011)
20 Major An evidence-based approach to establish the functional and clinical significance of copy number variants in intellectual and developmental disabili... Kaminsky EB , et al. (2011)
21 Major Mutations in NRXN1 in a family multiply affected with brain disorders: NRXN1 mutations and brain disorders. Duong L , et al. (2012)
22 Major Phenotypic spectrum and genotype-phenotype correlations of NRXN1 exon deletions. Schaaf CP , et al. (2012)
23 Minor The clinical utility of molecular karyotyping using high-resolution array-comparative genomic hybridization. Tzetis M , et al. (2012)
24 Minor Analysis of copy number variations in brain DNA from patients with schizophrenia and other psychiatric disorders. Ye T , et al. (2012)
25 Minor Rare copy number variants in neuropsychiatric disorders: Specific phenotype or not? Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2012)
26 Minor 2p16.3 microdeletion with partial deletion of the neurexin-1 gene in a female with developmental delays, short stature, and a congenital diaphragma... Bermudez-Wagner K , et al. (2012)
27 Major A discovery resource of rare copy number variations in individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Prasad A , et al. (2013)
28 Major Refinement and discovery of new hotspots of copy-number variation associated with autism spectrum disorder. Girirajan S , et al. (2013)
29 Minor Rare exonic deletions implicate the synaptic organizer Gephyrin (GPHN) in risk for autism, schizophrenia and seizures. Lionel AC , et al. (2013)
30 Major Identification of rare copy number variants in high burden schizophrenia families. Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
31 Major Molecular and clinical characterization of 25 individuals with exonic deletions of NRXN1 and comprehensive review of the literature. Bna F , et al. (2013)
32 Minor High rate of disease-related copy number variations in childhood onset schizophrenia. Ahn K , et al. (2013)
33 Major Identification of candidate intergenic risk loci in autism spectrum disorder. Walker S and Scherer SW (2013)
34 Minor Both rare and de novo copy number variants are prevalent in agenesis of the corpus callosum but not in cerebellar hypoplasia or polymicrogyria. Sajan SA , et al. (2013)
35 Major Chromosomal microarray analysis of consecutive individuals with autism spectrum disorders or learning disability presenting for genetic services. Roberts JL , et al. (2013)
36 Major A complex microcephaly syndrome in a Pakistani family associated with a novel missense mutation in RBBP8 and a heterozygous deletion in NRXN1. Agha Z , et al. (2014)
37 Major Etiological yield of SNP microarrays in idiopathic intellectual disability. Utine GE , et al. (2014)
38 Major Convergence of genes and cellular pathways dysregulated in autism spectrum disorders. Pinto D , et al. (2014)
39 Major Fraternal twins with autism, severe cognitive deficit, and epilepsy: diagnostic role of chromosomal microarray analysis. Imitola J , et al. (2014)
40 Minor Refining analyses of copy number variation identifies specific genes associated with developmental delay. Coe BP , et al. (2014)
41 Major A boy with dysmorphic features, intellectual disability, and biallelic homozygous deletion in NRXN1. Holmquist P (2014)
42 Minor Large-scale discovery of novel genetic causes of developmental disorders. Deciphering Developmental Disorders Study (2014)
43 Major A common cognitive, psychiatric, and dysmorphic phenotype in carriers of NRXN1 deletion. Vias-Jornet M , et al. (2015)
44 Major Performance of case-control rare copy number variation annotation in classification of autism. Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
45 Major Excess of rare, inherited truncating mutations in autism. Krumm N , et al. (2015)
46 Minor Molecular Diagnostic Yield of Chromosomal Microarray Analysis and Whole-Exome Sequencing in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Tammimies K , et al. (2015)
47 Minor RYR2, PTDSS1 and AREG genes are implicated in a Lebanese population-based study of copy number variation in autism. Soueid J , et al. (2016)
48 Minor Recurrent copy number variations as risk factors for Autism Spectrum Disorders: analysis of the clinical implications. Oikonomakis V , et al. (2016)
49 Minor The Role of mGluR Copy Number Variation in Genetic and Environmental Forms of Syndromic Autism Spectrum Disorder. Wenger TL , et al. (2016)
50 Major Frequency and Complexity of De Novo Structural Mutation in Autism. Brandler WM , et al. (2016)
51 Major Genome-wide characteristics of de novo mutations in autism Yuen RK et al. (2016)
52 Major Chromosomal microarray testing in adults with intellectual disability presenting with comorbid psychiatric disorders. Wolfe K , et al. (2016)
53 Major Whole genome sequencing resource identifies 18 new candidate genes for autism spectrum disorder C Yuen RK et al. (2017)
54 Minor Chromosomal microarray in clinical diagnosis: a study of 337 patients with congenital anomalies and developmental delays or intellectual disability. Sansovi I , et al. (2017)
55 Minor Genetic testing including targeted gene panel in a diverse clinical population of children with autism spectrum disorder: Findings and implications. Kalsner L , et al. (2017)
56 Major Paternally inherited cis-regulatory structural variants are associated with autism. Brandler WM , et al. (2018)
57 Major NRXN1 deletion syndrome; phenotypic and penetrance data from 34 families. Al Shehhi M , et al. (2018)
58 Minor Comparative Analyses of Copy-Number Variation in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Schizophrenia Reveal Etiological Overlap and Biological Insights. Kushima I , et al. (2018)
59 Minor Rare Copy Number Variations in a Chinese Cohort of Autism Spectrum Disorder Fan Y et al. (2018)
60 Major Both rare and common genetic variants contribute to autism in the Faroe Islands. Leblond CS , et al. (2019)
61 Major Impact of on-site clinical genetics consultations on diagnostic rate in children and young adults with autism spectrum disorder. Munnich A , et al. (2019)
62 Minor Exome sequencing of 457 autism families recruited online provides evidence for autism risk genes Feliciano P et al. (2019)
63 Major Rare genetic susceptibility variants assessment in autism spectrum disorder: detection rate and practical use. Husson T , et al. (2020)
64 Minor Further insight into the neurobehavioral pattern of children carrying the 2p16.3 heterozygous deletion involving NRXN1: Report of five new cases Alfieri P et al. (2020)
65 Major An increased burden of rare exonic variants in NRXN1 microdeletion carriers is likely to enhance the penetrance for autism spectrum disorder Cameli C et al. (2021)
66 Major Comprehensive Genetic Analysis of Non-syndromic Autism Spectrum Disorder in Clinical Settings Ohashi K et al. (2021)
67 Major De novo missense variants in FBXO11 alter its protein expression and subcellular localization Gregor A et al. (2021)
68 Major Cross-Disorder Analysis of Genic and Regulatory Copy Number Variations in Bipolar Disorder Kushima I et al. (2022)
69 Major Genome-wide rare variant score associates with morphological subtypes of autism spectrum disorder Chan AJS et al. (2022)
70 Minor - Bentez-Burraco A et al. (2023)
71 Major - Miyake N et al. (2023)
72 Major - Zhang Y et al. (2023)
73 Minor - Tuncay IO et al. (2023)
74 Minor Genomic analysis of 116 autism families strengthens known risk genes and highlights promising candidates Marta Viggiano et al. (2024)
75 Minor Rare heterozygous genetic variants of NRXN and NLGN gene families involved in synaptic function and their association with neurodevelopmental disorders Hamide Betul Gerik-Celebi et al. ()
76 Major FBXO11 variants are associated with intellectual disability and variable clinical manifestation in Chinese affected individuals Xin Pan et al. ()
77 Minor Next-generation phenotyping integrated in a national framework for patients with ultrarare disorders improves genetic diagnostics and yields new molecular findings Axel Schmidt et al. (2024)
78 Major Genetic Diagnostic Yield in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Epilepsy Phenotypes in Children with Genetically Defined ASD Karen Lob et al. ()
Show all Case Details Show all Cohort Details



Probands with childhood onset schizophrenia screened for 46 well-documented neurodevelopmental risk CNVs


Diagnosis of childhood onset schizophrenia (based on meeting DSM-IIR/DSM-IV criteria for schizophrenia with onset of psychosis before age of 13 years); medical or neurological disorders, or IQ under 70, were exclusionary criteria.

Ahn K , et al. (2013)
Cohort Size: 126

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 112000

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:

Solid phase hybridization

Validation Method:


Platform: Illumina Human or HumanOmni Beadchips
Software: Illumina GenomeStudio, CNVision, Nexus copy number
Algorithm: PennCNV, QuantiSNP, GNOSIS
Geographical Ancestry: N/A



Affected family members (a mother and two male offspring) from a consanguineous Pakistani family (MRQ12)


All three affected family members presented with intellectual disability (ID), epilepsy (EP), and diabetes mellitus; two also presented with microcephaly, white matter disease of the brain, hyponychia, and dysmorphic facial features.

Agha Z , et al. (2014)
Cohort Size: 3

Age Min: 468
Age Max: 864
Average: 604

Male: 67
Female: 33
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 610000

Deletion: 3
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 3
Discovery Method:

Array SNP

Validation Method:


Platform: Affymetrix 250K
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Pakistani



Cases with 2p16.3 deletions involving the NRXN1 gene identified from January 2014 to December 2015 by database review within national genetic referral centre, with additional cases whose deletion was not reported in the national genetic service identified through the Trinity College Dublin (TCD) Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders research group


94% of cases presented with speech delay, 83% presented with global developmental delay, 80% presented with intellectual disability, 60% presented with ASD, 17% presented with seizures, and 15% presented with congenital heart defect

Al Shehhi M , et al. (2018)
Cohort Size: 34

Age Min: 12
Age Max: 288
Average: 104.9696969697

Male: 62
Female: 38
Unknown: -
CNV Size: -

Deletion: 34
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 34
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:

Validation methodology N/A (report states "All results were validated in an accredited diagnostic laboratory.")

Platform: Platform N/A
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Ireland



Individuals with heterozygous NRXN1 deletions referred to the Bambino Ges Childrens Hospital for genetic, neuropsychological and neuropsychiatric assessment


All five individuals presented with developmental delay; three cases were also diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ADOS-2)

Alfieri P et al. (2020)
Cohort Size: 5

Age Min: 48
Age Max: 183
Average: 104.4

Male: 60
Female: 40
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 1302552

Deletion: 5
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 5
Discovery Method:

aCGH, solid phase hybridization

Validation Method:


Platform: Agilent Human CGH Microarray 60K, Illumina Infinium CytoSNP-850K BeadChip
Software: Agilent Feature Extraction v., Bluefuse Multi v.4.4
Algorithm: ADM-2
Geographical Ancestry: -



Individuals from 912 multiplex families (AGRE cohort)



Bucan M , et al. (2009)
Cohort Size: 3832

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 439406

Deletion: 5
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 5
Discovery Method:

Solid phase hybridization

Validation Method:


Platform: HumanHap550 V3
Software: -
Algorithm: Penn CNV
Geographical Ancestry: -



Unrelated ASD patients (ACC cohort). 54% simplex, 46% multiplex


828 diagnosed with autism, 31 with other ASDs

Bucan M , et al. (2009)
Cohort Size: 859

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 533842

Deletion: 4
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 4
Discovery Method:

Solid phase hybridization

Validation Method:


Platform: HumanHap550 V3
Software: -
Algorithm: Penn CNV
Geographical Ancestry: European



223 ASD cases (164 sporadic cases, 27 familial cases. 3 adopted, 4 family history unavailable) recruited from neuropediatric units in Stockholm County and from child & adolescent psychiatric outpatient clinics in Sweden


25 syndromic cases (dysmorphic features and/or growth disorders and/or malformations) with IQ within normal range, 45 cases syndromic with MR (IQ < 70), 60 cases non-syndromic with normal IQ, 93 cases non-syndromic with MR

Bremer A , et al. (2011)
Cohort Size: 223

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: 100
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 374000

Deletion: 2
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 2
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: BAC 33K, BAC 38K , Agilent 244K, Agilent 180K
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Swedish



Lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) from a subset of ASD subjects previously used in Yirmiya et al. 2006 AVPR1a association study.


Diagnosis of DSM IV autistic disorder (n=14) or PDD-NOS (n=3) using ADI-R and ADOS-G; average IQ 51.2 28.3

Ben-David E , et al. (2011)
Cohort Size: 17

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 1822000

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:

Array SNP

Validation Method:


Platform: Affymetrix 6.0
Software: Affymetrix Genotyping Console
Algorithm: Canary, PennCNV
Geographical Ancestry: -



9-year-old female patient with developmental delay and other features, born to father diagnosed with ADHD and early cognitive difficulties


Developmental delay (DD), short stature, and multiple congenital anomalies (MCA)

Bermudez-Wagner K , et al. (2012)
Cohort Size: 1

Age Min: 108
Age Max: 108
Average: 108

Male: -
Female: 100
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 190000

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: 105K whole-genome microarray (Signature Select v1.1; Signature Genomics/Agilent)
Software: Genoglyphix
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Caucasian



Previously unreported individuals with NRXN1 exonic deletions recruited as part of a multicenter study


Diagnosis of ASD in 65% of cases (diagnostic tools N/A). Other recurrent diagnoses: intellectual disability (91%), language delay (81%), seizures (43%), and hypotonia (38%).

Bna F , et al. (2013)
Cohort Size: 25

Age Min: 60
Age Max: 708
Average: 193.38461538462

Male: 73
Female: 27
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 1150000

Deletion: 26
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 26
Discovery Method:

aCGH, array SNP, solid phase hybridization

Validation Method:


Platform: Agilent 244K, Agilent 105K, Agilent 180K, OGT custom design 180K, Affymetrix 250K NspI, Affymetrix 250K, Affymetrix Cyto-2.7 M, Illumina 12-330K
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: N/A



ASD probands primarily referred from clinical departments at Rady's Childrens Hospital (including the Autism Discovery Institute, the Departments of Psychiatry, Neurology, and Speech and Occupational Therapy, and the Developmental Evaluation Clinic); further referrals through project website or the Autism Center of Excellence at the University of California, San Diego (11 trios)


Cases had an existing diagnosis of ASD and received a diagnosis of ASD on the basis of an evaluation by a licensed clinician.

Brandler WM , et al. (2016)
Cohort Size: 71

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 166000

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Illumina HiSeq
Software: SVtyper
Algorithm: Lumpy
Geographical Ancestry: N/A



Affected individuals from the Relating Genes with Adolescent and Child Health (REACH) cohort (362 cases from 311 families; 54 multiplex, 243 simplex) and the Simons Simplex 1 (SSC1) cohort (518 cases from simplex quad families)


REACH cohort: 285 cases diagnosed with ASD, 43 cases diagnosed with PDD-NOS, 10 cases diagnosed with ADHD, and 24 cases presenting with speech delay, epilepsy, anxiety, or other related developmental disorders that were classified as cases for bioinformatics analyses; Simons Simplex Collection 1 (SSC1) cohort: all 518 cases were diagnosed with ASD

Brandler WM , et al. (2018)
Cohort Size: 880

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 504787

Deletion: 3
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 3
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:

PCR, array SNP

Platform: Illumina HiSeq X10 or HiSeq 2500
Software: -
Algorithm: ForestSV, Lumpy, Manta, Mobster, SV2
Geographical Ancestry: N/A



Affected individuals from MSSNG cohort (1395 cases from 1187 families) and the Simons Simplex 2 (SSC2) cohort (584 cases from simplex quad families)


Cases diagnosed with ASD

Brandler WM , et al. (2018)
Cohort Size: 1979

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 489848

Deletion: 6
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 6
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Illumina HiSeq X10
Software: -
Algorithm: ForestSV, Lumpy, Manta, Mobster, SV2
Geographical Ancestry: N/A



Patient with a paternally-inherited 2p16.3 deletion affecting exons 3-7 of the NRXN1 gene.


Case presented with severe developmental delay (DD), moderate intellectual disability (ID), autistic traits (incluiding ritualized behaviors and impaired social interactions), and symptoms of ADHD.

Bentez-Burraco A et al. (2023)
Cohort Size: 1

Age Min: 96
Age Max: 96
Average: 96

Male: -
Female: 100
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 185953

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Agilent
Software: Agilent Genomic Workbench v.7.0
Algorithm: ADM-2
Geographical Ancestry: Spain



ASD probands from 89 Italian families recruited at the UOSI Disturbi dello Spettro Autistico, IRCCS Istituto delle Scienze Neurologiche (Bologna, Italy).


Cases were diagnosed with ASD (ADOS, CARS, and M-CHAT); developmental/cognitive levels were assessed with PEP-3, Leiter-R, Griffith Scales, or Wechsler Scales, while adaptive behavior was assessed with VABS.

Cameli C et al. (2021)
Cohort Size: 104

Age Min: 60
Age Max: 60
Average: 60

Male: -
Female: 100
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 811408

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Agilent SurePrint G3 Unrestricted CGH ISCA v2 8x60K, Agilent SurePrint G3 Human CGH 8x60K
Software: Agilent CytoGenomics v.
Algorithm: ADM1
Geographical Ancestry: Italy



ASD probands residing in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador, recruited from one of three developmental team assessment clinics between 2010 and 2018.


Cases met DSM-IV or DSM-5 criteria for autism spectrum disorder (ASD); all diagnoses were confirmed by ADOS assessment.

Chan AJS et al. (2022)
Cohort Size: 325

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 489847

Deletion: 2
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 2
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:

RT-PCR, qPCR, or ddPCR

Platform: Complete Genomics, Illumina HiSeq2000, Illumina HiSeq X
Software: ERDS v.1.1, CNVnator v.0.3.2
Algorithm: NA
Geographical Ancestry: Canada



Subjects referred to Children's Hospital Boston from March 2007 to Jan. 2009


Developmental disorders [autism spectrum disorders (ASD), developmental delay (DD), and/or mental retardation (MR)] or multiple congenital malformations

Ching MS , et al. (2010)
Cohort Size: 3540

Age Min: 10
Age Max: 168
Average: 70.1

Male: 40
Female: 60
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 315000

Deletion: 10
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 10
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Agilent 244K
Software: Agilent Feature Extraction V9.0, Agilent CGH Analytics V3.4
Algorithm: ADM-2
Geographical Ancestry: -



Prenatal and postnatal patients tested between Feb. 2008 and June 2012 by Signature Genomics Laboratories using aCGH platforms providing coverage over NRXN1


Most common indications for study: intellectual disability (ID), developmental delay (DD), and/or multiple congenital anomalies

Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Cohort Size: 30065

Age Min: 15
Age Max: 672
Average: 127.06451612903

Male: 54
Female: 46
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 686142

Deletion: 40
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 40
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Signature Genomics SignatureChip OS v1.0 (105K), v2.0 (135K), or v3.0 (135K) (manufactured by Agilent) or BACs aCGH
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: N/A



Primarily pediatric cases with intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD (cohort consists of 13,318 previously unpublished cases and 15,767 cases originally published in Cooper et al., Nature Genetics 2011); annotated CNVs extracted from Table 1 ("New CNVs") and Supplementary Table 2 ("Newly Significant Genomic Disorders").


Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Cohort Size: 29085

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 1110000

Deletion: 30
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 30
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: N/A
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: N/A



Autistic proband from a family multiply affected with psychiatric, neurological, and somatic disorders.


Autism, mental retardation, and epilepsy. DSM-IV diagnoses deduced using medical records and The Schedules of Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry (version 2.1, program version in interview.

Duong L , et al. (2012)
Cohort Size: 1

Age Min: 396
Age Max: 396
Average: 396

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 451000

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:

Array SNP

Validation Method:


Platform: Affymetrix 6.0
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Denmark



Samples from the Autism Genome Project (AGP)


Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Cohort Size: 1892

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 499967

Deletion: 27
Duplication: 5

Total CNV: 32
Discovery Method:

Solid phase hybridization

Validation Method:


Platform: Illumina 1M
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Caucasian



Discovery case samples derived from AGRE set 4 (most recent patient recruitment)


Idiopathic autism; cases designated as 'spectrum' and 'not quite autism' excluded, as were cases with known genetic syndromes or other non-idiopathic causes

Gai X , et al. (2011)
Cohort Size: 631

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 373015

Deletion: 9
Duplication: 2

Total CNV: 11
Discovery Method:

Solid phase hybridization

Validation Method:


Platform: Illumina Infinium II HumanHap550 BeadChip
Software: BeadStudio 3.0
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: European



Children recruited through all 24 regional genetics services of the UK National Health Service and Republic of Ireland as part of the Deciphering Developmental Disorders Study


Cases affected by severe, undiagnosed developmental disorders; most common phenotypes include developmental delay, intellectual disability, specific learning disability, autism, seizures, microcephaly, and dysmorphic features.

Deciphering Developmental Disorders Study (2014)
Cohort Size: 1133

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 14706

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Agilent 2x1M, Agilent Exome+
Software: Cnsolidate, CoNVex
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: UK and Ireland



Chinese individuals recruited from July 2014 to December 2017 from the Developmental and Behavioral Clinic at Xinhua Hospital and Shanghai Children's Medical Center


Cases diagnosed with ASD (DSM-5, ADOS, CARS)

Fan Y et al. (2018)
Cohort Size: 401

Age Min: 18
Age Max: 18
Average: 18

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 375000

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:

Array SNP

Validation Method:


Platform: Affymetrix CytoScan HD
Software: ChAS
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Chinese



ASD probands from 457 families (418 simplex, 39 multiplex) from the SPARK cohort


All cases diagnosed with ASD

Feliciano P et al. (2019)
Cohort Size: 465

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 36484

Deletion: 2
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 2
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Illumina HumanCoreExome 550K
Software: CoNIFER, XHMM
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: N/A



Replication case samples derived from AGRE sets 1-3


Idiopathic autism; cases designated as 'spectrum' and 'not quite autism' excluded, as were cases with known genetic syndromes or other non-idiopathic causes

Gai X , et al. (2011)
Cohort Size: 593

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 241327

Deletion: 4
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 4
Discovery Method:

Solid phase hybridization

Validation Method:


Platform: Illumina Infinium II HumanHap550 BeadChip
Software: BeadStudio 3.0
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: European



Individuals with 2p16.3 microdeletions affecting the NRXN1 gene with a diagnosis of developmental delay, intellectual disability, and/or autism spectrum disorder between January 10, 2019 and January 5, 2023 recruited from Balikesir Ataturk City Hospital


Cases diagnosed with ASD and/or developmental delay/intellectual disability based on DSM-5 criteria.

Hamide Betul Gerik-Celebi et al. ()
Cohort Size: 2

Age Min: 12
Age Max: 72
Average: 42

Male: 50
Female: 50
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 319712

Deletion: 2
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 2
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Illumina HumanCytoSNP-12 v.2.1 BeadChip, Agilent GenetiSure Cyto CGH 8x60K
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Turkey



Autism Case-Control (ACC) case cohort: 54% from simplex families, 46% from multiplex families


859 autism (ADI). 708 autism, 124 ASD, 27 not autism (based on ADOS)

Glessner JT , et al. (2009)
Cohort Size: 859

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 326956

Deletion: 4
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 4
Discovery Method:

Solid phase hybridization

Validation Method:

qPCR, MLPA, array SNP

Platform: HumanHap550 BeadChip
Software: -
Algorithm: PennCNV
Geographical Ancestry: European



Autism Genetic Resource Exchange (AGRE) case cohort: 5% from simplex families, 95% from multiplex families


1202 autism, 134 ASD (AGRE status). 775 autism, 171 ASD, 76 not ASD or autism (based on ADOS)

Glessner JT , et al. (2009)
Cohort Size: 1336

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 326956

Deletion: 6
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 6
Discovery Method:

Solid phase hybridization

Validation Method:

qPCR, MLPA, array SNP

Platform: HumanHap550 BeadChip
Software: -
Algorithm: PennCNV
Geographical Ancestry: European



1979 simplex cases from the Simons Simplex Collection (SSC), 579 multiplex cases from AGRE.


Diagnosis of ASD based on meeting criteria on the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and on the Autism Diagnostic Interview, Revised (ADI-R)

Girirajan S , et al. (2013)
Cohort Size: 2588

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 459281

Deletion: 7
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 7
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:

aCGH (NimbleGen 135K array)

Platform: Custom microarray with a high density of probes targeted to 1,367 regions with a susceptible genomic architecture
Software: Agilent Genomic Workbench
Algorithm: ADM-2
Geographical Ancestry: NA



ASD cases from 4 units in Rouen, Tours, and Dijon (France) and in Messina (Italy). 9.6% of cases were familial (multiplex families), 8.5% of cases were syndromic.


257 cases with autism, 3 cases with Aspberger syndrome

Guilmatre A , et al. (2009)
Cohort Size: 260

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 50
Female: 50
Unknown: -
CNV Size: <427000

Deletion: 2
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 2
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: ABI Prism 3100 sequencer (Applied Biosystems)
Software: GeneScan 3.7
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: France (231), Italy (29)



Fifth child of consanguineous Middle-Eastern parents who are first cousins; both parents, three older sisters, and a brother are all healthy and without symptoms


Severe intellectual disability, absent speech, impaired social interactions, stereotypies, failure-to-thrive, and dysmorphic features.

Holmquist P (2014)
Cohort Size: 1

Age Min: 48
Age Max: 48
Average: 48

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 170000

Deletion: 2
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 2
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: N/A
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Middle Eastern



A subset of 679 unrelated subjects diagnosed with ASD or Asperger syndrome recruited from 2009-2017 by clinicians of a local expert center


Cases diagnosed with ASD or Asperger syndrome according to DSM-IV-TR criteria (evaluations based on ADOS-2, ADI-R, and/or CARS).

Husson T , et al. (2020)
Cohort Size: 253

Age Min: 72
Age Max: 144
Average: 100

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 6167

Deletion: 3
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 3
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Agilent 180K, Illumina HiSeq4000
Software: CANOES
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: France



Individuals carrying de novo 2p16.3 deletions affecting the FBXO11 gene from an initial cohort of 23 patients with FBXO11 variants.


All four cases presented with developmental delay (DD); three cases also presented with intellectual disability (ID), while one case also presented with seizures (EP).

Gregor A et al. (2021)
Cohort Size: 4

Age Min: 46
Age Max: 204
Average: 130.5

Male: 75
Female: 25
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 96310

Deletion: 4
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 4
Discovery Method:

Array SNP, WES

Validation Method:


Platform: Affymetrix CytoScan HD
Software: NA
Algorithm: NA
Geographical Ancestry: NA



ASD probands from multiplex (n=1270) and simplex (n=60) families from AGRE collection


ASD: Autism, broad spectrum autism (Spectrum), or NQA (not quite autism)

Itsara A , et al. (2010)
Cohort Size: 1330

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 62136

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:

Solid phase hybridization

Validation Method:

aCGH (custom NimbleGen 12 X 135)

Platform: Illumina HumanHap550v1 and v3 SNP array
Software: Illumina GenomeStudio
Algorithm: HMM
Geographical Ancestry: -



Fraternal twins that were born to healthy, non-consanguineous parents presenting with biallelic deletions involving NRXN1


Diagnosis of Pitt-Hopkins-like syndrome 2; both cases presenting with autism and severe cognitive deficits, one case also presenting with atypical absence epilepsy

Imitola J , et al. (2014)
Cohort Size: 2

Age Min: 84
Age Max: 84
Average: 84

Male: 50
Female: 50
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 282000

Deletion: 4
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 4
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: N/A
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: White



Consecutive children with ASD evaluated in the Connecticut Children's Medical Center (CCMC) Autism Neurogenetics Program


All children enrolled in this study (i) had a confirmed diagnosis of ASD by a developmental-behavioral pediatrician or child neurologist experienced in ASD, (ii) scored in the full autism range on ADOS-2 and (iii) either met DSM-5 criteria for ASD or scored in the autism range on CARS-2

Kalsner L , et al. (2017)
Cohort Size: 100

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 365000

Deletion: 0
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Platform not reported
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: 52 Caucasian (not Latino), 14.5 Hispanic/Latino, 7 African-American, 5 Asian, 21 more than one race/ethnicity



Cases from the International Standards for Cytogenomic Arrays (ISCA) consortium


Unexplained developmental delay, intellectual disability, dysmorphic features, multiple congenital anomalies, autism spectrum disorders, or clinical features suggestive of a chromosomal syndrome

Kaminsky EB , et al. (2011)
Cohort Size: 15749

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 572608

Deletion: 13
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 13
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:

FISH, qPCR, MLPA, aCGH, standard G-banded chromosome analysis

Platform: Agilent 44K, Agilent 105K
Software: Feature Extraction, DNA Analytics
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: NA



Probands from the Simons Simplex Collection


Diagnosis of ASD

Krumm N , et al. (2015)
Cohort Size: 2377

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 75
Female: 25
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 408252

Deletion: 3
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 3
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:

Solid phase hybridization (Illumina 1M, 1 M Duo, or Omni 2.5)

Platform: -
Software: -
Algorithm: CoNIFER, XHMM
Geographical Ancestry: N/A



Individuals predominantly recruited from the middle of Honshu Island (Japan)


Cases were diagnosed with ASD according to DSM-5 criteria, with diagnostic and screening instruments (ADI-R, ADOS, ASQ, and SRS) used to evaluate ASD-related behaviors and symptoms in the majority of cases.

Kushima I , et al. (2018)
Cohort Size: 1108

Age Min: 168
Age Max: 828
Average: 466

Male: 17
Female: 83
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 821048

Deletion: 2
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 2
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: NimbleGen 720K, Agilent 400K
Software: Nexus Copy Number v.9.0
Algorithm: FASST2
Geographical Ancestry: Japanese



Individuals predominantly recruited from the middle of Honshu Island (Japan)


Cases were diagnosed with schizophrenia (SCZ) according to DSM-5 criteria.

Kushima I , et al. (2018)
Cohort Size: 2458

Age Min: 168
Age Max: 828
Average: 466

Male: 17
Female: 83
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 247100

Deletion: 3
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 3
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: NimbleGen 720K, Agilent 400K
Software: Nexus Copy Number v.9.0
Algorithm: FASST2
Geographical Ancestry: Japanese



Japanese ASD probands evaluated for copy number variation from an initial cohort of 1,236 probands before quality control.


Cases diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) according to DSM-5 criteria.

Kushima I et al. (2022)
Cohort Size: 1205

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 821049

Deletion: 2
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 2
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: NimbleGen 720K Whole-Genome Tiling, Agilent SurePrint G3 Human CGH 400K
Software: BioDiscovery Nexus Copy Number v.9.0
Algorithm: Fast Adaptive States Segmentation Technique 2
Geographical Ancestry: Japan



Japanese bipolar disorder probands evaluated for copy number variation from an initial cohort of 1,843 probands before quality control.


Cases diagnosed with bipolar disorder (BPD) according to DSM-5 criteria.

Kushima I et al. (2022)
Cohort Size: 1818

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 563750

Deletion: 0
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Agilent SurePrint G3 Human CGH 400K
Software: BioDiscovery Nexus Copy Number v.9.0
Algorithm: Fast Adaptive States Segmentation Technique 2
Geographical Ancestry: Japan



Japanese schizophrenia probands evaluated for copy number variation from an initial cohort of 3,111 probands before quality control.


Cases diagnosed with schizophrenia (SCZ) according to DSM-5 criteria.

Kushima I et al. (2022)
Cohort Size: 3014

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 247101

Deletion: 4
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 4
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: NimbleGen 720K Whole-Genome Tiling, Agilent SurePrint G3 Human CGH 400K
Software: BioDiscovery Nexus Copy Number v.9.0
Algorithm: Fast Adaptive States Segmentation Technique 2
Geographical Ancestry: Japan



Autistic probands from 887 families from the Simons Simplex Collection (SSC)



Levy D , et al. (2011)
Cohort Size: 858

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 43807

Deletion: 2
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 2
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:

aCGH (Agilent 244K)

Platform: NimbleGen HD2
Software: -
Algorithm: HMM
Geographical Ancestry: -



Individuals originally recruited from an epidemiological cohort targeting children born in the 10-year period from 1985 through 1994 and living in the Faroe Islands in 2002 (7-16 years, n=7,689 children) and 2009 (15-24 years, n=7,128 children) for whom DNA was available.


All case diagnosed with ASD (11 diagnosed with childhood autism based on ICD-10 criteria, 17 diagnosed with Asperger syndrome based on Gillberg criteria, and 8 diagnosed with atypical autism based on ICD-10 criteria); screening included the use of the Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire (ASSQ) followed by examination via Diagnostic Interview for Social and Communication Disorder (DISCO-10 or DISCO-11) of one or both parents and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children 3rd edition (WISC) or Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS).

Leblond CS , et al. (2019)
Cohort Size: 36

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 129800

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:

Solid phase hybridization, WES

Validation Method:

SnipPeep and XHMM plot visualizations

Platform: Illumina Infinium IlluminaOmni5-4 BeadChip, AgilentSureSelect Human All Exon V5
Software: XHMM
Algorithm: PennCNV, QuantiSNP
Geographical Ancestry: Faroe Islands



Patient cohort composed of 1158 Canadian ASD patients, 72 Austrian ASD patients, 450 Canadian schizophrenia patients, and a clinical dataset of 3704 individuals with primary diagnosis of ASD and/or seizure disorder referred for clinical microarray testing at the Mayo Clinic cytogenetics laboratory.


ASD (n=1230), schizophrenia (n=450), and ASD and/or seizure disorder (n=3704). Canadian and Austrian ASD patients met criteria for ASD diagnosis based on ADI-R and/or ADOS.

Lionel AC , et al. (2013)
Cohort Size: 5384

Age Min: 288
Age Max: 288
Average: 288

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 29973

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:

aCGH, array SNP

Validation Method:


Platform: Agilent ISCA 44K, Agilent 180K, Affymetrix 6.0
Software: Agilent DNA Analytics, Birdsuite, iPattern, Affymetrix Genotyping Console
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: NA



Patients with ASD whose electronic medical records (EMRs) were queried from April 1, 2015 through March 31, 2020 and who had at least one genetic testing result documented in their chart; study completed at the Children's Neurodevelopmental Center, Hasbro Children's Hospital, Providence, RI.


Cases diagnosed with ASD (ICD-10 code F.84), with the majority of diagnoses made using the ADOS-2 followed by CARS.

Karen Lob et al. ()
Cohort Size: 523

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 505527

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:

NRXN1 deletion/duplication analysis

Platform: -
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: United States



Cohort of ASD families (237 simplex, 189 mulitplex) recruited from the Hospital for Sick Children, McMaster Univ., Memorial Univ., and other sites



Marshall CR , et al. (2008)
Cohort Size: 427

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: 100
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 78999

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:

Array SNP, karotyping

Validation Method:


Platform: Affymetrix 500K
Software: -
Algorithm: dChip, CNAG, GEMCA
Geographical Ancestry: 90% European, 4.5% European-mixed, 4.5% Asian, 0.07% African



Affected individuals from 70 families (52 simplex, 18 multiplex) recruited by Homozygosity Mapping Collaborative for Autism (HMCA) used in CNV analysis. This cohort was selected from an original population of affected individuals from 104 families (79 simplex, 25 multiplex; 82.7% male); 88 of these pedigrees have cousin marriages.


ASD (based on DSM-IV-TR diagnoses when research scales not available in native language)

Morrow EM , et al. (2008)
Cohort Size: 94

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 236300

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:

Array SNP

Validation Method:


Platform: Affymetrix 500K
Software: dChip
Algorithm: BRLMM
Geographical Ancestry: Arabic Middle East, Turkey, and Pakistan



Children and young adults with ASD recruited from 26 day-care hospitals and specialized institutions within the Greater Paris region


Diagnosis of ASD based on DSM criteria, with standardized clinical assessment performed using CARS, ADOS, and/or ADI-R

Munnich A , et al. (2019)
Cohort Size: 502

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 250000

Deletion: 2
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 2
Discovery Method:

aCGH, karyotyping

Validation Method:


Platform: Agilent 60K
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: France



Cohort of ASD probands consisting of 351 trios, 24 quads, and two quintets included in a multi-center cohort.


Cases were clinically diagnosed with ASD based on DSM-V.

Miyake N et al. (2023)
Cohort Size: 405

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: 100
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 937293

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 2
Discovery Method:

Exome sequencing

Validation Method:


Platform: Illumina HiSeq 2000/2500
Software: XHMM
Algorithm: NA
Geographical Ancestry: Japan



Youth with ASD (as part of mother-father-child trios)



Nord AS , et al. (2011)
Cohort Size: 41

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 47962

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: NimbleGen HD2
Software: -
Algorithm: Sliding-window algorithm, ~10 kb minumum size threshold
Geographical Ancestry: 29 European American, 3 Asian American, 2 Hispanic, 2 African American, 5 unknown ancestry



ASD cases evaluated with chromosomal microarray (CMA) from 2008-2015


Cases assessed for ASD according to DSM-IV behavioral criteria

Oikonomakis V , et al. (2016)
Cohort Size: 195

Age Min: 48
Age Max: 72
Average: 60

Male: -
Female: 100
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 249800

Deletion: 2
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 2
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Agilent 244K, 4x180K, or 4x180K (SurePrint G3 arrays)
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Greece



Patients diagnosed with ASD recruited from August 2015 to December 2017 in Nagoya City University Hospital (Nagoya, Japan)


Cases diagnosed with ASD according to DSM-5 criteria and evaluated using CARS-Tokyo version

Ohashi K et al. (2021)
Cohort Size: 48

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: 100
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 414421

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Agilent SurePrint G3 Human CGH 4x160K
Software: Agilent CytoGenomics
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Japan



A similarly affected daughter and mother, both of whom carried a 2p16.3 microdeletion affecting the FBXO11 gene, from an initial cohort of 12 individuals from 5 Chinese families presenting with intellectual disability.


Both the daughter and her mother presented with global developmental delay and intellectual disability.

Xin Pan et al. ()
Cohort Size: 2

Age Min: 168
Age Max: 420
Average: 294

Male: -
Female: 100
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 1509

Deletion: 2
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 2
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: MGISEQ- 2000 platform (BGI, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China)
Software: GATK v.
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: China



Autism Genome Project (AGP) consortium patient cohort from families with at least two ASD individuals


ASD (ADI-R and ADOS): strict, broad, or spectrum ASD

Pinto D , et al. (2010)
Cohort Size: 996

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 75
Female: 25
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 231738

Deletion: 7
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 8
Discovery Method:

Solid phase hybridization

Validation Method:

qPCR, long-range PCR (LR-PCR), MLPA, FISH, aCGH (Agilent 1M), array SNP (Affymetrix 500K)

Platform: Illumina Infinium 1M SNP microarray
Software: -
Algorithm: QuantiSNP, iPattern
Geographical Ancestry: European



ASD probands from simplex and multiplex families collected as part of stage 2 of the Autism Genome Project (AGP) after quality control (1,604 before QC)


Cases classified according to ADOS and ADI-R

Pinto D , et al. (2014)
Cohort Size: 1359

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 369653

Deletion: 3
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 3
Discovery Method:

Solid phase hybridization

Validation Method:

qPCR, MLPA, long-range PCR

Platform: Illumina 1M (v.1 and v.3)
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Predominantly European



Unrelated ASD cases recruited from three Canadian sites (Hospital for Sick Children, McMaster University, and Memorial University of Newfoundland); the majority of cases had been previously genotyped with results published in Marshall et al., 2008 and Pinto et al., 2010. 20 cases from initial cohort of 696 were excluded from further analysis (due to CNVs > 5 Mb).


Diagnosis of ASD based on meeting criteria on ADI-R and/or ADOS

Prasad A , et al. (2013)
Cohort Size: 676

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 64
Female: 36
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 486832

Deletion: 11
Duplication: 3

Total CNV: 14
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Agilent 1M
Software: DNA Analytics v4.0.85 (Agilent), DNAcopy
Algorithm: ADM-2, DNAcopy (R Bioconductor)
Geographical Ancestry: Canada



Individuals with severe congenital brain malformations [agenesis of the corpus callosum (ACC), cerebellar hypoplasia (CBLH), and/or polymicrogyria (PMG)] and additional neurodevelopmental phenotypes


Diagnosis of agenesis of the corpus callosum (ACC), cerebellar hypoplasia (CBLH), and/or polymicrogyria (PMG); additional diagnoses of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), developmental delay (DD), intellectual disability (ID) and/or seizures in some patients

Sajan SA , et al. (2013)
Cohort Size: 487

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 292518

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:

Solid phase hybridization

Validation Method:

None (not tested or failure to confirm by qPCR)

Platform: Illumina InfiniumII HumanHap610
Software: -
Algorithm: PennCNV
Geographical Ancestry: 81.31% Caucasian



Consecutive patients referred with either ASD or learning disability for genetic services at the University of Kansas Medical Center from 2009-2012


ASD (n=65) or learning disability (LD; n=150); learning disability defined as developmental delay (infants & children) and/or intellectual disability (older children & adults)

Roberts JL , et al. (2013)
Cohort Size: 215

Age Min: 132
Age Max: 132
Average: 132

Male: -
Female: 100
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 96000

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: 105K or 180K oligonucleotide microarray
Software: Nexus Copy Number (BioDiscovery)
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: N/A



Autistic probands from the Simons Simplex Collection (SSC). 872 probands in quartet families, 272 probands in trios.


ASD diagnosis: 89.5% autism; 8.5% PDD-NOS, 2% Asperger syndrome. Mean full-scale IQ 85.1 1.5 (mean verbal IQ, 81.9 1.7; mean non-verbal IQ, 88.4 1.4)

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Cohort Size: 1124

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 66
Female: 34
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 513662

Deletion: 40
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 41
Discovery Method:

Solid phase hybridization

Validation Method:


Platform: Illumina 1M v1, Illumina 1M v3
Software: -
Algorithm: PennCNV, QuantiSNP, GNOSIS
Geographical Ancestry: White non-Hispanic, 74.5%; mixed, 9.3%, Asian, 4.3%, White Hispanic, 4.0%, African-American, 3.8%; other, 4.2&



Unrelated patients from Croatia referred to the Department of Medical Genetics and Reproductive Health, Children's Hospital Zagreb, University of Zagreb School of Medicine


Cases diagnosed by clinical geneticists or pediatricians to have developmental delay/intellectual disability (DD/ID), ASD, congenital anomalies, or a combination of those features

Sansovi I , et al. (2017)
Cohort Size: 337

Age Min: 72
Age Max: 72
Average: 72

Male: 50
Female: 50
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 61000

Deletion: 2
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 2
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Agilent SurePrint G3 Unrestricted CGH ISCA v2
Software: Agilent Feature Extraction (v12.0), Agilent CytoGenomics (v3.0 and v4.0)
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Croatia



Patients from original discovery case cohort that were subsequently used in chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA). Original discovery case cohort (n=933) was 80.9 % male and consisted of 461 patients recruited through Autism Consortium (AC) & 472 patients added through samples from Children's Hospital Boston DNA Diagnostic laboratory (CHB).


ASD (initial case cohort of 933 cases consisted of 447 patients diagnosed with autistic disorder, 454 with PDD-NOS, 31 with Asperger disorder, and 1 with CDD. AC Cohort: 54 patients with secondary diagnosis of mental retardation, 36 with seizures, and 16 with multiple congenital anomalies)

Shen Y , et al. (2010)
Cohort Size: 848

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 139000

Deletion: 3
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 3
Discovery Method:

aCGH, array SNP

Validation Method:


Platform: Agilent 244A, Affymetrix NspI, Affymetrix SytI, Affymetrix 5.0
Software: CGH Analytics, DNA Analytics software
Algorithm: BRLMM, CNAT4, Partek Genomic Suite
Geographical Ancestry: -



12 yr. autistic female with scoliosis referred for mild mental retardation (Dept. of Medical Genetics, Afyon Kocatepe Univ., Turkey)



Soysal Y , et al. (2011)
Cohort Size: 1

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: 100
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 191000

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: OGT CytoSure 180K
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Turkish



22 patients (out of 8051) referred to BCM MCL for aCGH analysis from August 2009-September 2010 with identified intragenic NRXN1 deletions, plus two additional patients recruited who had CMA testing at different laboratories (University of Iowa and Quest Diagnostics)


ASD (13/24), autistic features (4/24), ADHD (8/22), developmentla delay/intellectual disability (18/21), seizures (11/24), hypotonia (10/24)

Schaaf CP , et al. (2012)
Cohort Size: 24

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 67
Female: 33
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 913000

Deletion: 24
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 24
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:

FISH, PCR, DNA sequencing

Platform: BCM V8 OLIGO microarray, Nimblegen Nimblechip HG18 oligo array, ClariSure CGH BACs array
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Caucasian (n=16), Hispanic (n=5), Caucasian/Hispanic (n=1), Asian (n=1), Ashkenazi Jewish (n=1)



Autistic children; 37/41 from 35 fully analyzed families (33 simplex, 2 multiplex)


All cases fulfilled DSM-V criteria for autism

Soueid J , et al. (2016)
Cohort Size: 41

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 137000

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:

Array SNP

Validation Method:


Platform: Affymetrix 2.7M, Affymetrix CytoScan
Software: Affymetrix ChAS
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Lebanon



Individuals referred to clinical neurogenetics service with non-syndromic developmental delay and intellectual disabilities (DD/ID) or rare neurological syndromes


Cases present with non-syndromic developmental delay and intellectual disabilities (DD/ID) or rare neurological syndromes

Soueid J , et al. (2016)
Cohort Size: 35

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 0

Deletion: 0
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 0
Discovery Method:

Array SNP

Validation Method:


Platform: Affymetrix 2.7M, Affymetrix CytoScan
Software: Affymetrix ChAS
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Lebanon



Patients who had undergone exome sequencing and were partially analyzed with next-generation phenotyping approaches enrolled in the TRANSLATE NAMSE prospective study at ten German university hospitals.


The majority of children were assigned to the disease category neurodevelopmental disorders (n=702, 54%); patient phenotypes were also annotated with terms of the Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) by the respective CRD physicians.

Axel Schmidt et al. (2024)
Cohort Size: 1577

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 276924

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:

aCGH, Exome sequencing

Validation Method:


Platform: Illumina HiSeq 2500 or NovaSeq 6000
Software: ExomeDepth v1.1.10, ClinCNV v1.16.1
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Germany



ASD patients from 173 families with at least two affected individuals from AGP


Patients diagnosed with ASD based on ADI-R and ADOS

Autism Genome Project Consortium , et al. (2007)
Cohort Size: 196

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: 100
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 355300

Deletion: 2
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 2
Discovery Method:

Array SNP

Validation Method:

Karyotyping, qPCR, aCGH, array SNP, overlap with Mendelian genotype errors

Platform: Affymetrix 10K (v2)
Software: dChip
Algorithm: HMM
Geographical Ancestry: -



Patients referred for aCGH analysis from 2008-present


Cases presented with at least one of the following clinical indications: developmental delay (DD), intellectual disability (ID), dysmorphic features, unique or multiple congenital anomalies (MCA), growth disorder, behavior disorder, and/or autism (ASD)

Tzetis M , et al. (2012)
Cohort Size: 334

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 33
Female: 67
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 500000

Deletion: 2
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 3
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Agilent 244K, Agilent 4x180K
Software: Agilent Feature Extraction V9.1, Agilent CGH Analytics V4.0, Illumina GenomeStudio V2011.1
Algorithm: ADM-1
Geographical Ancestry: Greece



Patients referred for genetic evaluation for developmental delay or intellectual disability, with or without accompanying dysmorphic features, single or multiple malformations, growth disorder, behavior disorder and/or autism, and family history of ID/autism (Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey)


Developmental delay (74 cases with prominent motor delay, 86 with delayed mental milestones; 67 with both) and/or intellectual disability (18 cases with mild ID, 48 with moderate ID, 34 with severe ID); 36 cases with problems in social interactions (considered as "autistic features); 30 cases with history of at least one seizures; 89 cases with brain imaging (normal in 61 cases).

Utine GE , et al. (2014)
Cohort Size: 100

Age Min: 120
Age Max: 120
Average: 120

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 130000

Deletion: 2
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 2
Discovery Method:

Array SNP

Validation Method:


Platform: Affymetrix 6.0
Software: Affymetrix Genotyping Console v.4.0
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Turkey



Consecutively ascertained unrelated children with ASD recruited between 2008 and 2013 in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada


Diagnosis of ASD based on DSM-IV-TR criteria and confirmed by ADOS and ADI-R assessments

Tammimies K , et al. (2015)
Cohort Size: 258

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 488801

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:

aCGH, array SNP, solid phase hybridization

Validation Method:


Platform: One or more of the following: Affymetrix 6.0, Illumina Omni2.5M-Quad, Illumina 1M, Agilent 1M, Affymetrix CytoScan HD, Illumina 1M Duo, custom Agilent 4x44K, or custom OGT 4x180K
Software: Affymetrix ChAS, Agilent DNA Analytics v 4.0 or v4.0.85, Nexus BioDiscovery, Agilent Feature Extract
Algorithm: QuantiSNP, PennCNV, iPattern, DNAcopy, Partek
Geographical Ancestry: Canada



ASD probands from East African families with at least one child affected with ASD (30 simplex families, 3 multiplex families).


Cases diagnosed with ASD using ADOS, ADI-R, and DSM-V.

Tuncay IO et al. (2023)
Cohort Size: 36

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 17331

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Illumina NovaSeq 6000
Software: CNVkit, GISTIC2.0.
Algorithm: NA
Geographical Ancestry: East Africa (Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya)



Autistic probands from three families with intragenic rearrangements within the NRXN1 gene


Diagnosis of ASD made using ADOS and/or ADI-R.

Winiowiecka-Kowalnik B , et al. (2010)
Cohort Size: 3

Age Min: 48
Age Max: 432
Average: 189.66666666667

Male: 33
Female: 67
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 378998

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 2

Total CNV: 3
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:

aCGH, FISH, long-range PCR

Platform: BCM MGL/Agilent oligo aCGH (CMA V6.3 OLIGO, V6.4 OLIGO, V6.5 OLIGO)
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: NA



Autism Tissue Program: postmortem brain tissue from Harvard Brain Tissue Resource Center (HBTRC)


26 subjects with confirmed or suspected autism, 4 subjects with confirmed autism and 15q duplication, 2 subjects with epilepsy, 1 subject with 15q duplication, & 1 subject with Angelman syndrome

Wintle RF , et al. (2011)
Cohort Size: 34

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 12500

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:

Array SNP, solid phase hybridization

Validation Method:

Solid phase hybridization

Platform: Affymetrix 6.0, Illumina Human 1M-duo
Software: QuantiSNP, Affymetrix Genotyping Console
Algorithm: PennCNV, Birdsuite, iPattern
Geographical Ancestry: 31 European, 2 East Asian, 1 African



Individuals with BPD from Belgium, individuals with BPD originating from a geographically isolated population of the County of Vasterbotten (Northern Sweden), and Northwestern European individuals with BPD contacted through inpatient and outpatient services of hospitals in Aberdeen and Edinbergh, Scotland.


Bipolar disorder (BPD). Final diagnosis based on meeting DSM-IV criteria.

Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2012)
Cohort Size: 676

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 33
Female: 67
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 0

Deletion: 0
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 0
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: 50 amplicons spanning 6 selected regions (1q21.1, 2p16.3/NRXN1, 3q29, 15q11.2, 15q13.3, 16p11.2)
Software: MAQ-S (in-house MAQ software package)
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: 264 from Belgium, 305 from Sweden, 107 from Scotland



Patients recruited through specific psychiatric service in Scotland serving the needs of patients with ID who also suffer from behavioral disorders.


Intellectual disability (ID). Cases with total IQ<70 met definition of ID.

Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2012)
Cohort Size: 260

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 33
Female: 67
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 0

Deletion: 0
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 0
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: 50 amplicons spanning 6 selected regions (1q21.1, 2p16.3/NRXN1, 3q29, 15q11.2, 15q13.3, 16p11.2)
Software: MAQ-S (in-house MAQ software package)
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Scotland



Northwestern European individuals with MDD contacted through inpatient and outpatient services of hospitals in Aberdeen and Edinbergh, Scotland.


Major depressive disorder (MDD). Final diagnosis based on meeting DSM-IV criteria.

Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2012)
Cohort Size: 169

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 33
Female: 67
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 0

Deletion: 0
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 0
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: 50 amplicons spanning 6 selected regions (1q21.1, 2p16.3/NRXN1, 3q29, 15q11.2, 15q13.3, 16p11.2)
Software: MAQ-S (in-house MAQ software package)
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Scotland



Individuals with SCZ from Belgium, individuals with SCZ originating from a geographically isolated population of the County of Vasterbotten (Northern Sweden), and Northwestern European individuals with SCZ contacted through inpatient and outpatient services of hospitals in Aberdeen and Edinbergh, Scotland.


Schizophrenia (SCZ). Final diagnosis based on meeting DSM-IV criteria.

Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2012)
Cohort Size: 1281

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 33
Female: 67
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 573000

Deletion: 2
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 3
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: 50 amplicons spanning 6 selected regions (1q21.1, 2p16.3/NRXN1, 3q29, 15q11.2, 15q13.3, 16p11.2)
Software: MAQ-S (in-house MAQ software package)
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: 170 from Belgium, 543 from Sweden, 568 from Scotland



Unrelated ASD probands previously described in Lionel et al., 2011 and Pinto et al., 2010 CNV reports


Diagnosis of ASD based on gold-standard instruments including ADI and ADOS.

Walker S and Scherer SW (2013)
Cohort Size: 1491

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 83
Female: 17
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 118803

Deletion: 5
Duplication: 1

Total CNV: 6
Discovery Method:

Array SNP, solid phase hybridization

Validation Method:

Long-range PCR, qPCR

Platform: Illumina 1M, Affymetrix 6.0
Software: QuantiSNP, PennCNV, Birdsuite, iPattern, Affymetrix Genotyping Console
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: N/A



Three unrelated patients with 2p16.3/NRXN1 deletions seen at the Service for Mental Health and Intellectual Disability at the Parc Hospitalari Marti I Julia (Girona, Catalunya, Spain) and referred to the Clinical Genetics Department at the Corporacio Sanitaria Parc Tauli (Sabasell, Catalunya, Spain).


All three cases present with intellectual disability; additional diagnoses of bipolar disorder (case 1), ASD (case 2) and ADHD (case 3). Psychopathological evaluation tests: PASS-ADD, Compulsive behavior checklist, and Y-BOCS (cases 1 and 2). Cognitive evaluation tests: K-BIT, FCRO, Color Trail Test 1 and 2, PIEN-ID, BRIEF, ADOS, and Tower of London (cases 1 and 2); WISC-IV, Bayley II, and Reynell (case 3). Behavioral evaluation tests: ABC scale, ABS-RC:2 (cases 1 and 2).

Vias-Jornet M , et al. (2015)
Cohort Size: 3

Age Min: 132
Age Max: 252
Average: 208

Male: 67
Female: 33
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 627000

Deletion: 3
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 3
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Agilent 400K
Software: Agilent Workbench 5.0, Cytogenetics software, BioDiscovery Nexus 6.1
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Spain



Children with 22q11.21 deletion syndrome screened for "second hit" CNVs affecting one or more genes involving in mGluR signlaing


All 75 cases diagnosed with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11DS); 25 of these cases also present with ASD

Wenger TL , et al. (2016)
Cohort Size: 75

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 20800

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:

Array SNP, solid phase hybridization

Validation Method:


Platform: Affymetrix 6.0, Illumina HumanHap 550, or Illumina Human610-Quad v1.0
Software: -
Algorithm: PennCNV
Geographical Ancestry: N/A



Patients recruited via the Mental Health Research Network (MHRN) at 32 National Health Service (NHS) trusts and 1 non-NHS provider across England between August 2012 and March 2014.


All cases presented with intellectual disability. Clinical data including medical and psychiatric history (ICD-10 diagnoses) was collected from an informant and/or medical records; detailed psychiatric and behavioral phenotyping undertaken using the Mini Psychiatric Assessment Schedule for Adults with Developmental Disabilities (Mini PAS-ADD) and Behaviour Problems Inventory-Short Form (BPI-S).

Wolfe K , et al. (2016)
Cohort Size: 202

Age Min: 252
Age Max: 252
Average: 252

Male: -
Female: 100
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 549345

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Nimblegen 135K
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: 74% White British



ASD probands from 116 families (89 simplex, 25 multiplex, and two monozygotic twin pairs) recruited by UOSI Disturbi dello Spettro Autistico (IRCCS Istituto delle Scienze Neurologiche, Bologna, Italy)


Cases clinically diagnosed with ASD according to DSM-5 criteria and assessed using ADOS-2 and CARS-2.

Marta Viggiano et al. (2024)
Cohort Size: 144

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: 100
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 793449

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:

Array SNP, WGS

Validation Method:


Platform: Illumina Infinium PsychArray
Software: Canvas
Algorithm: PennCNV, QuantiSNP, CNVPartition
Geographical Ancestry: Italy



Samples from brains >13 years of age provided by the Stanley Medical Research Institute and the Clinical Brain Disorders Branch of NIMH


Autism (ASD), n=10; bipolar disorder (BPD), n=84; major depressive disorder (MDD), n=154; schizophrenia (SCZ), n=193

Ye T , et al. (2012)
Cohort Size: 486

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 69000

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:

Solid phase hybridization

Validation Method:


Platform: Illumina 1M Duo SNP chip
Software: Illumina GenomeStudio V2010.1
Algorithm: PennCNV, QuantiSNP
Geographical Ancestry: NA



Cases from unrelated trio families from a cohort of Canadian ASD families


Cases met criteria for ASD based on ADI-R, ADOS, and clinical evaluation

Yuen RK et al. (2016)
Cohort Size: 200

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 39498

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:

qPCR, Sanger sequencing

Platform: High-resolution microarray platform
Software: Segseq, ERDS
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: Canada



ASD genomes (1745 ASD probands, 879 ASD-affected siblings, 1 ASD-affected father, and 1 ASD-affected grandfather) from AGRE (n=730), the AGRE; Autism Treatment Network cohort (n=192) ,the ASD: Genomes to Outcomes Study cohort (n=1421), the Baby Siblings Research Consortium (n=43), the Baby Siblings Research Consortium; The Autism Simplex Collection cohort (n=6), the Infant Sibling Study (n=62), th


ASD diagnosis of research quality when meeting criteria on one (n=437) or both (n=1361) of the diagnostic measures ADI-R and ADOS; clinical diagnosis of ASD (n=819) when given by expert clinician according to DSM-IV or DSM-5

C Yuen RK et al. (2017)
Cohort Size: 2626

Age Min: -
Age Max: -
Average: -

Male: -
Female: -
Unknown: 100
CNV Size: 246499

Deletion: 5
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 5
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:

aCGH (Agilent 1M), array SNP (Affymetrix 6.0, Affymetrix CytoScan HD), solid phase hybridization (Illumina 1M, Illumina OMNI 2.5M)

Platform: Complete Genomics, Illumina HiSeq 2000, HiSeq X
Software: -
Algorithm: -
Geographical Ancestry: N/A



Patients diagnosed with ASD from the the Department of Psychiatry, Beijing Children's Hospital, from July 2019 to May 2021.


Cases diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) according to DSM-V criteria; the two most common features of ASD cases in this cohort were intellectual disability and language delay.

Zhang Y et al. (2023)
Cohort Size: 354

Age Min: 24
Age Max: 24
Average: 24

Male: 100
Female: -
Unknown: -
CNV Size: 650589

Deletion: 1
Duplication: 0

Total CNV: 1
Discovery Method:


Validation Method:


Platform: Illumina Novaseq
Software: CNVnator (v.1.2.2), BIC-Seq (v.0.7.2)
Algorithm: NA
Geographical Ancestry: China
Show all Case Details Show all Cohort Details


Clinical Profile:

Epilepsy/seizures: yes. Other features: suffered from insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus since age of 22 years. Family history: two affected male offspring with NRXN1 deletion (caseIV:5 and caseIV:6); four intellectually normal children with no congenital abnormality (one unaffected child did not inherit NRXN1 deletion; the others not tested)

Cognitive Profile:

Mild intellectual disability/learning disabilities

Agha Z , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability and epilepsy

Age: 72 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Multi-generational
CNV Start: 49982862
CNV End: 50592862
CNV Size: 610001
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Multi-generational
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Birth/neonatal history: born after 40 weeks of gestation after uneventful pregnancy; microcephaly noted at birth. Developmental milestones: started walking at age of 11 months, speaking at age of 4 years. Langauge and communication evaluation: normal speech; poor comprehension; unable to count or write; highly pitched shrill voice. Motor and musculoskeletal evaluation: normal gait. Brain imaging: accentuated white matter of cerebrum and cerebellum on brain MRI. Dysmorphic features: synophrys, prominent irregular shaped long nose, short philtrum, deep set eyes, bilateral convergent strabismus, posteriorly rotated ears, complete hyponychia of fingers and toes. Other features: hyperhidrosis. Growth parameters: symmetrical microcephaly, relatively short stature and obesity; height of 162 cm, weight of 76 kg, BMI of 27.8, head circumference of 46 cm (<-2 SD). Family history: similarly affected younger brother (caseIV:6) and mother (caseIII:2). Additional genetic information: carries homozygous missense mutation in RBBP8 gene.

Cognitive Profile:

Intellectual disability

Agha Z , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability

Age: 40 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Possibly maternal

Family Profile: Multi-generational
CNV Start: 49982862
CNV End: 50592862
CNV Size: 610001
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Possibly maternal
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Multi-generational
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Language and communication evaluation: able to speak only a few words; high-pitched and shrill voice. Behavioral/psychiatric evaluation: very aggressive behavior. Epilepsy/seizures: yes (epileptic seizures not diagnosed). EEG: not recorded. Dysmorphic features: synophrys, deeply set eyes, large prominent irregularly shaped nose, posteriorly rotated ears, hyponychia of fingers and toes. Other features: hyperhidrosis since an early age. Growth parameters: microcephaly, obesity and short stature; height of 156 cm, weight of 69 kg, BMI of 25.2, head circumference of 47 cm (< -2 SD). Family history: similarly affected older brother (caseIV:5) and mother (caseIII:2). Additional genetic information: carries homozygous missense mutation in RBBP8 gene.

Cognitive Profile:

Intellectual disability

Agha Z , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability and epilepsy

Age: 39 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Possibly maternal

Family Profile: Multi-generational
CNV Start: 49982862
CNV End: 50592862
CNV Size: 610001
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Possibly maternal
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Multi-generational
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of childhood onset schizophrenia (based on meeting DSM-IIR/DSM-IV criteria for schizophrenia with onset of psychosis before age of 13 years)

Cognitive Profile:

IQ 70

Ahn K , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Schizophrenia

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 49944520
CNV End: 50056347
CNV Size: 111828
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Ben-David E , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 49131265
CNV End: 50953285
CNV Size: 1822000
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: NRXN1, FSHR


Clinical Profile:

Motor developmental delay, language delay, seizures, hypotonia, dysmorphic features, growth -2.5 SD, sleep disturbance

Cognitive Profile:

Severe intellectual disability

Bna F , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and intellectual disability

Age: 13 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50113358
CNV End: 51263358
CNV Size: 1150001
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Lanaguge delay, seizures, dysmorphic features, normal growth, periventricular nodular heterotopia, lambdoidsynsostosis, abnormal thumb, micropenis.

Cognitive Profile:

Intellectual disability

Bna F , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and intellectual disability

Age: 11 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50767098
CNV End: 51090333
CNV Size: 323236
Validation Description: MLPA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Possible de novo
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Growth retardation

Cognitive Profile:

No intellectual disabilty

Bna F , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Other (non-ASD/-NDD)

Age: 17 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50786509
CNV End: 51076772
CNV Size: 290264
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Motor developmental delay, language delay, hypotonia, growth +3 SD, temporal arachnoidal cyst, celiac disease. 2p16.3/NRXN1 deletion inherited from father with history of depression and ASD on the paternal side of the family.

Cognitive Profile:

No intellectual disabilty

Bna F , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: 11 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Paternal

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50734778
CNV End: 51003136
CNV Size: 268359
Validation Description: MLPA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Paternal
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Motor developmental delay, langauge delay, seizures, hypotonia, dysmorphic features, normal growth, OFC +2 SD.

Cognitive Profile:

Intellectual disability

Bna F , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay/intellectual disability

Age: 25 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50279146
CNV End: 50504064
CNV Size: 224919
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Motor developmental delay, language delay, normal growth and OFC. Older brother (bena_13_ASD/DD/ID_discovery_cases-case15) also carries 2p16.3/NRXN1 deletion and 18q23 triplication.

Cognitive Profile:

Intellectual disability

Bna F , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay/intellectual disability

Age: 10 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Multiplex
CNV Start: 50577842
CNV End: 50794350
CNV Size: 216509
Validation Description: MLPA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown (not maternal)
Family Profile: Multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Motor developmental delay, language delay, normal growth and OFC, hyperactivity. Younger brother (bena_13_ASD/DD/ID_discovery_cases-case14) also carries 2p16.3/NRXN1 deletion and 18q23 triplication.

Cognitive Profile:

Intellectual disability

Bna F , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay/intellectual disability

Age: 11 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Multiplex
CNV Start: 50577842
CNV End: 50794350
CNV Size: 216509
Validation Description: MLPA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown (not maternal)
Family Profile: Multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Motor developmental delay, language delay, hypotonia, dysmorphic features, normal growth and OFC.

Cognitive Profile:

Intellectual disability

Bna F , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay/intellectual disability

Age: 6 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50817937
CNV End: 51034322
CNV Size: 216386
Validation Description: MLPA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Motor developmental delay, seizures, dysmorphic features, normal growth, limb stereotypes.

Cognitive Profile:

Intellectual disability

Bna F , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay/intellectual disability

Age: 8 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50613140
CNV End: 50829323
CNV Size: 216184
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Motor developmental delay, seizures, normal muscle tone (no hypotonia), normal growth, hyperactivity, hydrocephalus communicans, hyperacusis, hyperlaxity.

Cognitive Profile:

Intellectual disability

Bna F , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and intellectual disability

Age: 24 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50948358
CNV End: 51131884
CNV Size: 183527
Validation Description: aCGH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown (not maternal)
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Motor developmental delay, language delay, seizures, hypotonia, normal growth, OFC +1 SD, hyperactivity. Case carries inherited compound heterozygous 2p16.3/NRXN1 deletion.

Cognitive Profile:

Intellectual disability

Bna F , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and intellectual disability

Age: 10 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50882552
CNV End: 51063885
CNV Size: 181334
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Inherited
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Motor developmental delay, language delay, seizures, hypotonia, normal growth, OFC +1 SD, hyperactivity. Case carries inherited compound heterozygous 2p16.3/NRXN1 deletion.

Cognitive Profile:

Intellectual disability

Bna F , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and intellectual disability

Age: 10 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50882552
CNV End: 51283823
CNV Size: 401272
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Inherited
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Normal growth

Cognitive Profile:

No intellectual disabilty

Bna F , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: 8 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50716390
CNV End: 51331953
CNV Size: 615564
Validation Description: MLPA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Possible de novo
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Language delay, normal growth and OFC

Cognitive Profile:


Bna F , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: 12 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50873274
CNV End: 51024419
CNV Size: 151146
Validation Description: FISH, MLPA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Motor developmental delay, language delay, normal growth, OFC +1.5 SD, hyperactivity. 2p16.3/NRXN1 deletion inherited from mother diagnosed with attention deficit disorder and atypical autism (mostly impairments in social interaction).

Cognitive Profile:

Intellectual disability

Bna F , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and intellectual disability

Age: 8 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Maternal

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50816360
CNV End: 50925968
CNV Size: 109609
Validation Description: aCGH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Maternal
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Normal motor development, hypotonia, growth -3 SD.

Cognitive Profile:

Intellectual disability

Bna F , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and intellectual disability

Age: 59 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50894752
CNV End: 50999231
CNV Size: 104480
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Motor developmental delay, language delay, seizures, dysmorphic features, normal growth, hyperactivity.

Cognitive Profile:

Intellectual disability

Bna F , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and intellectual disability

Age: 15 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50393101
CNV End: 50486385
CNV Size: 93285
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Motor developmental delay, language delay, normal growth. Younger brother (bena_13_ASD/DD/ID_discovery_cases-case25) diagnosed with ASD and ID also carries 2p16.3/NRXN1 deletion, which was transmitted from a father with mild autistic features.

Cognitive Profile:

Intellectual disability

Bna F , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and intellectual disability

Age: 7 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Paternal

Family Profile: Multiplex
CNV Start: 50860892
CNV End: 51340397
CNV Size: 479506
Validation Description: MLPA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Paternal
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Normal growth. Older brother (bena_13_ASD/DD/ID_discovery_cases-case24) diagnosed with ASD and ID also carries 2p16.3/NRXN1 deletion, which was transmitted from a father with mild autistic features.

Cognitive Profile:

Intellectual disability

Bna F , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and intellectual disability

Age: 5 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Paternal

Family Profile: Multiplex
CNV Start: 50860892
CNV End: 51340397
CNV Size: 479506
Validation Description: MLPA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Paternal
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Motor developmental delay, language delay, seizures, dysmorphic features, growth -2.5 SD, OFC -2.2 SD, hyperactivity, Angelman-like symptoms

Cognitive Profile:

Moderate developmental delay, intellectual disability

Bna F , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and intellectual disability

Age: 12 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50741114
CNV End: 51352724
CNV Size: 611611
Validation Description: FISH and aCGH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Motor developmental delay, hypotonia, normal growth, OFC -1 SD

Cognitive Profile:

Intellectual disability

Bna F , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay/intellectual disability

Age: 5 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50558041
CNV End: 51087389
CNV Size: 529349
Validation Description: Array SNP
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown (not maternal)
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Language delay, seizures, dysmorphic features, growth -1 SD, OFC -1.5 SD, kyphoscoliosis. 2p16.3/NRXN1 deletion inherited from mother with learning difficulties and depression.

Cognitive Profile:

Intellectual disability

Bna F , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay/intellectual disability

Age: 26 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Maternal

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50296198
CNV End: 50765153
CNV Size: 468956
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Maternal
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Motor developmental delay, language delay, seizures, hypotonia, dysmorphic features, normal growth.

Cognitive Profile:

Intellectual disability

Bna F , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and intellectual disability

Age: 10 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50703043
CNV End: 51099359
CNV Size: 396317
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Motor developmental delay, langauge delay, normal msucle tone (no hypotonia), dysmorphic features, normal growth and OFC, hyperactivity, automutilation and aggressive behavior. 2p16.3/NRXN1 deletion inherited from mother with moderate ID and possible autistic-like features.

Cognitive Profile:

Intellectual disability

Bna F , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and intellectual disability

Age: 31 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Maternal

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50561587
CNV End: 50960161
CNV Size: 398575
Validation Description: aCGH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Maternal
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Osteogenesis imperfecta

Cognitive Profile:


Bna F , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Other (non-ASD/-NDD)

Age: 55 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50636024
CNV End: 50999696
CNV Size: 363673
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Language delay, seizures, dysmorphic features, normal growth. 2p16.3/NRXN1 deletion inherited from mother with anxiety and depression.

Cognitive Profile:

Intellectual disability

Bna F , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and intellectual disability

Age: 10 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Maternal

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50814334
CNV End: 51143323
CNV Size: 328990
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Maternal
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Birth/neonatal history: pregnancy complicated by pre-eclampsia at 18 weeks of gestation; delivery by C-section for premautre rupture of membranes. Developmental milestones: sat unsupported at 12 months, walked at 2 years, said first words at 1 year, used phrases between 30-36 months; at 8 years of age, case was 6-18 months behind her peers. Language and communication evaluation: speech delay, halting speech. Motor and musculoskeletal evaluation: hypotonia, hyperreflexia, poor coordination and balance; brachydactyly, 5th finger clinodactyly, single crease on each 5th finger, hallus valgus, small 2nd toes. Other features: medical history comprised a Morgagni-type diaphragmatic defect, patent ductus arteriosus, and umbilical hernia that were all surgically repaired, as well as failure to thrive, gastrointestinal reflux disease, astigmatism, asthma, and recurrent otitis media requiring tympanostomy tubes. Dysmorphic features: plagiocephaly, bilateral ptosis with downslanting palpebral fissures, long nose with anteverted nares, smooth philtrum, wide mouth, thin upper lip, high palate, dimples on both lateral gluteal areas and sacral area, nail hypoplasia on hands and feet. Growth parameters: short stature; height 108 cm (<3rd %ile), weight 16.8 kg (<3rd %ile), head circumference 47 cm (<3rd %ile). Family history: twin sister died at 28 days with necrotizing enterocolitis; case currently has a healthy 12-year-old sister (genetic testing results N/A); father diagnosed with ADHD, cognitive difficulties early in life, obesity, sleep apnea, left ventricular cardiomyopathy, severe asthma, astigmatism, and left-sided esotropia; paternal great-aunt and her son reportedly had mental retardation.

Cognitive Profile:

Developmental delay

Bermudez-Wagner K , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: 9 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Possibly paternal

Family Profile: Simplex
CNV Start: 50809965
CNV End: 50999092
CNV Size: 189128
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Possibly paternal
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Case had an existing diagnosis of ASD and received a diagnosis of ASD on the basis of an evaluation by a licensed clinician. Family history: NRXN1 deletion occurred de novo in unaffected mother (II-1); case has an older brother with ASD who did not inherit NRXN1 deletion (III-1).

Cognitive Profile:


Brandler WM , et al. (2016)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Multiplex
CNV Start: 50603766
CNV End: 50769367
CNV Size: 165602
Validation Description: PCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Non-syndromic ASD, sporadic case

Cognitive Profile:

MR (IQ<70)

Bremer A , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: 6

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: NA
CNV Start: 50894953
CNV End: 51063885
CNV Size: 168933
Validation Description: MLPA, FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: NA
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Non-syndromic ASD, sporadic case

Cognitive Profile:

MR (IQ<70)

Bremer A , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: 6

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: NA
CNV Start: 50882552
CNV End: 51301336
CNV Size: 418785
Validation Description: MLPA, FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: NA
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Bucan M , et al. (2009)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: NA
CNV Start: -
CNV End: -
CNV Size: 373015
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: NA
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Bucan M , et al. (2009)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: NA
CNV Start: -
CNV End: -
CNV Size: 439406
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: NA
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Bucan M , et al. (2009)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: NA
CNV Start: -
CNV End: -
CNV Size: 19979
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: NA
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Bucan M , et al. (2009)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: NA
CNV Start: -
CNV End: -
CNV Size: 152437
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: NA
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Bucan M , et al. (2009)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: NA
CNV Start: -
CNV End: -
CNV Size: 241327
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: NA
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Bucan M , et al. (2009)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: NA
CNV Start: -
CNV End: -
CNV Size: 134010
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: NA
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Bucan M , et al. (2009)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: NA
CNV Start: -
CNV End: -
CNV Size: 161199
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: NA
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Bucan M , et al. (2009)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: NA
CNV Start: -
CNV End: -
CNV Size: 256373
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: NA
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Bucan M , et al. (2009)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: NA
CNV Start: -
CNV End: -
CNV Size: 533842
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: NA
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of PDD-NOS (ADOS). Expressive & receptive language delay. Dysmorphic features: dolichocephaly (32 wk premature infant). Hemangioma on back.

Cognitive Profile:


Ching MS , et al. (2010)
Primary Diagnosis: PDD-NOS

Age: 2 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50633655
CNV End: 50772687
CNV Size: 139033
Validation Description: PCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Proximal & distal weakness, hypotonia. Chest-right mild Poland anomaly. Eczema. Family history: mother with history of joint hypermobility, osteoarthritis, mitral valave prolapse, severe migraines, & severe breast asymmetry (mother was source of 2p16.3 deletion, 15q26.3 duplication, and 17p11.2 duplication).

Cognitive Profile:


Ching MS , et al. (2010)
Primary Diagnosis: Other

Age: 8 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50654857
CNV End: 50730376
CNV Size: 75520
Validation Description: PCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Dysmorphic features: relative macrocephaly (head circumference 90%ile), cupping of left ear, frontal bossing. Open anterior fontanelle at 19 mos. Cardiac anomalies: small muscular ventricular septal defect (VSD), fenestration in atrial septum, small patent ductus arteriosus (PDA).

Cognitive Profile:

Not evaluated

Ching MS , et al. (2010)
Primary Diagnosis: Other

Age: 19 mos.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50654857
CNV End: 50720591
CNV Size: 65735
Validation Description: PCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Mild gross motor delay, hypotonia. Dysmorphic features: epicanthal folds, hypertelorism. Prominent coronal sutures, smaller bifrontal region, feet: high arches & somewhat small length

Cognitive Profile:

Not evaluated

Ching MS , et al. (2010)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: 10 mos.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50816360
CNV End: 51131743
CNV Size: 315384
Validation Description: PCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of PDD-NOS (ADOS). Expressive language delay. Hypotonia. Behavioral features: attention concerns. Normal EEG. Facial dysmorphism: down-slanting palpebral fissures, up-turned nose, mild retrognathia, pointed chin. Famiyl history: socially akward father (source of 2p16.3 deletion).

Cognitive Profile:

WPPSI-III: Verbal IQ, 77; Performance IQ, 98 (testing at 4 yrs.)

Ching MS , et al. (2010)
Primary Diagnosis: PDD-NOS

Age: 4 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50856272
CNV End: 51087292
CNV Size: 231021
Validation Description: PCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

6 month receptive language delay. Curved 2nd toes, incomplete fusion of ring of 1st cervical vertebra. Narrowed aortic arch, 2 ventricular septal defects (VSDs)

Cognitive Profile:


Ching MS , et al. (2010)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: 6 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50839440
CNV End: 50978827
CNV Size: 139388
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of PDD-NOS (ADOS). Expressive language delay. Motor coordination disorder. No dysmorphic features. Bilateral hip dysplasia. Prolonged correct QT interval (QTc, 457 ms; normal < 440 ms), hemagomia. Family history: mother with history of language delay & social skills difficulties (mother was source of 2p16.3 deletion).

Cognitive Profile:

Bayley II Mental Scale 91, 29 mos. (age at testing, 31 mos.)

Ching MS , et al. (2010)
Primary Diagnosis: PDD-NOS

Age: 7 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50978768
CNV End: 51235754
CNV Size: 256987
Validation Description: PCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of autism (ADOS). Expressive & receptive language delay. Hyperactivity. Normal EEG. Dysmorphic features: slightly deep set eyes, large ears.

Cognitive Profile:

Mental retardation. Stanford-Binet 5th edition: Full-scale IQ, 47; Verbal IQ, 46; Non-verbal IQ, 53.

Ching MS , et al. (2010)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism + mental retardation

Age: 14 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 51009862
CNV End: 51131743
CNV Size: 121882
Validation Description: PCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Expressive & receptive language delay. Behavioral features: inattention, fidgety, disorganized. Dysmorphic features: long face, malar hypoplasia, prominent tubular nose with pointed nasal tip, hypoplastic alae nase, long flat philtrum, thin vermilion, prominent chin, long slender fingers, thin toes.

Cognitive Profile:

Mental retardation. WISC-IV: Verbal Comprehension Index, 67; Perceptual Reasoning Index, 63; Working Memory Index, 59; Processing Speed Index, 75; Full-scale IQ, 58 (testing at 11 yrs.)

Ching MS , et al. (2010)
Primary Diagnosis: Mental retardation

Age: 11 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50442250
CNV End: 50747125
CNV Size: 304876
Validation Description: PCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Expressive & receptive language delay. Hypotonia. Behavioral features: impulsivity & inattention. Dysmorphic features: low nasal bridge, small jaw, very smooth philtrum, slightly flat mid-face and prominent cheeks. Mild clinodactyly & uneven digit lengths.

Cognitive Profile:


Ching MS , et al. (2010)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: 4 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50608638
CNV End: 50772687
CNV Size: 164050
Validation Description: PCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Inherited
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Inherited
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Inherited
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Inherited
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Inherited
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Inherited
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Inherited
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Inherited
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability, developmental delay, and/or ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: pervasive developmental disorder (PDD). Neurological features: IQ 76, speech delay, tic disorder, hypotonia. Behavioral features: pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS), ADHD. Dysmorphic features: prominent forehead, deep-set eyes, upslanting palpebral fissures, prominent nose with broad tip, high palate, maxillary hypoplasia, underbite. Ophthalmologic features: retinopathy. Skeletal/joint features: ligamentous laxity, hammertoes. Other anomalies: none. Growth parameters: height 27th %ile; weight 25th %ile; OFC 80th %ile. Family history: adopted.

Cognitive Profile:

IQ 76

Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: PDD-NOS and ADHD

Age: 8 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50910263
CNV End: 51108604
CNV Size: 198342
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: cystic hygroma, hydrops, micrognathia. Dysmorphic features: prominent eyes, ridge coronal suture, micrognathia, webbed neck. Other anomalies: septated cystic hygroma, hydrops, peripheral branch pulmonic stenosis; deceased (sepsis). Family history: father with 2p16.3/NRXN1 deletion is healthy.

Cognitive Profile:


Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: MCA and premature death

Age: Prenatal

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50908507
CNV End: 51097510
CNV Size: 189004
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: mild intellectual disability, hearing loss. Neurological features: mild ID, speech delay, hypotonia, hearing loss (due to infection). Behavioral features: attention deficit disorder (ADD). Dysmorphic features: deep-set eyes, short palpebral fissures, midface hypoplasia, bulbous nose, irregular teeth, protruding & malformed ears. Ophthalmologic features: strabismus. Skeletal/joint features: none. Other anomalies: allergies. Growth parameters: height 50th-75th %ile; weight 50th-75th %ile; OFC 50th %ile. Family history: mother with 2p16.3/NRXN1 deletion has bipolar disorder; paternal family history of learning disabilities.

Cognitive Profile:

Mild intellectual disability

Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability

Age: 13 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50809965
CNV End: 51087292
CNV Size: 277328
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: developmental delay, epilepsy.

Cognitive Profile:

Developmental delay

Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay and epilepsy

Age: 7 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50847379
CNV End: 51077228
CNV Size: 229850
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: congenital heart defect. Neurological features: hypotonia, white matter injury. Behavioral features: N/A. Dysmorphic features: upslanting palpebral fissures, narrow nose. Ophthalmologic features: none. Skeletal/joint features: none. Other anomalies: failure to thrive, hypoplastic right heart, atrial septal defect, absent plumonary valve, tricuspid stenosis, pulomnary atresia, grade II vesicoureteral reflux, chronic lung disease, hepatomegaly, small gall bladder, hyperbilirubinemia. Growth parameters: height <3rd %ile; weight 3rd %ile; OFC 3rd-10th %ile. Family history: N/A.

Cognitive Profile:


Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: MCA

Age: 0 mos.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50819858
CNV End: 51077228
CNV Size: 257371
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: epilepsy.

Cognitive Profile:


Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Epilepsy

Age: 12 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50918507
CNV End: 51050275
CNV Size: 131769
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: developmental delay/intellectual disability, hypotonia, dysmorphic features. Neurological features: developmental delay, hypotonia. Behavioral features: none. Dysmorphic features: epicanthal folds, wide nasal bridge, minor hypertrichosis. Ophthalmologic features: none. Skeletal/joint features: mildly short 4th metacarpals. Other anomalies: none. Growth parameters: height 50th %ile; weight 25th-50th %ile; OFC <3rd %ile. Family history: non-contributory.

Cognitive Profile:

Developmental delay

Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: 5 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50847379
CNV End: 51043935
CNV Size: 196557
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: developmental delay. Neurological features: global developmental delay, has 3-4-word sentences, hyperintense signal in splenium of corpus callosum. Behavioral features: none. Dysmorphic features: none. Ophthalmologic features: none. Skeletal/joint features: none. Other anomalies: unilateral cryptorchidism. Growth parameters: height 10th-25th %ile; weight 25th-50th %ile; OFC 50th-75th %ile. Family history: three brothers (not tested) with speech delay.

Cognitive Profile:

Global developmental delay

Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: 6 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Multiplex
CNV Start: 50819858
CNV End: 51043935
CNV Size: 224078
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: severe intellectual disability, pervasive developmental disorder (PDD). Neurological features: severe ID, childhood seizures. Behavioral features: pervasive developmental disorder (PDD), self-injurious. Dysmorphic features: large chin, narrow palate. Ophthalmologic features: congenital cataract, anisocoria. Skeletal/joint features: brachydactyly. Other anomalies: none. Growth parameters: height <3rd %ile; weight 10th %ile; OFC 25th-50th %ile. Family history: non-contributory.

Cognitive Profile:


Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability and PDD

Age: 56 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50584244
CNV End: 51169783
CNV Size: 585540
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: developmental delay, ASD. Neurological features:.

Cognitive Profile:


Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and developmental delay

Age: 22 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50819858
CNV End: 50939915
CNV Size: 120058
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: multiple congenital anomalies.

Cognitive Profile:


Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: MCA

Age: 0 mos.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50819858
CNV End: 50969109
CNV Size: 149252
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: developmental delay, dysmorphic features. Neurological features: developmental delay, absent speech, hearing loss ("glue ear"). Behavioral features: none. Dysmorphic features: round cranial vault, displaced hair whorl, deep-set eyes, midface hypoplasia. Ophthalmologic features: none. Skeletal/joint features: arm & leg rhizomelia, leg length discrepancy. Other anomalies: none. Growth parameters: height 50th-70th %ile; weight 50th-75th %ile; OFC N/A. Family history: father with 2p16.3/NRXN1 deletion has type 1 diabetes.

Cognitive Profile:

Developmental delay

Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: 21 mos.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50939792
CNV End: 51029332
CNV Size: 89541
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: developmental delay, ASD. Neurological features: global developmental delay, posturing, toe walking. Behavioral features: ASD. Dysmorphic features: none. Ophthalmologic features: none. Skeletal/joint features: none. Other anomalies: none. Growth parameters: height 90th-97th %ile; weight 90th-97th %ile; OFC 90th-97th %ile. Family history: mother (not tested) with anxiety; maternal and paternal history of OCD.

Cognitive Profile:

Global developmental delay

Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and developmental delay

Age: 6 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50908567
CNV End: 51003857
CNV Size: 95291
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: cystic hygroma, shortened upper limbs, fetal demise. Skeletal/joint features: limbs fixed in flexion. Other anomalies: large cystic hygroma; demise at 15 weeks gestation. Family history: father with 2p16.3/NRXN1 deletion is healthy.

Cognitive Profile:


Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: MCA and premature death

Age: Prenatal

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50908507
CNV End: 51003857
CNV Size: 95351
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: hypotonia, encephalopathy.

Cognitive Profile:


Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Hypotonia and encephalopathy

Age: 12 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50754974
CNV End: 50999091
CNV Size: 244118
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: multiple disabilities.

Cognitive Profile:


Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Multiple disabilities

Age: 9 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50548751
CNV End: 50999091
CNV Size: 450341
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: developmental delay. Neurological features: developmental delay, hypotonia, myoclonic choreiform movements, normal EEG. Behavioral features: short attention span. Dysmorphic features: midface hypoplasia, depressed nasal bridge, low posterior hairline, hypo-/hyperpigmentation patterns. Ophthalmologic features: strabismus. Skeletal/joint features: none. Other anomalies: none. Growth parameters: height 10th-25th %ile; weight 5th %ile; OFC 50th %ile. Family history: mother (not tested) with learning disability.

Cognitive Profile:

Developmental delay

Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: 15 mos.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50548751
CNV End: 50915770
CNV Size: 367020
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: abnormal ultrasound.

Cognitive Profile:


Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Abnormal ultrasound

Age: Prenatal

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50599682
CNV End: 50840490
CNV Size: 240809
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: ASD. Neurological features: developmental delay, minimal speech, generalized seizure disorder. Behavioral features: Autism. Dysmorphic features: midface hypoplasia, underbite, widely spaced teeth, eversion of upper lip, prominent ears. Ophthalmologic features: none. Skeletal/joint features: none. Other anomalies: cardiomegaly, resolved (twin-twin transfusion); allergies, anemia. Growth parameters: height 10th-25th %ile; weight 10th-25th %ile; OFC 25th-50th %ile. Family history: identical twin brother with 2p16.3/NRXN1 deletion has developmental delay and PDD; father (no deletion) with ADHD; paternal family history of seizures.

Cognitive Profile:

Developmental delay

Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and developmental delay

Age: 11 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Multiplex
CNV Start: 50422503
CNV End: 50784427
CNV Size: 361925
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: Multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: dysmorphic features, ASD. Neurological features: global developmental delay, hypotonia, abnormal periventricular white matter, tortuous optic nerves. Behavioral features: Autism. Dysmorphic features: frontal hair upsweep, facial hemangioma, flat midface, wide nasal bridge, bulbous nose, small jaw, supernumerary incisor, posteriorly rotated ears, hypoplastic nails. Ophthalmologic features: esotropia. Skeletal/joint features: pes planus, tapered fingers. Other anomalies: failure to thrive in infancy, heart murmur, echo, laryngeal stenosis, inguinal hernias, asthma. Growth parameters: height 5th; weight 70th; OFC 45th. Family history: mother with 2p16.3/NRXN1 deletion is healthy, although has short attention span; maternal family history of learning disabilities; maternal and paternal family history of neuropsychiatric disease.

Cognitive Profile:

Global developmental delay; IQ 47

Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and developmental delay

Age: 12 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50400005
CNV End: 50519720
CNV Size: 119716
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: pervasive developmental disorder (PDD). Neurological features: none. Behavioral features: PDD, attention deficit disorder (ADD), aggression. Dysmorphic features: midface hypoplasia, shirt nose, micrognathia, high palate, smooth philtrum. Ophthalmologic features: blepharophimosis. Skeletal/joint features: brachydactyly, especially thumbs; pes planus. Other anomalies: generalized lymphedema, constipation. Growth parameters: height 50th-75th %ile; weight 75th-90th %ile; OFC 25th-50th %ile. Family history: mother (not tested) with anxiety, paternal cousin (not tested) with Asperger syndrome.

Cognitive Profile:

Developmental delay

Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: 5 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50599682
CNV End: 50639824
CNV Size: 40143
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: encephalopathy.

Cognitive Profile:


Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Encephalopathy

Age: 5 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50539493
CNV End: 50570028
CNV Size: 30536
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: multiple congenital anomalies. Neurological features: low average motor skills, hypotonia. Behavioral features: tantrums. Dysmorphic features: plagiocephaly, broad forehead, short nose, smooth philtrum, micrognathia, thin upper lip, earlobe creases. Ophthalmologic features: blepharophimosis. Skeletal/joint features: overlapping 3rd/4th toes. Other anomalies: failure to thrive, diastasis recti. Growth parameters: height 50th %ile; weight 97th %ile; OFC >97th %ile. Family history: mother (not tested) with learning disabilities; father (not tested) with ADHD and depression.

Cognitive Profile:


Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: MCA

Age: 15 mos.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50621833
CNV End: 50745146
CNV Size: 123314
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: developmental delay. Family history: older brother (dabell_13_ASD/DD/ID_discovery_cases-patient33b) with 2p16.3/NRXN1 deletion and autism.

Cognitive Profile:

Developmental delay

Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: 6 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Multiplex
CNV Start: 50190522
CNV End: 50856331
CNV Size: 665810
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: autism. Family history: younger sister (dabell_13_ASD/DD/ID_discovery_cases-patient33a) with 2p16.3 NRXN1 deletion and developmental delay.

Cognitive Profile:


Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 7 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Multiplex
CNV Start: 50190522
CNV End: 50856331
CNV Size: 665810
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: developmental delay, ASD. Neurological features: moderate ID, hypotonia, normal brain CT. Behavioral features: ASD, OCD, ADHD, anxiety, aggression, residential placement. Dysmorphic features: narrow palpebral fissures. Ophthalmologic features: none. Skeletal/joint features: joint hypermobility, pes planus. Other anomalies: None. Growth parameters: height 62nd %ile; weight 96th %ile; OFC >98th %ile. Family history: younger maternal half-sister (dabell_13_ASD/DD/ID_discovery_cases-patient34b) with 2p16.3/NRXN1 deletion and ADHD.

Cognitive Profile:

Moderate intellectual disability

Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD, ADHD, and intellectual disability

Age: 15 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Multiplex
CNV Start: 50038168
CNV End: 50099069
CNV Size: 60902
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: ADHD. Neurological features: normal intelligence, normal brain MRI. Behavioral features: ADHD. Dysmorphic features: none. Ophthalmologic features: none. Skeletal/joint features: joint hypermobility. Other anomalies: none. Growth parameters: height 45th %ile; weight 36th %ile; OFC >98th %ile. Family history: older maternal half-sister (dabell_13_ASD/DD/ID_discovery_cases-patient34a) with 2p16.3/NRXN1 deletion and ASD.

Cognitive Profile:

No intellectual disability

Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ADHD

Age: 7 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Multiplex
CNV Start: 50038168
CNV End: 50099069
CNV Size: 60902
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: congenital heart disease.

Cognitive Profile:


Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Congenital heart disease

Age: 0 mos.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50745086
CNV End: 50908567
CNV Size: 163482
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: developmental delay, short stature.

Cognitive Profile:

Developmental delay

Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: 2 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 51043875
CNV End: 51169783
CNV Size: 125909
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: developmental delay, epilepsy.

Cognitive Profile:

Developmental delay

Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay and epilepsy

Age: 3 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 51043875
CNV End: 51273452
CNV Size: 229578
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: ASD.

Cognitive Profile:


Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: 23 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50908507
CNV End: 51594649
CNV Size: 686143
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: KNOP1P3, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: developmental delay, epilepsy. Neurological features: profound ID (anoxic brain injury during surgery, nonverbal. Behavioral features: none. Dysmorphic features: high nasal bridge, bitemporal narrowing, bulbous nasal tip, macroglossia, high palate. Ophthalmologic features: strabismus. Skeletal/joint features: none. Other anomalies: sinus and atrioventricular node dysfunction, cutaneous 2-5 finger syndactyly, mild 2-3 toe syndactyly. Growth parameters: height 25th-50th %ile; weight 25th-50th %ile; OFC 75th-98th %ile. Family history: younger brother (dabell_13_ASD/DD/ID_discovery_cases-patient5b) with 2p16.3/NRXN1 deletion with developmental delay/intellectual disability and ADHD; younger sister with 2p16.3/NRXN1 deletion with dyslexia but normal development; maternal (deletion) and paternal history of ADHD; father (no deletion) with learning disabilites.

Cognitive Profile:

Severe ID

Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay and epilepsy

Age: 23 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Multiplex
CNV Start: 50915710
CNV End: 51474869
CNV Size: 559160
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: developmental delay, dysmorphic features. Neurological features: IQ 65, speech delay, bilateral ptosis. Behavioral features: ADHD. Dysmorphic features: bitemporal narrowing, high nasal bridge, bulbous nasal tip, pointed chin, high palate. Ophthalmologic features: strabismus (wears glasses). Skeletal/joint features: none. Other anomalies: sinus and atrioventricular node dysfunction, cutaneous 2-4 finger syndactyly, mild 2-3 toe syndactyly. Growth parameters: height 25th-50th %ile; weight 25th-50th %ile; OFC 50th-98th %ile. Family history: older brother (dabell_13_ASD/DD/ID_discovery_cases-patient5a) with 2p16.3/NRXN1 deletion and developmental delay and epilepsy as indication for study; younger sister with 2p16.3/NRXN1 deletion with dyslexia but normal development; maternal (deletion) and paternal history of ADHD; father (no deletion) with learning disabilites.

Cognitive Profile:

IQ 65

Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay/intellectual disability and ADHD

Age: 20 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Multiplex
CNV Start: 50915710
CNV End: 51474869
CNV Size: 559160
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: developmental delay, dysmorphic features, short stature. Neurological features: borderline ID, poor articulation. Behavioral features: pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS). Dysmorphic features: mild midface hypoplasia, broad/short nails. Ophthalmologic features: mild myopia. Skeletal/joint features: hypoplastic phalanges, psuedoarthrosis of clavicle. Other anomalies: failure to thrive, allergies, mild eczema. Growth parameters: height <3rd %ile; weight 15th %ile; OFC 50th %ile. Family history: father with 2p16.3/NRXN1 deletion has learning disabilties, short stature, and knee problems.

Cognitive Profile:

Borderline intellectual disability

Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: PDD-NOS

Age: 10 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50908507
CNV End: 51273452
CNV Size: 364946
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: developmental delay. Neurological features: developmental delay, IQ in 80s. Behavioral features: OCD, ADHD, bipolar disorder. Dysmorphic features: none. Ophthalmologic features: strabismus. Skeletal/joint features: none. Other anomalies: cryptorchidism, asthma, allergies. Growth parameters: height 75th %ile; weight >97th %ile; OFC 75th %ile. Family history: father (not tested) with bipolar disorder, asthma, and alcoholism.

Cognitive Profile:

Developmental delay; IQ in 80s

Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay, ADHD, and bipolar disorder

Age: 11 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50707423
CNV End: 51237542
CNV Size: 530120
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: developmental delay (language and motor delay). Neurological features: developmental delay, moderate expressive speech delay. Behavioral features: adaptive behavior deficits. Dysmorphic features: N/A. Ophthalmologic features: none. Skeletal/joint features: none. Other anomalies: early history of GERD. Growth parameters: height 25th %ile; weight <3rd %ile; OFC <3rd %ile. Family history: mother (not tested) with significant speech delay.

Cognitive Profile:


Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: 2 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50908507
CNV End: 51131053
CNV Size: 222547
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Indication for study: developmental delay, dysmorphic features. Neurological features: mild developmental delay, speech impediment, hypotonia. Behavioral features: repetitive mannerisms (improved). Dysmorphic features: small face, midface hypoplasia, flat nasal bridge, low-set & prominent ears. Ophthalmologic features: none. Skeletal/joint features: none. Other anomalies: cryptorchidism, Raynaud's phenomenon. Growth parameters: height 25th-50th %ile; weight 10th-25th %ile; OFC 10th-25th %ile. Family history: paternal family history of learning disabilities.

Cognitive Profile:

Mild developmental delay

Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: 6 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50819858
CNV End: 51131053
CNV Size: 311196
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

DSM-IV diagnosis of autism based on psychopathological assessment of proband; autistic features ascertained by family interview and by medical records verifying childhood onset. Proband also fulfilled criteria of West syndrome (infantile spasms, hypsarrythmia, mental retardation). Birth/neonatal history: third out of three children (second child stillborn); born at full-term by C-section due to maternal dysregulated diabetes during pregnancy; Apgar scores of 9 and 10; normal medical exams at 5 weeks and 5 months. Developmental milestones: hypotonia, developmental delay, and psychomotor delay noted at 7 months; delayed development also noted at 1 year of age; walking reported at 3 years of age; social interaction and language development entirely lacking. Language and communication: deficient language, odd communication (indirect social interaction by using mother's hand to decline examination. Motor: poorly coordinated movements. Behavioral/psychiatric characteristics: lack of eye contact, hypersalivation, finger-lips mannerism, repetitive body-rocking, stereotypic movements, poorly coordinated movements, lack of social relatedness. Epilepsy/seizures: infantile spasms characterized by extensions of lower extremities, abduction of upper extremities, felxion of elbows, extensions of neck, and abductions of bulbus oculi; proband developed epilepsy characterized by generalized tonic-clonic seizures that were successfully treated with anti-epileptics at 11 years of age; exacerbation of epilepsy at 21 years of age, seizures persisted with approximately one seizure/week despite treatment with anti-epileptics. EEG (7 months): hypsarrythmia. Brain MRI (11 yrs.): moderate atrophy; cyst deflecting right hippocampus. Hearing: perceptive hearing impairment of 30 dB. Dysmorphic features: high forehead, straight superciliary arches, retracted eyes, thin upper lip, high positioned ears, flat occiput, straight collum, strabismus, sequela of a fracture of the nose. Growth parameters: NA. Family history: non-consanguineous parents; somatic-healthy older brother meeting DSM-IV criteria of psychotic disorder not otherwise specified and diagnostic criteria of alcohol dependence; mother with insulin-dependent diabetes (diagnosed at 31 yrs.) and subtle, sub-diagnostic autistic triats (lack of social relatedness, impairment of non-verbal expression); deceased father diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia; maternal uncle met criteria of bipolar disorder. Other genetic chracteristics: proband also has paternally-inherited splice-site mutation (c.2880-1G->A, IVS14-1G->A) in NRXN1 gene.

Cognitive Profile:

Mental retardation/intellectual disability, initially diagnosed at 1 year of age.

Duong L , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 33 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Possibly maternal (mother displays sub-diagnostic autistic traits)

Family Profile: Simplex for ASD, MR, and epilepsy; multiplex for psychiatric disorder (affected brother)
CNV Start: 50585753
CNV End: 51036374
CNV Size: 450622
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Possibly maternal (mother displays sub-diagnostic autistic traits)
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex for ASD, MR, and epilepsy; multiplex for psychiatric disorder (affected brother)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50459235
CNV End: 50649904
CNV Size: 190670
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50921934
CNV End: 51077100
CNV Size: 155167
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50909664
CNV End: 51141401
CNV Size: 231738
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 49353427
CNV End: 49420887
CNV Size: 67461
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50887566
CNV End: 51133529
CNV Size: 245964
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 51036011
CNV End: 51161490
CNV Size: 125480
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50413185
CNV End: 50597193
CNV Size: 184009
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 48808575
CNV End: 48850993
CNV Size: 42419
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 51076772
CNV End: 51145209
CNV Size: 68438
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 49957256
CNV End: 50326908
CNV Size: 369653
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50995969
CNV End: 51066958
CNV Size: 70990
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 52179922
CNV End: 52355628
CNV Size: 175707
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50718333
CNV End: 50831607
CNV Size: 113275
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 52179922
CNV End: 52355628
CNV Size: 175707
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50831607
CNV End: 50874445
CNV Size: 42839
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 48867105
CNV End: 48923276
CNV Size: 56172
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 47928345
CNV End: 47970829
CNV Size: 42485
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 51076772
CNV End: 51108720
CNV Size: 31949
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 51359255
CNV End: 51399041
CNV Size: 39787
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50655015
CNV End: 50723855
CNV Size: 68841
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50645969
CNV End: 50749347
CNV Size: 103379
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 52540303
CNV End: 53040270
CNV Size: 499968
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: FTH1P6, MIR4431


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 49367164
CNV End: 49512223
CNV Size: 145060
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50655015
CNV End: 50723855
CNV Size: 68841
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50831607
CNV End: 50874445
CNV Size: 42839
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 52070754
CNV End: 52170379
CNV Size: 99626
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50655015
CNV End: 50723855
CNV Size: 68841
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50741670
CNV End: 50805721
CNV Size: 64052
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50741670
CNV End: 50820220
CNV Size: 78551
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 49433197
CNV End: 49516922
CNV Size: 83726
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 51673698
CNV End: 51713901
CNV Size: 40204
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 52602320
CNV End: 52666027
CNV Size: 63708
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Clinical profile N/A; CNV from Supplementary Table S29

Cognitive Profile:


Deciphering Developmental Disorders Study (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: N/A

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 47805906
CNV End: 47820612
CNV Size: 14707
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MSH6, FBXO11


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Gai X , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: -

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 52151396
CNV End: 52225047
CNV Size: 73652
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Inherited
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Gai X , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: -

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 52151396
CNV End: 52237202
CNV Size: 85807
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Inherited
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Gai X , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: -

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 52426621
CNV End: 52521448
CNV Size: 94828
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Inherited
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Gai X , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: -

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 51022554
CNV End: 51101161
CNV Size: 78608
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Inherited
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Gai X , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: -

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 51022554
CNV End: 51101161
CNV Size: 78608
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Inherited
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Gai X , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: -

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50882166
CNV End: 51255180
CNV Size: 373015
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Inherited
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Gai X , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: -

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50882166
CNV End: 51255180
CNV Size: 373015
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Inherited
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Gai X , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: -

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 52426621
CNV End: 52510098
CNV Size: 83478
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Inherited
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Gai X , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: -

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 52426621
CNV End: 52513378
CNV Size: 86758
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Inherited
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Gai X , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: -

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50470517
CNV End: 50522264
CNV Size: 51748
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Inherited
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Gai X , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: -

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 51033960
CNV End: 51051888
CNV Size: 17929
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Inherited
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Gai X , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: -

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 52447487
CNV End: 52506530
CNV Size: 59044
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Inherited
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Gai X , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: -

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 51033960
CNV End: 51275286
CNV Size: 241327
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Inherited
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Gai X , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: -

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 51033960
CNV End: 51275286
CNV Size: 241327
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Inherited
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Gai X , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: -

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 51134021
CNV End: 51184661
CNV Size: 50641
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Inherited
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on meeting criteria on the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and on the Autism Diagnostic Interview, Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex
CNV Start: 50915511
CNV End: 50999232
CNV Size: 83722
Validation Description: aCGH (NimbleGen 135K array)
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on meeting criteria on the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and on the Autism Diagnostic Interview, Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex
CNV Start: 51018423
CNV End: 51081029
CNV Size: 62607
Validation Description: aCGH (NimbleGen 135K array)
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: Simplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on meeting criteria on the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and on the Autism Diagnostic Interview, Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex
CNV Start: 51009662
CNV End: 51101453
CNV Size: 91792
Validation Description: aCGH (NimbleGen 135K array)
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on meeting criteria on the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and on the Autism Diagnostic Interview, Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex
CNV Start: 50565279
CNV End: 51024560
CNV Size: 459282
Validation Description: aCGH (NimbleGen 135K array)
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: Simplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on meeting criteria on the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and on the Autism Diagnostic Interview, Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex
CNV Start: 50921170
CNV End: 51024560
CNV Size: 103391
Validation Description: aCGH (NimbleGen 135K array)
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on meeting criteria on the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and on the Autism Diagnostic Interview, Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Multiplex
CNV Start: 50801771
CNV End: 51175460
CNV Size: 373690
Validation Description: aCGH (NimbleGen 135K array)
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on meeting criteria on the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and on the Autism Diagnostic Interview, Revised (ADI-R)

Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Multiplex
CNV Start: 50805684
CNV End: 51034768
CNV Size: 229085
Validation Description: aCGH (NimbleGen 135K array)
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Glessner JT , et al. (2009)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 51040002
CNV End: 51366958
CNV Size: 326957
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Glessner JT , et al. (2009)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 51040002
CNV End: 51366958
CNV Size: 326957
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Glessner JT , et al. (2009)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 51040002
CNV End: 51366958
CNV Size: 326957
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Glessner JT , et al. (2009)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 51040002
CNV End: 51366958
CNV Size: 326957
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Glessner JT , et al. (2009)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 51040002
CNV End: 51366958
CNV Size: 326957
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Glessner JT , et al. (2009)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 51040002
CNV End: 51366958
CNV Size: 326957
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Glessner JT , et al. (2009)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 51040002
CNV End: 51366958
CNV Size: 326957
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Glessner JT , et al. (2009)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 51040002
CNV End: 51366958
CNV Size: 326957
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Glessner JT , et al. (2009)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 51040002
CNV End: 51366958
CNV Size: 326957
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Glessner JT , et al. (2009)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 51040002
CNV End: 51366958
CNV Size: 326957
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Guilmatre A , et al. (2009)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: 10

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: NA
CNV Start: 51006556
CNV End: 51114057
CNV Size: 107000
Validation Description: QMPSF, aCGH, or FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: NA
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

IQ 66

Guilmatre A , et al. (2009)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: 38

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: NA
CNV Start: 51006556
CNV End: 51114057
CNV Size: <427000
Validation Description: QMPSF, aCGH, or FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: NA
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Birth/neonatal history: born at gestational week 34 + 4 days by emergency C-section due to threatening asphyxia (Apgar scores of 3, 6, and 8 at 1, 5, and 10 min); birth weight of 2458 g; transferred to NICU due to prematurity and transient tachypnea; developed prolonged hypoglycemia , sustained elevated base deficit, elevated TSH, and low ionized calcium (treated with sodium bicarbonate, thyroid hormone supplement, and calcium lactate). Developmental milestones: delayed motor development; no speech development; persistent failure to thrive; case requires liquidized food due to inability to feed himself. Language and communication evaluation: no speech, no social performance; mostly silent, but sometimes presents monotonic noises. Motor and musculoskeletal evaluation: very slow motor development; unable to walk, but can sit and roll from place to place; able to grab and hold onto things. Behavioral/psychiatric evaluation: prefers to sit in wheelchair with limited facial or slightly anxious expression; easily upset or frightened, high-pitched cry, tremor, body rocking, head banging, stereotypic hand and arm movements. Epilepsy/seizures: none. EEG: normal. Brain imaging: slight thinning of cerebral white matter, periventricular high T2 signals, and expanded Virchow-Robin spaces on brain MRI. Additional medical history: bilateral inguinal hernias and bilateral undescended testis (both surgically repaired). Dysmorphic features: high-arched palate, medial strabismus on right eye, low-set and large ears with soft cartilage, beaked nose, micrognathia, puffy hands and feet, thick and elastic skin, palmar crease in right hand. Growth parameters: microcephaly [head circumference of 46 cm (-4 SD) at age of 4 years]; weight of 13.5 kg (-2 SD) and height of 96 cm (-2 SD). Family history: fifth child of consanguineous Middle-Eastern parents who are first cousins; both parents (heterozygous for deletion), three older sisters (all of whom were heterozygous for deletion), and a brother (deletion absent) are all healthy and without symptoms.

Cognitive Profile:

Severe intellectual disability

Holmquist P (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability

Age: 4 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex
CNV Start: 50644687
CNV End: 50809787
CNV Size: 165101
Validation Description: MLPA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Both parents
Family Profile: Simplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Birth/neonatal history: born at full term with no medical issues. Developmental milestones: severely delayed motor skills (sat up at 1 year and walked at 2 years) and language skills; also developed clinical features compatible with diagnosis of autistic disorder. Language and communication evaluation: approximately 2-10 words. Behavioral/psychiatric evaluation: outbursts of aggressiveness and self-injurious behavior; stereotypies; behavioral problems treated with risperidone and extended-release guanfacine, in addition to behavioral therapy, with little benefit. Sleep disturbances: abnormal sleep-wake cycle. Epilepsy/seizures: episodes of staring and stiffening at age of 7 years; atypical absence seizures consistent with generalized epilepsy; seizures treated with topiramate and sodium valproate (resulted in reduced frequency of seizures). EEG: generalized paroxysmal spike wave at onset of staring spell followed by high-amplitude rhyhtmic 2-Hz notched delta activity with duration of 40-60 seconds. Other features: ventricular septal defect; dysphagia; constipation. Growth parameters: height 5th %ile, weight 10th %ile, head circumference 25th-50th %ile. Family history: similarly affected fraternal twin sister; born to healthy, non-consanguineous parents; no family history of developmental delay or cognitive deficits, seizures, autism, or mental health problems.

Cognitive Profile:

Severe developmental delay; severe cognitive deficits

Imitola J , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Pitt-Hopkins-like syndrome 2

Age: 7 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Multiplex
CNV Start: 50957591
CNV End: 51092312
CNV Size: 134722
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Birth/neonatal history: born at full term with no medical issues. Developmental milestones: severely delayed motor skills (sat up at 1 year and walked at 2 years) and language skills; also developed clinical features compatible with diagnosis of autistic disorder. Language and communication evaluation: approximately 2-10 words. Behavioral/psychiatric evaluation: outbursts of aggressiveness and self-injurious behavior; stereotypies; behavioral problems treated with risperidone and extended-release guanfacine, in addition to behavioral therapy, with little benefit. Sleep disturbances: abnormal sleep-wake cycle. Epilepsy/seizures: episodes of staring and stiffening at age of 7 years; atypical absence seizures consistent with generalized epilepsy; seizures treated with topiramate and sodium valproate (resulted in reduced frequency of seizures). EEG: generalized paroxysmal spike wave at onset of staring spell followed by high-amplitude rhyhtmic 2-Hz notched delta activity with duration of 40-60 seconds. Other features: ventricular septal defect; dysphagia; constipation. Growth parameters: height 5th %ile, weight 10th %ile, head circumference 25th-50th %ile. Family history: similarly affected fraternal twin sister; born to healthy, non-consanguineous parents; no family history of developmental delay or cognitive deficits, seizures, autism, or mental health problems.

Cognitive Profile:

Severe developmental delay; severe cognitive deficits

Imitola J , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Pitt-Hopkins-like syndrome 2

Age: 7 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Multiplex
CNV Start: N/A
CNV End: N/A
CNV Size: 272000
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh37
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Birth/neonatal history: born at full term with no medical issues. Developmental milestones: showed inability to play and interacted with others at 6 months of age; later diagnosed with severe developmental delay and language impairment. Language and communication evaluation: some vocalizations; language limited to 2-5 words. Motor and musculoskeletal evaluation: strabismus; hypotonia; ataxia. Behavioral/psychiatric evaluation: stereotypies; aggressive behavior; temper tantrums; treated with sodium valproate, risperidone, and extended-release guanfacine for behavioral symptoms. Epilepsy/seizures: none reported. EEG: normal. Sleep disturbances: abnormal sleep-wake cycle. Other features: hyperventilation, constipation. Growth parameters: height 5th %ile, weight 10th %ile, head circumference <5th %ile (microcephaly). Family history: similarly affected fraternal twin brother; born to healthy, non-consanguineous parents; no family history of developmental delay or cognitive deficits, seizures, autism, or mental health problems.

Cognitive Profile:

Severe developmental delay; severe cognitive deficits

Imitola J , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Pitt-Hopkins-like syndrome 2

Age: 7 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Multiplex
CNV Start: 50927858
CNV End: 51101658
CNV Size: 173801
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Birth/neonatal history: born at full term with no medical issues. Developmental milestones: showed inability to play and interacted with others at 6 months of age; later diagnosed with severe developmental delay and language impairment. Language and communication evaluation: some vocalizations; language limited to 2-5 words. Motor and musculoskeletal evaluation: strabismus; hypotonia; ataxia. Behavioral/psychiatric evaluation: stereotypies; aggressive behavior; temper tantrums; treated with sodium valproate, risperidone, and extended-release guanfacine for behavioral symptoms. Epilepsy/seizures: none reported. EEG: normal. Sleep disturbances: abnormal sleep-wake cycle. Other features: hyperventilation, constipation. Growth parameters: height 5th %ile, weight 10th %ile, head circumference <5th %ile (microcephaly). Family history: similarly affected fraternal twin brother; born to healthy, non-consanguineous parents; no family history of developmental delay or cognitive deficits, seizures, autism, or mental health problems.

Cognitive Profile:

Severe developmental delay; severe cognitive deficits

Imitola J , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Pitt-Hopkins-like syndrome 2

Age: 7 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Multiplex
CNV Start: N/A
CNV End: N/A
CNV Size: 282000
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh37
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Itsara A , et al. (2010)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Multiplex
CNV Start: 50831607
CNV End: 50893743
CNV Size: 62137
Validation Description: aCGH (custom NimbleGen 12 X 135)
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: Multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Case (i) had a confirmed diagnosis of ASD by a developmental behavioral pediatrician or child neurologist experienced in ASD, (ii) scored in the full autism range on ADOS-2 and (iii) either met DSM-5 criteria for ASD or scored in the autism range on CARS-2

Cognitive Profile:


Kalsner L , et al. (2017)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50619962
CNV End: 50985445
CNV Size: 365484
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Clinical profile NA

Cognitive Profile:

Cognitive profile NA

Kaminsky EB , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay/intellectual disability/ASD

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 47832570
CNV End: 48405178
CNV Size: 572609
Validation Description: FISH, qPCR, MLPA, aCGH, or standard G-banded chromosome analysis
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: RPS27AP7, PPIAP62, RN7SKP224, RNU4-49P, FBXO11, FOXN2


Clinical Profile:

Clinical profile NA

Cognitive Profile:

Cognitive profile NA

Kaminsky EB , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay/intellectual disability/ASD

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50856272
CNV End: 51155734
CNV Size: 299463
Validation Description: FISH, qPCR, MLPA, aCGH, or standard G-banded chromosome analysis
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Clinical profile NA

Cognitive Profile:

Cognitive profile NA

Kaminsky EB , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay/intellectual disability/ASD

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50448670
CNV End: 50909614
CNV Size: 460945
Validation Description: FISH, qPCR, MLPA, aCGH, or standard G-banded chromosome analysis
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Clinical profile NA

Cognitive Profile:

Cognitive profile NA

Kaminsky EB , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay/intellectual disability/ASD

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50488123
CNV End: 50945044
CNV Size: 456922
Validation Description: FISH, qPCR, MLPA, aCGH, or standard G-banded chromosome analysis
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Clinical profile NA

Cognitive Profile:

Cognitive profile NA

Kaminsky EB , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay/intellectual disability/ASD

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50851255
CNV End: 50995129
CNV Size: 143875
Validation Description: FISH, qPCR, MLPA, aCGH, or standard G-banded chromosome analysis
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Clinical profile NA

Cognitive Profile:

Cognitive profile NA

Kaminsky EB , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay/intellectual disability/ASD

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50737710
CNV End: 51173556
CNV Size: 435847
Validation Description: FISH, qPCR, MLPA, aCGH, or standard G-banded chromosome analysis
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Clinical profile NA

Cognitive Profile:

Cognitive profile NA

Kaminsky EB , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay/intellectual disability/ASD

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50485201
CNV End: 50531213
CNV Size: 46013
Validation Description: FISH, qPCR, MLPA, aCGH, or standard G-banded chromosome analysis
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Clinical profile NA

Cognitive Profile:

Cognitive profile NA

Kaminsky EB , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay/intellectual disability/ASD

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50710306
CNV End: 51087292
CNV Size: 376987
Validation Description: FISH, qPCR, MLPA, aCGH, or standard G-banded chromosome analysis
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Clinical profile NA

Cognitive Profile:

Cognitive profile NA

Kaminsky EB , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay/intellectual disability/ASD

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50548752
CNV End: 50755034
CNV Size: 206283
Validation Description: FISH, qPCR, MLPA, aCGH, or standard G-banded chromosome analysis
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Clinical profile NA

Cognitive Profile:

Cognitive profile NA

Kaminsky EB , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay/intellectual disability/ASD

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50665709
CNV End: 50755034
CNV Size: 89326
Validation Description: FISH, qPCR, MLPA, aCGH, or standard G-banded chromosome analysis
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Clinical profile NA

Cognitive Profile:

Cognitive profile NA

Kaminsky EB , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay/intellectual disability/ASD

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 51087233
CNV End: 51329577
CNV Size: 242345
Validation Description: FISH, qPCR, MLPA, aCGH, or standard G-banded chromosome analysis
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Clinical profile NA

Cognitive Profile:

Cognitive profile NA

Kaminsky EB , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay/intellectual disability/ASD

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 51065432
CNV End: 51244648
CNV Size: 179217
Validation Description: FISH, qPCR, MLPA, aCGH, or standard G-banded chromosome analysis
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Clinical profile NA

Cognitive Profile:

Cognitive profile NA

Kaminsky EB , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay/intellectual disability/ASD

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50710306
CNV End: 50999091
CNV Size: 288786
Validation Description: FISH, qPCR, MLPA, aCGH, or standard G-banded chromosome analysis
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Proband from the Simons Simplex Collection (SSC). Family type: Trio

Cognitive Profile:


Krumm N , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: Male
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex
CNV Start: 50921824
CNV End: 50925998
CNV Size: 4175
Validation Description: Illumina 1MDuo
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Proband from the Simons Simplex Collection (SSC). Family type: Quad

Cognitive Profile:


Krumm N , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: Male
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex
CNV Start: 50620021
CNV End: 51028273
CNV Size: 408253
Validation Description: Omni2.5-4v1
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Proband from the Simons Simplex Collection (SSC). Family type: Quad

Cognitive Profile:


Krumm N , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: Male
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex
CNV Start: 50921524
CNV End: 51026469
CNV Size: 104946
Validation Description: Omni2.5-4v1
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Levy D , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex
CNV Start: 47600165
CNV End: 47615168
CNV Size: 15004
Validation Description: aCGH (Agilent 244K)
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: Simplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Levy D , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex
CNV Start: 50603006
CNV End: 50646812
CNV Size: 43807
Validation Description: aCGH (Agilent 244K)
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: Simplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of chronic schizophrenia confirmed through use of detailed psychiatric assessment, including use of a modified version of Strructed Clinical Interviews for DSM-III-R for Axis I disorder. Developmental milestones: no evidence of developmental delay. Behavioral/psychiatric evaluation: increasing anxiety, preoccupation, and paranoia at 23 years (responded well ti a few months of treatment with chloropromazine); admitted to hospital for schizophrenia at 24 years of age; improved with electroconvulsive therapy and was discharged for two months; following two additional hospitalizations, case has been relatively stable on standard antipsychotic medication regiment with an adjuvant antidepressant for many years. no evidence of autistic features. Epilepsy/seizures: no history of seizures. Dysmorphic features: no significant dysmorphology. Family history: non-consanguineous parents; no known history of neuropsychiatric illness or seizures in parents or siblings; significant history of schizophrenia in paternal extended family.

Cognitive Profile:

Full Scale IQ of 92 (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale/WAIS) at 24 years of age.

Lionel AC , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Schizophrenia

Age: 24 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex
CNV Start: 52524432
CNV End: 52554404
CNV Size: 29973
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Simplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Marshall CR , et al. (2008)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: NA
CNV Start: 50641413
CNV End: 50720411
CNV Size: 78999
Validation Description: qPCR, qmPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: NA
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Morrow EM , et al. (2008)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: NA
CNV Start: 51079000
CNV End: 51315000
CNV Size: 236300
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: NA
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Nord AS , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: -

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 49063311
CNV End: 49111272
CNV Size: 47962
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Case was assessed for ASD according to DSM-IV behavioral criteria. Clinical characteristics other than ASD: hyperactivity, isolated behavior

Cognitive Profile:


Oikonomakis V , et al. (2016)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: 6 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50770049
CNV End: 51019829
CNV Size: 249781
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Case was assessed for ASD according to DSM-IV behavioral criteria. Clinical characteristics other than ASD: hypotonia, speech delay, behavioral problems

Cognitive Profile:


Oikonomakis V , et al. (2016)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: 4 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 51009862
CNV End: 51087292
CNV Size: 77431
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Pinto D , et al. (2010)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: NA
CNV Start: 49486991
CNV End: 49541877
CNV Size: 54887
Validation Description: Affy5.0
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: maternal
Family Profile: NA
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Severe learning disability, nonverbal, no dysmorphic features or associated medical conditions

Cognitive Profile:


Pinto D , et al. (2010)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: NA

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: N/A
CNV Start: 50459235
CNV End: 50649904
CNV Size: 190670
Validation Description: qPCR-Denovo
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: N/A
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

No dysmorphic features

Cognitive Profile:

Mild MR

Pinto D , et al. (2010)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: NA

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: N/A
CNV Start: 50921934
CNV End: 51077100
CNV Size: 155167
Validation Description: qPCR-Denovo
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: N/A
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Verbal, Wilms tumor

Cognitive Profile:

Mild MR

Pinto D , et al. (2010)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: NA

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: N/A
CNV Start: 50909664
CNV End: 51141401
CNV Size: 231738
Validation Description: qPCR-Denovo
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: N/A
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Neurodevelopmental delay with onset at 2 y (first words 9 m, first phrases 36 m, walked at 14 m), functional language; no dysmorphic features, no sleep problems, no epilepsy; brain MRI cortical atrophy

Cognitive Profile:

Normal IQ

Pinto D , et al. (2010)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: NA

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: N/A
CNV Start: 50413185
CNV End: 50597193
CNV Size: 184009
Validation Description: qPCR-Denovo
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: N/A
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

No epilepsy, no dysmorphic features

Cognitive Profile:

Average IQ

Pinto D , et al. (2010)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Multiplex
CNV Start: 50831607
CNV End: 50874445
CNV Size: 42839
Validation Description: qPCR-Maternal,Agilent1M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: maternal
Family Profile: Multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Pinto D , et al. (2010)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: NA
CNV Start: 52070754
CNV End: 52170379
CNV Size: 99626
Validation Description: Agilent1M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: paternal
Family Profile: NA
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Pinto D , et al. (2010)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: NA
CNV Start: 50655015
CNV End: 50723855
CNV Size: 68841
Validation Description: Agilent1M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: paternal
Family Profile: NA
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Autism on ADI-R and ADOS, no language delay, verbal, poor motor control, no dysmorphic features, no seizures. Family history: broader autism phenotype is absent in father but is present in mother; father VIQ 87, mother VIQ 91 (PPVT).

Cognitive Profile:

Borderline/low average IQ (PPVT-III VIQ 78, Leiter Brief PIQ 83)

Pinto D , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown (possibly multi-generational; mother with broader autism phenotype)
CNV Start: 50887566
CNV End: 51133529
CNV Size: 245964
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: Unknown (possibly multi-generational; mother with broader autism phenotype)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Autism, 3 words, lost language at age 2 with fever-induced seizures, tall, encopresis. Family history: father slow in school, mother unaffected; sibling with ADHD (not tested).

Cognitive Profile:

Moderate ID (Leiter Brief at 27 y: PIQ 42)

Pinto D , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex
CNV Start: 49957256
CNV End: 50326908
CNV Size: 369653
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Autism (based on ADI-R and ADOS), language delay (first words 20 mo, first phrases 30 mo), walked at 15 mo, verbal; BMI 15.56, no dysmorphic features or other anomalies, normal neurological exam, no epilepsy. Family history: both parents unaffected; CNV also present in affected brother.

Cognitive Profile:

No ID (Raven NVIQ 87, PPVT VIQ 71); Vineland: Communication 101, Daily Living Skills 78, Socialization 64, Adaptive Behavior Composite 75

Pinto D , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Multiplex
CNV Start: 50995969
CNV End: 51066958
CNV Size: 70990
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on meeting criteria on ADI-R and/or ADOS. Novel CNV

Cognitive Profile:


Prasad A , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50722129
CNV End: 50730867
CNV Size: 8739
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on meeting criteria on ADI-R and/or ADOS. CNV identified by previous SNP microarray study

Cognitive Profile:


Prasad A , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 49642148
CNV End: 49687742
CNV Size: 45595
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on meeting criteria on ADI-R and/or ADOS. CNV identified by previous SNP microarray study

Cognitive Profile:


Prasad A , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50912678
CNV End: 50957509
CNV Size: 44832
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on meeting criteria on ADI-R and/or ADOS. CNV identified by previous SNP microarray study

Cognitive Profile:


Prasad A , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50421422
CNV End: 50908253
CNV Size: 486832
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on meeting criteria on ADI-R and/or ADOS. CNV identified by previous SNP microarray study

Cognitive Profile:


Prasad A , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 48603879
CNV End: 48627903
CNV Size: 24025
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: STON1-GTF2A1L, STON1


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on meeting criteria on ADI-R and/or ADOS. Novel CNV

Cognitive Profile:


Prasad A , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 49725712
CNV End: 49806105
CNV Size: 80394
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on meeting criteria on ADI-R and/or ADOS. CNV identified by previous SNP microarray study

Cognitive Profile:


Prasad A , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 51285771
CNV End: 51338727
CNV Size: 52957
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on meeting criteria on ADI-R and/or ADOS. CNV identified by previous SNP microarray study

Cognitive Profile:


Prasad A , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50912678
CNV End: 50957509
CNV Size: 44832
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on meeting criteria on ADI-R and/or ADOS. CNV identified by previous SNP microarray study

Cognitive Profile:


Prasad A , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 49054978
CNV End: 49087192
CNV Size: 32215
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on meeting criteria on ADI-R and/or ADOS. Novel CNV

Cognitive Profile:


Prasad A , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 48666046
CNV End: 48676536
CNV Size: 10491
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: STON1-GTF2A1L, STON1


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on meeting criteria on ADI-R and/or ADOS. Novel CNV

Cognitive Profile:


Prasad A , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50707592
CNV End: 50720618
CNV Size: 13027
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on meeting criteria on ADI-R and/or ADOS. CNV identified by previous SNP microarray study

Cognitive Profile:


Prasad A , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 52145058
CNV End: 52251700
CNV Size: 106643
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on meeting criteria on ADI-R and/or ADOS. Novel CNV

Cognitive Profile:


Prasad A , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50451929
CNV End: 50458853
CNV Size: 6925
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD based on meeting criteria on ADI-R and/or ADOS. Novel CNV

Cognitive Profile:


Prasad A , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 51045326
CNV End: 51127104
CNV Size: 81779
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Obesity, macrocephaly

Cognitive Profile:


Roberts JL , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: 11 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50946801
CNV End: 51042766
CNV Size: 95966
Validation Description: BACs aCGH or FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of agenesis of the corpus callosum (ACC). ASD: yes. Seizures: no.

Cognitive Profile:

Developmental delay: yes. Intellectual disability: yes.

Sajan SA , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ACC

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50878714
CNV End: 51171231
CNV Size: 292518
Validation Description: Not tested by qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 68; non-verbal IQ, 75; verbal IQ, 58

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 9.2

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
CNV Start: 49306359
CNV End: 49310656
CNV Size: 4298
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 122; non-verbal IQ, 119; verbal IQ, 122

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 8.8

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
CNV Start: 50941912
CNV End: 51011514
CNV Size: 69603
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 104; non-verbal IQ, 112; verbal IQ 89

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 5.2

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (trio)
CNV Start: 49644192
CNV End: 49729547
CNV Size: 85356
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex (trio)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 78; non-verbal IQ, 72; verbal IQ, 96

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 6.3

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
CNV Start: 49306359
CNV End: 49310656
CNV Size: 4298
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 101; non-verbal IQ, 104; verbal IQ, 96

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 9.8

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
CNV Start: 51687171
CNV End: 51700904
CNV Size: 13734
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 76; non-verbal IQ, 70; verbal IQ, 94

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 6.4

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
CNV Start: 50705804
CNV End: 50737969
CNV Size: 32166
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 87; non-verbal IQ, 81; verbal IQ, 103

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 8.3

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
CNV Start: 50642321
CNV End: 50649904
CNV Size: 7584
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 101; non-verbal IQ, 112; verbal IQ, 99

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 14.8

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
CNV Start: 51695645
CNV End: 51700576
CNV Size: 4932
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Both parents
Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 40; non-verbal IQ, 41; verbal IQ, 47

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 8

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
CNV Start: 49306359
CNV End: 49310656
CNV Size: 4298
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 31; non-verbal IQ, 33; verbal IQ, 27

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 10.3

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
CNV Start: 49306359
CNV End: 49310656
CNV Size: 4298
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 83; non-verbal IQ, 81; verbal IQ, 91

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 7.1

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (trio)
CNV Start: 51489816
CNV End: 51534738
CNV Size: 44923
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex (trio)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 40; non-verbal IQ, 40; verbal IQ, 39

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 12.4

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
CNV Start: 50749347
CNV End: 50775468
CNV Size: 26122
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 115; non-verbal IQ, 120; verbal IQ, 103

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: 4.3

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (trio)
CNV Start: 49777010
CNV End: 49796026
CNV Size: 19017
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex (trio)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 133; non-verbal IQ, 122; verbal IQ, 139

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 9.3

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (trio)
CNV Start: 50554885
CNV End: 50594912
CNV Size: 40028
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex (trio)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 108; non-verbal IQ, 106; verbal IQ, 108

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 5.3

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (trio)
CNV Start: 50874445
CNV End: 50880647
CNV Size: 6203
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex (trio)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 71; non-verbal IQ, 64; verbal IQ, 87

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 11.3

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
CNV Start: 50668475
CNV End: 50697220
CNV Size: 28746
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 48; non-verbal IQ, 55; verbal IQ, 41

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 5.2

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (trio)
CNV Start: 50604596
CNV End: 50645969
CNV Size: 41374
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Simplex (trio)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 86; non-verbal IQ, 93; verbal IQ, 81

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 4.9

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (trio)
CNV Start: 51545670
CNV End: 51554715
CNV Size: 9046
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex (trio)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 62; non-verbal IQ, 74; verbal IQ, 51

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 7.7

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (trio)
CNV Start: 50921934
CNV End: 51010629
CNV Size: 88696
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex (trio)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 26; non-verbal IQ, 29; verbal IQ, 19

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 15.5

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
CNV Start: 51689657
CNV End: 51702892
CNV Size: 13236
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 104; non-verbal IQ, 104; verbal IQ, 101

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 6.8

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
CNV Start: 52179922
CNV End: 52360964
CNV Size: 181043
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 104; non-verbal IQ, 104; verbal IQ, 101

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 6.8

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
CNV Start: 51693721
CNV End: 51700576
CNV Size: 6856
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 101; non-verbal IQ, 100; verbal IQ, 104

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 12.2

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
CNV Start: 51689657
CNV End: 51702892
CNV Size: 13236
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 65; non-verbal IQ, 59; verbal IQ, 79

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 9.5

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
CNV Start: 50271467
CNV End: 50286889
CNV Size: 15423
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 112; non-verbal IQ, 113; verbal IQ, 108

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 16.8

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
CNV Start: 51693721
CNV End: 51700904
CNV Size: 7184
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 28; non-verbal IQ, 28; verbal IQ, 27

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 14.1

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (trio)
CNV Start: 50670318
CNV End: 50723855
CNV Size: 53538
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex (trio)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 86; non-verbal IQ, 83; verbal IQ, 96

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 13.1

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband unmatched)
CNV Start: 50953318
CNV End: 50983487
CNV Size: 30170
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband unmatched)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 127; non-verbal IQ, 133; verbal IQ, 108

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 6.5

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
CNV Start: 48811015
CNV End: 48829578
CNV Size: 18564
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 23; non-verbal IQ, 26; verbal IQ, 20

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 11.7

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
CNV Start: 49306359
CNV End: 49310656
CNV Size: 4298
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 24; non-verbal IQ, 34; verbal IQ, 14

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 10.8

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
CNV Start: 48813864
CNV End: 48825154
CNV Size: 11291
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 88; non-verbal IQ, 81; verbal IQ, 105

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 4

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (trio)
CNV Start: 50831607
CNV End: 50874445
CNV Size: 42839
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex (trio)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 48; non-verbal IQ, 61; verbal IQ, 38

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 6.7

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
CNV Start: 51461042
CNV End: 51479294
CNV Size: 18253
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Both parents
Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 55; non-verbal IQ, 51; verbal IQ, 49

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 4.3

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (trio)
CNV Start: 51693721
CNV End: 51700576
CNV Size: 6856
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex (trio)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 73; non-verbal IQ, 86; verbal IQ, 59

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 7.3

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
CNV Start: 50786509
CNV End: 50794350
CNV Size: 7842
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 88; non-verbal IQ, 90; verbal IQ, 87

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 7

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
CNV Start: 50924881
CNV End: 51438543
CNV Size: 513663
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 73; non-verbal IQ, 78; verbal IQ, 70

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 12.2

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
CNV Start: 49644192
CNV End: 49729547
CNV Size: 85356
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 128; non-verbal IQ, 141; verbal IQ, 128

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 9.4

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (trio)
CNV Start: 51693721
CNV End: 51700904
CNV Size: 7184
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex (trio)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 82; non-verbal IQ, 78; verbal IQ, 95

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: 14.8

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (trio)
CNV Start: 51693721
CNV End: 51702892
CNV Size: 9172
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Both parents
Family Profile: Simplex (trio)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 79; non-verbal IQ, 91; verbal IQ, 67

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 6

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
CNV Start: 49306359
CNV End: 49320416
CNV Size: 14058
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Both parents
Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 80; non-verbal IQ, 90; verbal IQ, 69

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 15.3

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
CNV Start: 51693721
CNV End: 51702892
CNV Size: 9172
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Both parents
Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband matched)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Full-scale IQ, 98; non-verbal IQ, 98; verbal IQ, 93

Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 6.9

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband unmatched)
CNV Start: 49630128
CNV End: 49634996
CNV Size: 4869
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad-proband unmatched)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Developmental delay/intellectual disability, Congenital anomalies, Dysmorphism

Cognitive Profile:


Sansovi I , et al. (2017)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay/intellectual disability

Age: 1 mo.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50682627
CNV End: 50743583
CNV Size: 60957
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Developmental delay/intellectual disability, ASD

Cognitive Profile:


Sansovi I , et al. (2017)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay/intellectual disability and ASD

Age: 6 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50659249
CNV End: 50720591
CNV Size: 61343
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Autism: No formal testing. ADHD: Unknown. Developmental milestones: sitting, 9 months; walking, N/A; first word, N/A. Seizures: None. EEG: None. Brain MRI: Frontal subdural hygroma, mild ventriculomegaly. Hypotonia: Present. Motor coordination defects: None. Congenital anomalies: Complex congenital heart defect (double outlet right ventricle, dextro-transposition of the great arteries). Dysmorphic features: Cupped ears, epicanthal folds, long palpebral fissures, flat nasal bridge. Growth parameters: weight (%ile), 15; length (%ile), 10; FOC (%ile), 5. Ethnicity: Hispanic. Vision: Normal. Hearing: Normal.

Cognitive Profile:


Schaaf CP , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Multiple congenital anomalies

Age: 16 days

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 51028303
CNV End: 51235754
CNV Size: 207452
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Autism: ASD. ADHD: Yes. Developmental milestones: sitting, 8 months; walking, 14 months; first word, 18 months. Seizures: None. EEG: None. Brain MRI: Normal. Hypotonia: None. Motor coordination defects: None. Congenital anomalies: None. Dysmorphic features: None. Growth parameters: weight (%ile), 76; length (%ile), 86; FOC (%ile), 10. Ethnicity: Hispanic. Vision: Normal. Hearing: Normal. Family history: parent from whom NRXN1 deletion was inherited has a history of learning problems and/or neuropsychiatric disease.

Cognitive Profile:

Gross motor 79, fine motor 51, lang 72, social 49

Schaaf CP , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD + ADHD

Age: 3 years

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Possibly maternal

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50822001
CNV End: 50956073
CNV Size: 134073
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Possibly maternal
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Autism: ASD. ADHD: No. Developmental milestones: sitting, Unknown; walking, 20 months; first word, 2 years. Seizures: Absence. EEG: N/A. Brain MRI: None. Hypotonia: None. Motor coordination defects: None. Congenital anomalies: None. Dysmorphic features: None. Growth parameters: weight (%ile), 20; length (%ile), 25; FOC (%ile), >98. Ethnicity: Caucasian. Vision: Normal. Hearing: Normal. Family history: parent from whom NRXN1 deletion was inherited has a history of learning problems and/or neuropsychiatric disease.

Cognitive Profile:

No formal testing, but requires special education.

Schaaf CP , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: 13 years

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Possibly maternal

Family Profile: Multiplex
CNV Start: 50465243
CNV End: 50842194
CNV Size: 376952
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Possibly maternal
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Autism: ASD. ADHD: No. Developmental milestones: sitting, Unknown; walking, 14 months; first word, 12 months. Seizures: Generalized tonic-clonic seizures. EEG: Right frontal spike activity. Brain MRI: Normal. Hypotonia: None. Motor coordination defects: None. Congenital anomalies: None. Dysmorphic features: None. Growth parameters: weight (%ile), 50; length (%ile), 25; FOC (%ile), 98. Ethnicity: Caucasian. Vision: Normal. Hearing: Normal. Family history: parent from whom NRXN1 deletion was inherited has a history of learning problems and/or neuropsychiatric disease.

Cognitive Profile:

Mild to moderate ID (clinical impression)

Schaaf CP , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: 16 years

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Possibly maternal

Family Profile: Multiplex
CNV Start: 50465243
CNV End: 50842194
CNV Size: 376952
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Possibly maternal
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Autism: No. ADHD: Yes. Developmental milestones: sitting, 10 months; walking, 16 months; first word, 18 months. Seizures: Generalized tonic-clonic seizures. EEG: Bifrontal and central spike and wave. Brain MRI: Normal. Hypotonia: None. Motor coordination defects: Present. Congenital anomalies: None. Dysmorphic features: Epicanthal folds. Growth parameters: weight (%ile), 35; length (%ile), 43; FOC (%ile), 52. Ethnicity: Caucasian. Vision: Normal. Hearing: Normal. Family history: parent from whom NRXN1 deletion was inherited has a history of learning problems and/or neuropsychiatric disease.

Cognitive Profile:

Verbal 91, spatial 61, nonverbal 60

Schaaf CP , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: ADHD

Age: 5 years

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Possibly paternal

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50465243
CNV End: 50472248
CNV Size: 7006
Validation Description: PCR and DNA sequencing
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Possibly paternal
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Autism: Autistic disorder. ADHD: No. Developmental milestones: sitting, Unknown; walking, 12 months; first word, 6 months. Seizures: Absence. EEG: Normal. Brain MRI: Bilateral perisylvian pachgyria, symmetric white matter volume loss, thinning of corpus callosum. Hypotonia: None. Motor coordination defects: None. Congenital anomalies: None. Dysmorphic features: None. Growth parameters: weight (%ile), 46; length (%ile), 55; FOC (%ile), 92. Ethnicity: Ashkenazi Jewish. Vision: Normal. Hearing: Normal. Family history: parent from whom NRXN1 deletion was inherited has a history of learning problems and/or neuropsychiatric disease.

Cognitive Profile:

Gross motor 38, fine motor 89, receptive lang 38, expressive lang 53

Schaaf CP , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Autistic disorder

Age: 5 years

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Possibly maternal

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50079492
CNV End: 50401277
CNV Size: 321786
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Possibly maternal
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Autism: PDD-NOS. ADHD: Yes. Developmental milestones: sitting, Unknown; walking, Unknown; first word, Unknown. Seizures: Absence, atonic drop attack. EEG: Frontocentral generalized spike and slow wave activity. Brain MRI: Normal. Hypotonia: Mild. Motor coordination defects: None. Congenital anomalies: None. Dysmorphic features: Deep set eyes. Growth parameters: weight (%ile), 25; length (%ile), 25; FOC (%ile), 95. Ethnicity: Caucasian. Vision: Normal. Hearing: Mild hearing impairment. Family history: parent from whom NRXN1 deletion was inherited has a history of learning problems and/or neuropsychiatric disease.

Cognitive Profile:

FS IQ 61, verbal 85, performance 57

Schaaf CP , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: PDD-NOS + ADHD

Age: 10 years

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Possibly maternal

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 49918460
CNV End: 50185051
CNV Size: 266592
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Possibly maternal
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Autism: Autistic disorder. ADHD: No. Developmental milestones: sitting, 12 months; walking, 3 years; first word, 5 years. Seizures: Generalized tonic-clonic seizures. EEG: Poorly organized beta frequency, background with poor variability and reactivity. Brain MRI: Prominent Virchow-Robin spaces. Hypotonia: None. Motor coordination defects: None. Congenital anomalies: None. Dysmorphic features: None. Growth parameters: weight (%ile), 65; length (%ile), 50; FOC (%ile), >98. Ethnicity: Caucasian. Vision: Normal. Hearing: Normal. Family history: parent from whom NRXN1 deletion was inherited has a history of learning problems and/or neuropsychiatric disease.

Cognitive Profile:

No formal testing, but requires special education.

Schaaf CP , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Autistic disorder

Age: 9 years

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Possibly paternal

Family Profile: Multiplex
CNV Start: 49804652
CNV End: 49965761
CNV Size: 161110
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Possibly paternal
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: RPL7P13, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Autism: Autistic disorder. ADHD: No. Developmental milestones: sitting, 6 months; walking, 2 years; first word, 5 years. Seizures: Generalized tonic-clonic seizures. EEG: None. Brain MRI: focal areas of white matter hyperintensity, prominent Virchow-Robin spaces. Hypotonia: None. Motor coordination defects: None. Congenital anomalies: None. Dysmorphic features: None. Growth parameters: weight (%ile), 25; length (%ile), 10; FOC (%ile), >98. Ethnicity: Caucasian. Vision: Normal. Hearing: Normal. Family history: parent from whom NRXN1 deletion was inherited has a history of learning problems and/or neuropsychiatric disease.

Cognitive Profile:

No formal testing, but requires special education.

Schaaf CP , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Autistic disorder

Age: 9 years

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Possibly paternal

Family Profile: Multiplex
CNV Start: 49804652
CNV End: 49965761
CNV Size: 161110
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Possibly paternal
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: RPL7P13, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Autism: Sensory integration disorder. ADHD: Yes. Developmental milestones: sitting, Unknown; walking, 10 months; first word, 18 months. Seizures: Absence. EEG: Normal. Brain MRI: Atrophic changes of hippocampus. Hypotonia: None. Motor coordination defects: None. Congenital anomalies: None. Dysmorphic features: Deep set eyes. Growth parameters: weight (%ile), 35; length (%ile), 25; FOC (%ile), 65. Ethnicity: Caucasian. Vision: Normal. Hearing: Normal.

Cognitive Profile:

Verbal IQ 116, performance IQ 116, FS IQ 116

Schaaf CP , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Sensory integration disorder + ADHD

Age: 12 years

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 51015433
CNV End: 51334627
CNV Size: 319195
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Autism: PDD-NOS. ADHD: No. Developmental milestones: sitting, Unknown; walking, 10 months; first word, 2 years. Seizures: None. EEG: None. Brain MRI: Minimal periventricular white matter changes. Hypotonia: Present. Motor coordination defects: Present. Congenital anomalies: None. Dysmorphic features: Low set ears, telecanthus, epicanthal folds. Growth parameters: weight (%ile), 45; length (%ile), 85; FOC (%ile), 60. Ethnicity: Hispanic. Vision: Normal. Hearing: Normal.

Cognitive Profile:

Physical profile: delayed. Adaptive behavior profile: below average. Social/emotional profile: delayed. Cognitive profile: delayed. Communication profile: delayed.

Schaaf CP , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: PDD-NOS

Age: 3 years

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50975994
CNV End: 51087292
CNV Size: 111299
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Autism: ASD. ADHD: No. Developmental milestones: sitting, 6 months; walking, 13 months; first word, 18 months. Seizures: None. EEG: None. Brain MRI: Normal. Hypotonia: Mild. Motor coordination defects: None. Congenital anomalies: None. Dysmorphic features: Mild hypertelorism. Growth parameters: weight (%ile), 65; length (%ile), 50; FOC (%ile), 25. Ethnicity: Caucasian. Vision: Normal. Hearing: Normal. Family history: father carrying NRXN1 deletion had no history of neuropsychiatric phenotypes and no history of cognitive impairment or learning deficits.

Cognitive Profile:


Schaaf CP , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: 6 years

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50956012
CNV End: 51045128
CNV Size: 89117
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Autism: Autistic features. ADHD: Yes. Developmental milestones: sitting, 8 months; walking, 16 months; first word, 12 months. Seizures: None. EEG: None. Brain MRI: None. Hypotonia: Present. Motor coordination defects: Present. Congenital anomalies: None. Dysmorphic features: Epicanthal folds, upslanting palpebral fissures, anteverted nares. Growth parameters: weight (%ile), 50; length (%ile), 50; FOC (%ile), 50. Ethnicity: Caucasian. Vision: Normal. Hearing: Normal. Family history: parent from whom NRXN1 deletion was inherited has a history of learning problems and/or neuropsychiatric disease.

Cognitive Profile:

ID (clinical impression)

Schaaf CP , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: ADHD + autistic features

Age: 7 years

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Possibly maternal

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50925580
CNV End: 51087290
CNV Size: 161711
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Possibly maternal
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Autism: N/A. ADHD: N/A. Developmental milestones: sitting, N/A; walking, N/A; first word, N/A. Seizures: None. EEG: None. Brain MRI: Normal. Hypotonia: Present. Motor coordination defects: None. Congenital anomalies: None. Dysmorphic features: None. Growth parameters: weight (%ile), 10; length (%ile), 20; FOC (%ile), 75. Ethnicity: Caucasian. Vision: Normal. Hearing: Normal.

Cognitive Profile:


Schaaf CP , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Hypotonia

Age: 2 months

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50741315
CNV End: 51087292
CNV Size: 345978
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Autism: Autistic features. ADHD: No. Developmental milestones: sitting, 9 months; walking, 18 months; first word, 12 months. Seizures: None. EEG: None. Brain MRI: None. Hypotonia: Present. Motor coordination defects: None. Congenital anomalies: None. Dysmorphic features: None. Growth parameters: weight (%ile), <1; length (%ile), 2; FOC (%ile), 53. Ethnicity: Caucasian/Hispanic. Vision: Normal. Hearing: Normal. Family history: parent from whom NRXN1 deletion was inherited has a history of learning problems and/or neuropsychiatric disease.

Cognitive Profile:

Cogn 85, motor 76, lang 62

Schaaf CP , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Autistic features

Age: 2.5 years

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Possibly maternal

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50811956
CNV End: 51045128
CNV Size: 233173
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Possibly maternal
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Autism: PDD-NOS. ADHD: Yes. Developmental milestones: sitting, 8 months; walking, 18 months; first word, 2 years. Seizures: Generalized tonic-clonic seizures during infancy. EEG: Normal. Brain MRI: Normal. Hypotonia: None. Motor coordination defects: Present. Congenital anomalies: None. Dysmorphic features: None. Growth parameters: weight (%ile), 15; length (%ile), 12; FOC (%ile), 5. Ethnicity: Caucasian. Vision: Normal. Hearing: Normal.

Cognitive Profile:

No formal testing, but requires special education.

Schaaf CP , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: PDD-NOS + ADHD

Age: 5 years

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50936399
CNV End: 51226718
CNV Size: 290320
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Autism: No. ADHD: Yes. Developmental milestones: sitting, 18 months; walking, 2 years; first word, 2 years. Seizures: None. EEG: Suggestive of global brain dysfunction. Brain MRI: Normal. Hypotonia: Present. Motor coordination defects: None. Congenital anomalies: Pulmonary hypoplasia, omphalpcele, bilateral club feet, scoliosis. Dysmorphic features: Low set, posteriorly rotated ears, bushy, arched eyebrows, wide mouth, might arached palate, dental crowding. Growth parameters: weight (%ile), <3; length (%ile), 3; FOC (%ile), 5. Ethnicity: Hispanic. Vision: Normal. Hearing: Normal.

Cognitive Profile:

Moderate ID, adaptive behavior score 58

Schaaf CP , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: ADHD

Age: 10 years

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50672366
CNV End: 51585387
CNV Size: 913022
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, KNOP1P3, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Autism: Yes. ADHD: No. Developmental milestones: sitting, 26 mo; walking, 4 yo; first word, 4 yo. Seizures: None. EEG: Nl. Brain MRI: Mild prominence of CSF spaces and subcortical hypomyelination. Hypotonia: Present. Motor coordination defects: Present . Congenital anomalies: None. Dysmorphic features: None. Growth parameters: weight (%ile), 61; length (%ile), 42; FOC (%ile), <2. Ethnicity: Caucasian. Vision: Normal. Hearing: Mild conductive hearing loss.

Cognitive Profile:

Gross motor 31, fine motor 26, visual reception 22, receptive language 22, expressive language 26

Schaaf CP , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: 6 years

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50995992
CNV End: 51015838
CNV Size: 19847
Validation Description: PCR and DNA sequencing
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown (not maternal; father sperm donor)
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Autism: No. ADHD: N/A. Developmental milestones: sitting, 8 mo; walking, 12 mo; first word, 12 mo. Seizures: None. EEG: None. Brain MRI: Microcephaly, thin corpus callosum. Hypotonia: none. Motor coordination defects: none. Congenital anomalies: Secundum ASD. Dysmorphic features: Low set, posteriorly rotated ears, epicanthal folds, depressed nasal bridge. Growth parameters: weight (%ile), <1; length (%ile), 6; FOC (%ile), <1. Ethnicity: Asian. Vision: Normal. Hearing: Normal.

Cognitive Profile:


Schaaf CP , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Multiple congenital anomalies

Age: 12 months

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50681321
CNV End: 50801993
CNV Size: 120673
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Autism: No. ADHD: N/A. Developmental milestones: sitting, N/A; walking, N/A; first word, N/A. Seizures: None. EEG: None. Brain MRI: Mild left cystic periventricular leukomalacia. Hypotonia: Present. Motor coordination defects: none. Congenital anomalies: None. Dysmorphic features: None. Growth parameters: weight (%ile), 4; length (%ile), 5; FOC (%ile), 8. Ethnicity: Hispanic. Vision: Normal. Hearing: Normal.

Cognitive Profile:

Profound developmental delay (clinical impression)

Schaaf CP , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: 16 months

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50741315
CNV End: 50791944
CNV Size: 50630
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Autism: PDD-NOS. ADHD: Yes. Developmental milestones: sitting, 6 mo; walking, 12 mo; first word, 7 mo. Seizures: None. EEG: None. Brain MRI: None. Hypotonia: none. Motor coordination defects: none. Congenital anomalies: None. Dysmorphic features: Mild slanting of the palpebral fissures, broad nasal tip, smooth philtrum. Growth parameters: weight (%ile), 75; length (%ile), 50; FOC (%ile), 50. Ethnicity: Caucasian. Vision: Normal. Hearing: Normal.

Cognitive Profile:

FS IQ 88, verbal 95, performance 84

Schaaf CP , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: PDD-NOS

Age: 6 years

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50661288
CNV End: 50721623
CNV Size: 60336
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Autism: Autistic features. ADHD: No. Developmental milestones: sitting, 18 mo; walking, 8 yo; first word, 4 yo. Seizures: GTCS, absence. EEG: Background activity diffusely sow, ; FOCal spike and wave activity. Brain MRI: Megacisterna magna, periventricular leukoencephalo-pathy. Hypotonia: none. Motor coordination defects: Present. Congenital anomalies: None. Dysmorphic features: None. Growth parameters: weight (%ile), <3; length (%ile), <3; FOC (%ile), <3. Ethnicity: Caucasian. Vision: Normal. Hearing: Normal.

Cognitive Profile:

Severe ID (clinical impression)

Schaaf CP , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Autistic features

Age: 10 years

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50731507
CNV End: 50852148
CNV Size: 120642
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Autism: Initially diagnosed with ASD, then diagnosis emerged to schizophrenia. ADHD: No. Developmental milestones: sitting, Unkn; walking, 15 mo; first word, 21 mo. Seizures: GTCS. EEG: Nl. Brain MRI: None. Hypotonia: none. Motor coordination defects: none. Congenital anomalies: None. Dysmorphic features: None. Growth parameters: weight (%ile), 99; length (%ile), 80; FOC (%ile), 50. Ethnicity: Caucasian. Vision: Esotropia, wears corrective glasses for unknown reason. Hearing: Normal.

Cognitive Profile:

No formal testing, but requires special education.

Schaaf CP , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Schizophrenia

Age: 16 years

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50801932
CNV End: 50852148
CNV Size: 50217
Validation Description: Maternal CMA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Autism: No, but profound obsessive-compulsive behaviors. ADHD: No. Developmental milestones: sitting, Unkn; walking, Unkn; first word, Unkn. Seizures: None. EEG: Nl. Brain MRI: Nl. Hypotonia: none. Motor coordination defects: none. Congenital anomalies: None. Dysmorphic features: Deep set eyes. Growth parameters: weight (%ile), 35; length (%ile), 70; FOC (%ile), 75. Ethnicity: Caucasian. Vision: Myopia, several retinal detachments, cataract. Hearing: Normal.

Cognitive Profile:

Learning problems in school, but overall normal intellectual function. No formal testing.

Schaaf CP , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Obsessive-compulsive behaviors

Age: 30 years

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50681321
CNV End: 50721623
CNV Size: 40303
Validation Description: Paternal CMA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Shen Y , et al. (2010)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: NA
CNV Start: 51155675
CNV End: 51264279
CNV Size: 108605
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: NA
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Shen Y , et al. (2010)
Primary Diagnosis: PDD-NOS

Age: NA

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: NA
CNV Start: 50633655
CNV End: 50772687
CNV Size: 139033
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: NA
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Shen Y , et al. (2010)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: NA
CNV Start: 51009862
CNV End: 51131743
CNV Size: 121882
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: NA
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Case fulfilled DSM-V criteria for autism; no other information available

Cognitive Profile:


Soueid J , et al. (2016)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: N/A

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex
CNV Start: 50938868
CNV End: 51075530
CNV Size: 136663
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Ascertained for ASD (criteria/testing unknown). History as child: starting to walk without support at 16 mo., speaking at 1 yr, using sentences at 3 yr., diffculty in toilet training. Able to follow normal school without aid. Attention deficit disorder noted by teachers. Normal EEG. Mild facial dysmorphism (microcephaly, hypertelorism, downslanting palpebral fissures, strabismus, myope, mild inner epicanthal folds, arched eyebrows, broad nasal base, bulbous nose, short philtrum, micro/retrognathia, irregular tooth arrangement). Phalangeal deformity in distal phalanges of hands. 5th finger camptodactyly. Brachydactyly of the feet. Hypotonia. History of joint hypermobility. Scoliosis. Growth parameters (12 yrs): weight 43.5 kg (50-75 %ile), length 154 cm (50-75 %ile), OFC 53 cm.

Cognitive Profile:

Mild-moderate mental retardation. Total IQ = 45 (WISC-R)

Soysal Y , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: 12

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex
CNV Start: 50412234
CNV End: 50603279
CNV Size: 191000
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Simplex
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Developmental delays

Cognitive Profile:


Autism Genome Project Consortium , et al. (2007)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Multiplex
CNV Start: 50291211
CNV End: 50646511
CNV Size: 355301
Validation Description: qPCR, microsatellite analysis
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Developmental delays

Cognitive Profile:


Autism Genome Project Consortium , et al. (2007)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Multiplex
CNV Start: 50291211
CNV End: 50646511
CNV Size: 355301
Validation Description: qPCR, microsatellite analysis
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Small patent ductus arteriosus, nodular heterotopia of frontal lobe. Dysmorphic features: macrocephaly, frontal cowlick, long palpebral fissures, midface hypoplasia, wide mouth.

Cognitive Profile:

Normal intelligence (IQ of 98)

Tammimies K , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50341200
CNV End: 50830000
CNV Size: 488801
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Strabismus, epicanthal folds, low set ears, cryptorchid testes

Cognitive Profile:


Tzetis M , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: DD/ID

Age: -

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 48365327
CNV End: 48868965
CNV Size: 503639
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: RNU6-282P, TPT1P11, ELOBP3, STON1, LHCGR, FOXN2, PPP1R21, STON1-GTF2A1L, GTF2A1L


Clinical Profile:

Hypotonia, speech delay, behavioral problems (autistic features)

Cognitive Profile:


Tzetis M , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: DD/ID

Age: -

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 51009862
CNV End: 51087292
CNV Size: 77431
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Hypotonia, speech delay, behavioral problems (autistic features)

Cognitive Profile:


Tzetis M , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: DD/ID

Age: -

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50770049
CNV End: 51019829
CNV Size: 249781
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Birth/neonatal history: born at term with birth weight of 2900 g. Developmental milestones: early developmental delay; sat without support at 3 years of age, walked independently after 6 years of age, recognized mother at 9 years of age, had only two words at 10 years of age. Language and communication evaluation: able to understand some verbal commands but unable to speak any. Behavioral/psychiatric evaluation: autism/autistic features; normal sleeping habits and normal appetite, no other behavioral abnormalities. Epilepsy/seizures: intractable epilepsy; seizures controlled with sodium valproate and levetiracetam. Brain imaging: normal. Growth parameters: at or below 3rd %ile. Family history: born to consanguineous parents (first cousins) who were heterozygous for the deletion; deletion absent in patient's sister.

Cognitive Profile:

Severe DD/ID (main area of delay/disability: global)

Utine GE , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay, epilepsy and autism/autistic features

Age: 10 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex
CNV Start: N/A
CNV End: N/A
CNV Size: 130000
Validation Description: RT-PCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Both parents
Family Profile: Simplex
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Age of onset: 37. 2x postnatal depressive episodes, first psychosis also postpartum, heavy family burden for schizophrenia, chronic schizophrenia.

Cognitive Profile:


Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: SCZ

Age: 45

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50795589
CNV End: 51158483
CNV Size: 362895
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Age of onset: 36.

Cognitive Profile:


Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: SCZ

Age: 49

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50480397
CNV End: 51053481
CNV Size: 573085
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Age of onset: 20. Also epilepsy.

Cognitive Profile:

Low IQ

Van Den Bossche MJ , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: SCZ and epilepsy and ID

Age: 35

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 51053164
CNV End: 51158483
CNV Size: 105320
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of bipolar disorder. Birth/neonatal history: uneventful pregnancy, born full-term with birth weight of 3640 g and length of 52 cm; no congenital abnormalities or feeding difficulties observed. Developmental milestones: started to walk at 14 months of age. Language and communication evaluation: difficulties in language acquisition; average language scores. Motor and musculoskeletal evaluation: dorsal kyphosis, long hand with slender and flexible fingers. Behavioral/psychiatric evaluation: behavioral profile characterized by inappropriate reactiond to frustration, which translated to refusal to follow directions, requests, or orders' performance on ADOS not indicative of ASD or autism. Epilepsy/seizures: febrile seizures until age of 2 years, childhood absence epilepsy from 5 to 7 years of age. Dysmorphic features: long face, deep set eyes, hypotelorism, low set ears, prominent premaxilla, high narrow palate, tooth malposition. Growth parameters: height 97th %ile, weight 97th %ile, OFC of 56.5 cm (+1 SD). Family history: only child of non-consanguineous parents with psychiatric and cognitive results within normal range.

Cognitive Profile:

Mild intellectual disability (IQ of 65); cognitive profile showed dysexecutive syndrome with particularly poor behavioral control, low tolerance to frustration, and difficulty in acquiring new information, both verbal and visual.

Vias-Jornet M , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: Bipolar disorder and intellectual disability

Age: 21 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex
CNV Start: 50433744
CNV End: 50851455
CNV Size: 417712
Validation Description: MLPA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: Simplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of atypical autism; performance on ADOS placed case within the ASD range. Birth/neonatal history: uneventful pregnancy, full-term and dystocic delivery; birth weight of 2790 g and OFC of 33.5 cm; no congenital abnormalities or feeding difficulties observed at birth. Motor and musculoskeletal evaluation: dorsal kyphosis, finger rigidity. Behavioral/psychiatric evaluation: nonspecified psychotic disorder with hypochondriac delusions; behavior inlcuded explosive temper tantrums, violence, and property destruction with a diagnosis of verbal and physically aggressive destructive behavior; also presented with obsessive-compulsive behavior. Dysmorphic features: long face, deep set eyes, hypotelorism, low set ears, prominent premaxilla, high palate. Growth parameters: height of 167 cm (3th-10th %ile), weight of 65.5 kg (25th %ile), and OFC of 54 cm (-1.5 SD). Family history: mother (positive for NRXN1 deletion) and brother (negative for NRXN1 deletion) with a history of behavioral disorders; mother also with a history of borderline IQ.

Cognitive Profile:

Mild intellectual disability (IQ of 62); neuropsychological tests showed complex cognitive profile, which included concretism and severe impairment of executive functioning, mainly in relation to working memory, difficulty in classifying information correctly, and deficit of abstract reasoning

Vias-Jornet M , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and intellectual disability

Age: 20 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Maternal

Family Profile: Multi-generational
CNV Start: 50283464
CNV End: 50910133
CNV Size: 626670
Validation Description: MLPA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Maternal
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Multi-generational
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) at age of 9 years. Birth/neonatal history: during pregnancy, mother suffered hyperemesis gravidarum and had surgical intervention for sacral cyst and retroplacental hematoma; born full-term with birth weight of 2800 g and length of 50 cm; no congenital abnormalities observed at birth; had breastfeeding and artificial feeding difficulties and frequent vomiting. Developmental milestones: unable to chew, had not acquired any language, and presented severe sleep disturbances at age of 3 years. Language and communication evaluation: language impairment (both expression and comprehension). Behavioral/psychiatric evaluation: autistic traits with hyperactivity and challenging behavior; presented many fears, sleep disturbances, and looked very anxious. Dysmorphic features: mildly long face, deep set eyes, prominent premaxilla, long philtrum. Growth parameters: height 3rd %ile, weight 3rd %ile, OFC 3rd %ile. Family history: only child of non-consanguineous parents; family history of borderline IQ (dysexecutive pattern) and psychiatric disorder (anxiety) in mother and two maternal aunts; father required treatment for OCD and showed reduced verbal memory.

Cognitive Profile:

Mild intellectual disability (IQ of 53); neuropsychological profile characterized by language impairment (both expression and comprehension), poor working memory, and attention.

Vias-Jornet M , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: ADHD and intellectual disability

Age: 11 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Maternal

Family Profile: Multi-generational
CNV Start: 50813443
CNV End: 51330086
CNV Size: 516644
Validation Description: MLPA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Maternal
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Multi-generational
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Walker S and Scherer SW (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Multiplex
CNV Start: 51325240
CNV End: 51444042
CNV Size: 118803
Validation Description: Long-range PCR or qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Walker S and Scherer SW (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex
CNV Start: 52156430
CNV End: 52173018
CNV Size: 16589
Validation Description: Long-range PCR or qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Family history: unaffected monozygotic twin sibling (also male). Karyotype: 46, XXY.

Cognitive Profile:


Walker S and Scherer SW (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex
CNV Start: 52139478
CNV End: 52157530
CNV Size: 18053
Validation Description: Long-range PCR or qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Walker S and Scherer SW (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex
CNV Start: 51076772
CNV End: 51145209
CNV Size: 68438
Validation Description: Long-range PCR or qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Simplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Walker S and Scherer SW (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex
CNV Start: 51076772
CNV End: 51108720
CNV Size: 31949
Validation Description: Long-range PCR or qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Simplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Walker S and Scherer SW (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex
CNV Start: 51359255
CNV End: 51399041
CNV Size: 39787
Validation Description: Long-range PCR or qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Simplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Wenger TL , et al. (2016)
Primary Diagnosis: 22q11.2 deletion syndrome and ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: N/A
CNV End: N/A
CNV Size: 20800
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh37
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Wintle RF , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: 15q duplication

Age: 9

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50994438
CNV End: 51006897
CNV Size: 12460
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Completion of ADI-R assessment confirmed diagnosis of ASD (Asperger syndrome). Birth/neonatal history: born prematurely at 32 weeks gestation with birth weight of 1.36 kg (10th %ile); transferred to NICU and required oxygen supplementation. Developmental milestones: received speech therapy, had trouble reading and focusing, attended regular school. Behavioral/psychiatric evaluation: history of anxiety and depression (hospitalized three times, treatment with antipsychotic and antianxiety medications), hospitalized at 12 years for anorexia. marginal memory, inattention, distractibility, problematic reality testing. Dysmorphic features: small thin face, high forehead, broad eyebrows, small palpebral fissures, mild epicanthal folds, prominent nasal root and bridge, wide nostrils, wide mouth, narrow pointed chin, prominent tragus on both ears. Family history: 2p16.3 deletion also identified in four children with autism, anxiety, developmental delay, and speech delay, but not in unaffected child; five first-trimester spontaneous abortions.

Cognitive Profile:

Low average cognitive ability

Winiowiecka-Kowalnik B , et al. (2010)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: 36 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Siblings: NA. Offspring: multiplex for ASD/DD.
CNV Start: 49953709
CNV End: 50332704
CNV Size: 378996
Validation Description: aCGH, FISH, long-range PCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Siblings: NA. Offspring: multiplex for ASD/DD.
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

ADOS (3 years 11 months): Autism Spectrum Disorder range; ADI-R determined diagnosis of ASD. Birth/neonatal history: born at 36-week gestation by spontaneous vaginal delivery followed by uncomplicated neonatal course. Developmental milestones: underwent initial developmental evaluation at 3 years 4 months, at which time diagnosis of speech and language delay and PDD-NOS was made. Language and communication: expressive language and language processing delays. Dysmorphic features: prominent forehead, arched eyebrows, broad upturned nasal tip, generous mouth, small and pointed chin. Family history: younger brother with clinical presentation similar to proband (no expressive language at 18 months), but with no formal evaluation; mother with right-sided hearing loss, migraines, history of speech problems and difficulty with social situations (no psychological evaluation); father with no reported abnormalities.

Cognitive Profile:

Cognitive delays

Winiowiecka-Kowalnik B , et al. (2010)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: 4 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Possibly maternal

Family Profile: Possibly multiplex
CNV Start: 49930845
CNV End: 50115104
CNV Size: 184260
Validation Description: aCGH, long-range PCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Possibly maternal
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Possibly multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Clinical diagnosis of PDD-NOS at 3 years of age. ADOS evaluation at 7 yrs 5 mos.: met diagnostic cutoffs for autism. ADI-R evaluation: did not meet diagnostic criteria for autism or ASD (unreliability of mother as informant may have affected the outcome of this measure). Birth/neonatal history: first live born child, product of uncomplicated pregnancy. Developmental milestones: continued progress in all areas (increased vocabulary and social interaction). Motor and musculoskeletal evaluation: slight truncal hypotonia. Dysmorphic features: prominent forehead, bitemporal narrowing, prominent midface hypoplasia with decreased intercanthal bilateral distance, mild epicanthal folds, flat nasal bridge, slightly large ears with unusual helix with decreased antihelix and smooth border with prominent helical curve, somewhat short neck, prominent gynecomastia with inverted nipples, some mild truncal obesity, very small hands and fingers with puffy dorsum of the hand, pes cavum with very prominent puffy dorsum of foot and short toes. Growth parameters: height, 78th %ile; weight, 90th %ile; head circumference of 51.5 cm (80th %ile). Family history: mother with reports of atypical behaviors (intermitting mouthing of objects and food-hoarding); father with dyslexia and multiple psychiatric issues; younger maternal half-brother with speech delay but normal gross motor development and no other major medical issues.

Cognitive Profile:


Winiowiecka-Kowalnik B , et al. (2010)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: 7 yrs. 5 mos.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (for ASD)
CNV Start: 50025771
CNV End: 50356592
CNV Size: 330822
Validation Description: aCGH, long-range PCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown (not maternal)
Family Profile: Simplex (for ASD)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Psychiatric history: personality disorder. Mini PAS-ADD evaluation: psychosis, unspecified disorder. BPI-S evaluation: at least weekly stereotyped behavior. Medical history: asthma. Dysmorphic features: abnormal facial shape, dental crowding. Growth parameters: height 169 cm, head circumference 55.9 cm. Ethnicity: white (British).

Cognitive Profile:

Moderate intellectual disability

Wolfe K , et al. (2016)
Primary Diagnosis: Intellectual disability

Age: 21 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50969050
CNV End: 51518394
CNV Size: 549345
Validation Description: qPCR, FISH, or QF-PCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: KNOP1P3, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Ye T , et al. (2012)
Primary Diagnosis: Autism

Age: NA (>13 yrs.)

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50509241
CNV End: 50578337
CNV Size: 69097
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Case met criteria for ASD based on ADI-R, ADOS, and clinical evaluation. CNV detected in this case was not present in DGV.

Cognitive Profile:


Yuen RK et al. (2016)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex
CNV Start: 50663774
CNV End: 50703271
CNV Size: 39498
Validation Description: qPCR and/or Sanger sequencing
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: Simplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Case cohort: ASD: Genomes to Outcome Study. Clinical description: N/A

Cognitive Profile:


C Yuen RK et al. (2017)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Multiplex
CNV Start: 50624862
CNV End: 50640862
CNV Size: 16001
Validation Description: CNV not detected by WGS, identified via Agilent 1M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Case cohort: The Autism Simplex Collection . Clinical description: ADHD, intellectual disability; sensory issues. Woodbury-Smith et al. NPJ Genomic Medicine 2017 further characterized this case [Language and communication evaluation: OWLS standard score of 50 (<0.1 %ile), Children's Communication Checklist GCC score of 30 (1st %ile), Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test score of 86 (9th %ile, aged 7:4). Growth parameters: macrocephaly (head circumference 57.9 cm); height of 166.5 cm, weight of 58.1 kg).]

Cognitive Profile:

Woodbury-Smith et al. NPJ Genomic Medicine 2017 further characterized this case [Intellectual disability (WPPSI-IIIF FSIQ 53, verbal IQ 56, nonverbal IQ 65); Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales communication 3rd %ile, daily living 1st %ile, social <1st %ile).

C Yuen RK et al. (2017)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex
CNV Start: 50526863
CNV End: 50773362
CNV Size: 246500
Validation Description: Affymetrix CytoScan HD
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Case cohort: ASD: Genomes to Outcome Study. Clinical description: N/A

Cognitive Profile:


C Yuen RK et al. (2017)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Multiplex
CNV Start: 50934862
CNV End: 51054862
CNV Size: 120001
Validation Description: Affymetrix CytoScan HD
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Case cohort: ASD: Genomes to Outcome Study. Clinical description: premature birth, weeks unknown (5 lb, 7 oz)

Cognitive Profile:


C Yuen RK et al. (2017)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Multiplex
CNV Start: 50934862
CNV End: 51054862
CNV Size: 120001
Validation Description: Affymetrix CytoScan HD
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Case cohort: AGRE. Clinical description: N/A

Cognitive Profile:


C Yuen RK et al. (2017)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Multiplex
CNV Start: 50923820
CNV End: 51049409
CNV Size: 125590
Validation Description: Not available
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Birth/neonatal history: delivery by caesarean section (due to toxemia of pregnancy). Developmental milestones: developmental delay (TDQ 30), delayed ability to walk (21 months), speech delay (only achieved vocalization). Motor and musculoskeletal evaluation: absence of sphincter control, hypotonia, balancing and motor skill problems. Behavioral/psychiatric evaluation: diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ADOS-2), tantrums, self-injurious behavior, trichotillomania, bruxism. Additional medical history: post-infectious cerebellitis, dysmorphic features.

Cognitive Profile:


Alfieri P et al. (2020)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and developmental delay

Age: 4 yrs. 6 mos.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50205526
CNV End: 50308999
CNV Size: 103474
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Birth/neonatal history: premature birth (34/35 weeks gestation) following a pregnancy complicated by exposure to smoking and medication. Developmental milestones: developmental delay (TDQ 44), delayed ability to walk (24 months), speech delay (babbling at 7 months, arrested). Motor and musculoskeletal evaluation: absence of sphincter control, hypotonia, slight chewing difficulties. Behavioral/psychiatric evaluation: diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ADOS-2). Additional medical history: dysmorphic features.

Cognitive Profile:


Alfieri P et al. (2020)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and developmental delay

Age: 4 yrs. 1 mo.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50859709
CNV End: 51183988
CNV Size: 324280
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Birth/neonatal history: delivery by caesarean section following a pregnancy complicated by maternal depression at the 6th gestational month. Developmental milestones: delayed ability to walk (16 months), speech delay (first words at 24 months), delayed sphincter control (42 months). dysmorphic features, epilepsy (onset at 33 months), multiple ear infections, motor dysregulation, and attention problems (patient 3 in this report).

Cognitive Profile:

Borderline intellectual disability (NVIQ 74)

Alfieri P et al. (2020)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay and intellectual disability

Age: 8 yrs. 5 mos.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50587538
CNV End: 50659308
CNV Size: 71771
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Birth/neonatal history: delivery complicated by obstructed labor. Developmental milestones: delayed sphincter control (54 months). Behavioral/psychiatric evaluation: diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ADOS-2), paranoid ideation, aggressive behavior. Additional medical history: non-specific gliotic tissue alteration, ectasis of several medullary veins, dysmorphic features, food allergies (nuts, peaches, and tomatoes), selective deficit of immunoglobulin A, recurrent respiratory infections.

Cognitive Profile:

Intellectual disability (FSIQ 50)

Alfieri P et al. (2020)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and intellectual disability

Age: 15 yrs. 3 mos.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50809966
CNV End: 52112517
CNV Size: 1302552
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: CRYGGP, CCDC12P1, ZNF863P, KNOP1P3, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Birth/neonatal history: intrauterine growth retardation, delivery by caesarean section due to breech presentation. Developmental milestones: delayed ability to walk (16 months). Behavioral/psychiatric evaluation: sleep disturbance, behavioral abnormalities (talking to himself, shyness, withdrawing and avoidant behaviors). Additional medical history: dysmorphic facial features. Growth parameters: relative microcephaly (HC 3rd-10th %ile), short stature (height < 3rd %ile), decreased body weight (< 3rd %ile).

Cognitive Profile:

Borderline intellectual disability (NVIQ 72)

Alfieri P et al. (2020)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay and intellectual disability

Age: 11 yrs. 4 mos.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50665709
CNV End: 50810025
CNV Size: 144317
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

ASD, speech and language delay, ADHD, hallucinations

Cognitive Profile:

Learning disability

Al Shehhi M , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD, DD, and ADHD

Age: 10 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 49910893
CNV End: 49987638
CNV Size: 76746
Validation Description: Validation methodology N/A (report states "All results were validated in an accredited diagnostic laboratory.")
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Speech and language delay, seizures, sensorineural hearing loss

Cognitive Profile:

Learning disability

Al Shehhi M , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay and epilepsy/seizures

Age: 2 yrs. 9 mos.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50654857
CNV End: 50772687
CNV Size: 117831
Validation Description: Validation methodology N/A (report states "All results were validated in an accredited diagnostic laboratory.")
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Speech and language delay, seizures, hypotonia

Cognitive Profile:

Learning disability

Al Shehhi M , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay and epilepsy/seizures

Age: 11 yrs. 3 mos.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50710306
CNV End: 50939587
CNV Size: 229282
Validation Description: Validation methodology N/A (report states "All results were validated in an accredited diagnostic laboratory.")
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

ASD, speech and language delay

Cognitive Profile:

Learning disability

Al Shehhi M , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and developmental delay

Age: 7 yrs. 8 mos.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50720532
CNV End: 50737769
CNV Size: 17238
Validation Description: Validation methodology N/A (report states "All results were validated in an accredited diagnostic laboratory.")
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Speech and language delay, Tetralogy of Fallot

Cognitive Profile:

Not reported

Al Shehhi M , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: 1 yr. 6 mos.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50730317
CNV End: 50794373
CNV Size: 64057
Validation Description: Validation methodology N/A (report states "All results were validated in an accredited diagnostic laboratory.")
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

ASD, speech and language delay

Cognitive Profile:

Learning disability

Al Shehhi M , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and developmental delay

Age: 11 yrs. 8 mos.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Paternal

Family Profile: Multi-generational
CNV Start: 50730317
CNV End: 51024419
CNV Size: 294103
Validation Description: Validation methodology N/A (report states "All results were validated in an accredited diagnostic laboratory.")
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Paternal
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Multi-generational
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Intrauterine growth retardation, right aortic arch, dysplastic ear

Cognitive Profile:

Not available

Al Shehhi M , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: Multiple congenital anomalies

Age: 4 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50737710
CNV End: 50985200
CNV Size: 247491
Validation Description: Validation methodology N/A (report states "All results were validated in an accredited diagnostic laboratory.")
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

ASD, speech and language delay, hypotonia, pyloric stenosis

Cognitive Profile:

Learning disability

Al Shehhi M , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and developmental delay

Age: 9 yrs. 7 mos.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50737710
CNV End: 51024419
CNV Size: 286710
Validation Description: Validation methodology N/A (report states "All results were validated in an accredited diagnostic laboratory.")
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Speech and language delay

Cognitive Profile:

Learning disability

Al Shehhi M , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: 5 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50741315
CNV End: 50816419
CNV Size: 75105
Validation Description: Validation methodology N/A (report states "All results were validated in an accredited diagnostic laboratory.")
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

ASD, speech and language delay, sensorineural hearing loss

Cognitive Profile:

Learning disability

Al Shehhi M , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and developmental delay

Age: 7 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50741315
CNV End: 51033474
CNV Size: 292160
Validation Description: Validation methodology N/A (report states "All results were validated in an accredited diagnostic laboratory.")
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

ASD, speech and language delay, psychosis

Cognitive Profile:

Learning disability

Al Shehhi M , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD, DD, and psychosis

Age: 18 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Paternal

Family Profile: Multi-generational
CNV Start: 50754975
CNV End: 51219735
CNV Size: 464761
Validation Description: Validation methodology N/A (report states "All results were validated in an accredited diagnostic laboratory.")
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Paternal
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Multi-generational
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

ASD, speech and language delay

Cognitive Profile:

Learning disability

Al Shehhi M , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and developmental delay

Age: 8 yrs. 4 mos.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50236383
CNV End: 50278527
CNV Size: 42145
Validation Description: Validation methodology N/A (report states "All results were validated in an accredited diagnostic laboratory.")
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Seizures, ventriculomegaly, contractures, low-set ears

Cognitive Profile:

No learning disability

Al Shehhi M , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: Epilepsy/seizures

Age: 1 mo.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50786488
CNV End: 50839499
CNV Size: 53012
Validation Description: Validation methodology N/A (report states "All results were validated in an accredited diagnostic laboratory.")
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

ASD, speech and language delay

Cognitive Profile:

Learning disability

Al Shehhi M , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and developmental delay

Age: 13 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50830686
CNV End: 50915770
CNV Size: 85085
Validation Description: Validation methodology N/A (report states "All results were validated in an accredited diagnostic laboratory.")
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:

Not reported

Al Shehhi M , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: Microcephaly

Age: 1 yr. 8 mos.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50839440
CNV End: 50873333
CNV Size: 33894
Validation Description: Validation methodology N/A (report states "All results were validated in an accredited diagnostic laboratory.")
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

ASD, speech and language delay, short stature

Cognitive Profile:

Learning disability

Al Shehhi M , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and developmental delay

Age: 6 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50856272
CNV End: 50945044
CNV Size: 88773
Validation Description: Validation methodology N/A (report states "All results were validated in an accredited diagnostic laboratory.")
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Aortic stenosis, cleft lip and palate

Cognitive Profile:

Not reported

Al Shehhi M , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: Multiple congenital anomalies

Age: 1 yr.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50856272
CNV End: 50974331
CNV Size: 118060
Validation Description: Validation methodology N/A (report states "All results were validated in an accredited diagnostic laboratory.")
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Speech and language delay

Cognitive Profile:

Learning disability

Al Shehhi M , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: 8 yrs. 10 mos.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50871440
CNV End: 50886978
CNV Size: 15539
Validation Description: Validation methodology N/A (report states "All results were validated in an accredited diagnostic laboratory.")
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Speech and language delay

Cognitive Profile:

Learning disability

Al Shehhi M , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: 8 yrs. 1 mo.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50882552
CNV End: 51087292
CNV Size: 204741
Validation Description: Validation methodology N/A (report states "All results were validated in an accredited diagnostic laboratory.")
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

ASD, speech and language delay

Cognitive Profile:

No learning disability

Al Shehhi M , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and developmental delay

Age: 20 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50894953
CNV End: 51087292
CNV Size: 192340
Validation Description: Validation methodology N/A (report states "All results were validated in an accredited diagnostic laboratory.")
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

ASD, speech and language delay

Cognitive Profile:

Learning disability

Al Shehhi M , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and developmental delay

Age: 7 yrs. 10 mos.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50894953
CNV End: 51155734
CNV Size: 260782
Validation Description: Validation methodology N/A (report states "All results were validated in an accredited diagnostic laboratory.")
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

ASD, speech and language delay

Cognitive Profile:

Learning disability

Al Shehhi M , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and developmental delay

Age: 4 yrs. 3 mos.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Paternal

Family Profile: Multi-generational
CNV Start: 50894953
CNV End: 51379119
CNV Size: 484167
Validation Description: Validation methodology N/A (report states "All results were validated in an accredited diagnostic laboratory.")
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Paternal
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Multi-generational
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

ASD, speech and language delay.

Cognitive Profile:

Learning disability

Al Shehhi M , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and developmental delay

Age: 4 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Extended multiplex
CNV Start: 50256514
CNV End: 50268753
CNV Size: 12240
Validation Description: Validation methodology N/A (report states "All results were validated in an accredited diagnostic laboratory.")
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Extended multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

ASD, speech and language delay, Wilm's tumor

Cognitive Profile:

Learning disability

Al Shehhi M , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and developmental delay

Age: 20 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50909933
CNV End: 51087292
CNV Size: 177360
Validation Description: Validation methodology N/A (report states "All results were validated in an accredited diagnostic laboratory.")
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

ASD, speech and language delay, seizures

Cognitive Profile:

Learning disability

Al Shehhi M , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD, DD, and epilepsy/seizures

Age: 21 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50921370
CNV End: 51024419
CNV Size: 103050
Validation Description: Validation methodology N/A (report states "All results were validated in an accredited diagnostic laboratory.")
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

ASD, speech and language delay

Cognitive Profile:

Learning disability

Al Shehhi M , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and developmental delay

Age: 7 yrs. 10 mos.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50925914
CNV End: 51033474
CNV Size: 107561
Validation Description: Validation methodology N/A (report states "All results were validated in an accredited diagnostic laboratory.")
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Tetralogy of Fallot

Cognitive Profile:

No learning disability

Al Shehhi M , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: Congenital heart defect

Age: 3 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50985141
CNV End: 51009921
CNV Size: 24781
Validation Description: Validation methodology N/A (report states "All results were validated in an accredited diagnostic laboratory.")
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

ASD, speech and language delay

Cognitive Profile:

Learning disability

Al Shehhi M , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and developmental delay

Age: 4 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 51009862
CNV End: 51033474
CNV Size: 23613
Validation Description: Validation methodology N/A (report states "All results were validated in an accredited diagnostic laboratory.")
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

ASD, speech and language delay, pectus excavatum, ADHD

Cognitive Profile:

Learning disability

Al Shehhi M , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and ADHD

Age: 13 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Extended multiplex
CNV Start: 50256514
CNV End: 50268753
CNV Size: 12240
Validation Description: Validation methodology N/A (report states "All results were validated in an accredited diagnostic laboratory.")
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Extended multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Speech and language delay, gross motor delay

Cognitive Profile:

Learning disability

Al Shehhi M , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: 2 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Extended multiplex
CNV Start: 50256514
CNV End: 50268753
CNV Size: 12240
Validation Description: Validation methodology N/A (report states "All results were validated in an accredited diagnostic laboratory.")
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Extended multiplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Speech and language delay, seizures, hypotonia, anal stenosis

Cognitive Profile:

Learning disability

Al Shehhi M , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay and epilepsy/seizures

Age: 11 yrs. 4 mos.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50339830
CNV End: 50669923
CNV Size: 330094
Validation Description: Validation methodology N/A (report states "All results were validated in an accredited diagnostic laboratory.")
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

ASD, speech and language delay, seizures

Cognitive Profile:

Learning disability

Al Shehhi M , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD, DD, and epilepsy/seizures

Age: 24 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50463846
CNV End: 50642926
CNV Size: 179081
Validation Description: Validation methodology N/A (report states "All results were validated in an accredited diagnostic laboratory.")
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Speech and language delay

Cognitive Profile:

Learning disability

Al Shehhi M , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: 5 yrs. 10 mos.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50482400
CNV End: 50532862
CNV Size: 50463
Validation Description: Validation methodology N/A (report states "All results were validated in an accredited diagnostic laboratory.")
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

ASD, speech and language delay, seizures

Cognitive Profile:

Learning disability

Al Shehhi M , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD, DD, and epilepsy/seizures

Age: 5 yrs. 4 mos.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Maternal

Family Profile: Multi-generational
CNV Start: 50654857
CNV End: 50720591
CNV Size: 65735
Validation Description: Validation methodology N/A (report states "All results were validated in an accredited diagnostic laboratory.")
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Maternal
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Multi-generational
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Birth/neonatal history: born by C-section after an uncomplicated pregnancy; birth weight 2.6 kg; presented with congenital torticollis; fed with artificial lactation with smooth transition to solid foods. Developmental milestones: diagnosed with global psychomotor developmental delay at 9 months; severe mixed language delay. Language and communication evaluation: impaired language characterized by altered speech production, underdeveloped phonological awareness, minimal syntax, severe shortage of active vocabulary, impaired receptive language, inappropriate pragmatic behavior (including lack of metapragmatic awareness and communicative use of gaze). Behavioral/psychiatric evaluation: attention deficit, poor imitation capacity, absence of symbolic play, difficulties with normal social interaction, difficulties expressing and identifying emotions, ritualized and disordered sensory behaviors (smelling objects), impaired theory of mind, impulsivity. Brain imaging: brain MRI at 13 months suggested an increase in extra-axial spaces, supratentorial ventriculomegaly, and mega cisterna magna. Additional medical history: anemia at 17 months of age. Family history: father with motor tics, paternal uncle with schizophrenia and intellectual disability, and paternal great-grandmother with cognitive and motor impairment.

Cognitive Profile:

Moderate intellectual disability, learning difficulties

Bentez-Burraco A et al. (2023)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay, intellectual disability, and autistic features

Age: 8 yrs. 1 mo.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50534639
CNV End: 50720591
CNV Size: 185953
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, MTCO1P42, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Case from REACH cohort

Cognitive Profile:


Brandler WM , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50603762
CNV End: 50769364
CNV Size: 165603
Validation Description: PCR or SNP data validation
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Case from SSC_phase1 cohort

Cognitive Profile:


Brandler WM , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50928135
CNV End: 51432922
CNV Size: 504788
Validation Description: PCR or SNP data validation
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Case from SSC_phase1 cohort

Cognitive Profile:


Brandler WM , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 51007302
CNV End: 51106589
CNV Size: 99288
Validation Description: PCR or SNP data validation
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Case from MSSNG cohort

Cognitive Profile:


Brandler WM , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50527083
CNV End: 50773241
CNV Size: 246159
Validation Description: No validation step reported
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Case from MSSNG cohort

Cognitive Profile:


Brandler WM , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50951513
CNV End: 51147537
CNV Size: 196025
Validation Description: No validation step reported
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Case from MSSNG cohort

Cognitive Profile:


Brandler WM , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50340805
CNV End: 50830652
CNV Size: 489848
Validation Description: No validation step reported
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Case from MSSNG cohort

Cognitive Profile:


Brandler WM , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50953771
CNV End: 51022928
CNV Size: 69158
Validation Description: No validation step reported
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Case from MSSNG cohort

Cognitive Profile:


Brandler WM , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50953771
CNV End: 51022928
CNV Size: 69158
Validation Description: No validation step reported
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Case from SSC_phase2 cohort

Cognitive Profile:


Brandler WM , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50859177
CNV End: 50935252
CNV Size: 76076
Validation Description: No validation step reported
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Case diagnosed with ASD at 35 months (CARS2-ST and ADOS-2 module 1). Birth/neonatal history: no pre-, peri-, or post-natal relevant findings; birth weight 3690 g (50th %ile), birth length 56 cm (85th-97th %ile). Developmental milestones: slight delay in socio-communicative abilities followed by regression of acquired socio-communicative abilities at 18-19 months; speech delay. Language and communication evaluation: languge expression limited to 4 single words at 4.6 years; language comprehension appeared to be slightly better. Behavioral/psychiatric evaluation: poor eye contact; social isolation; loss of imitiation skills, communicative gestures, and language; hyperactivity; short attention span; stereotypy (hand flapping when excited); sensory interests (manipulation of materials to get visual, acoustic, and tactile stimulation); restricted interests. Epilepsy/seizures: none reported. EEG: slow activity in the right temporal regions at 2.8 years. Brain imaging: not performed. Growth parameters: congenital macrocephaly (HC at birth, 31 months, and 60 months >98th %ile). Family history: this deletion was inherited from an unaffected mother, and no family history of ASD, congenital malformations, or intellectual disability was reported.

Cognitive Profile:

Cognitive and psychomotor development level could not be assessed using standardized scales due to lack of child's compliance; assessment of adaptive behavior (VABS) at 4.8 years showed significant delays in Communication, Daily Living Skills, Socialization, and Motor Skills domain (age equivalent of 1.6 years).

Cameli C et al. (2021)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: 5 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex
CNV Start: 49943627
CNV End: 50755034
CNV Size: 811408
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, MTCO1P42, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Case diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (met DSM-IV or DSM-5 criteria and confirmed by ADOS). Developmental milestones: developmental regression (loss of a 5-word vocabulary at 13 months, followed by re-emergence of speech a few months later), receptive language delay, expressive language delay. Dysmorphic features: midface hypoplasia, outstanding ears, low frontal hairline (this feature was also present in both parents). Growth parameters: macrocephaly (head circumference +2.5 SD) (this feature was also present in both parents). Family history: his father received special education at school and had pediatric-onset depression.

Cognitive Profile:


Chan AJS et al. (2022)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and developmental delay

Age: NA

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50951514
CNV End: 51147537
CNV Size: 196024
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Case diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (met DSM-IV or DSM-5 criteria and confirmed by ADOS). Birth/neonatal history: patent ductus arteriosus noted at birth (closed spontaneously). Epilepsy/seizures: seizures. Brain imaging: nodular heterotopia of the frontal lobe. Additional medical history: hypertropic cardiomyopathy (resolved and attributed to insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus during pregnancy). Dysmorphic features: frontal cowlick, long palpebral fissures, midface hypoplasia, wide mouth. Growth parameters: macrocephaly.

Cognitive Profile:

Cognitive evaluation at 6 years 3 months demonstrated a full scale IQ score of 98, a listening comprehension standard score of 91 (27th centile), and an oral expression standard score of 87 (19th centile).

Chan AJS et al. (2022)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and seizures

Age: NA

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50340806
CNV End: 50830652
CNV Size: 489847
Validation Description: RT-PCR, qPCR, or ddPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, MTCO1P42, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

CARS score 33 (mild severity)

Cognitive Profile:


Fan Y et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: 1 yr. 6 mos.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50830822
CNV End: 51205903
CNV Size: 375082
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Family history: both parents negative for ASD; no mental health diagnoses reported for the mother (father unknown).

Cognitive Profile:


Feliciano P et al. (2019)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50619906
CNV End: 50656389
CNV Size: 36484
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Family history: both parents negative for ASD; no mental health diagnoses reported for the mother (father unknown).

Cognitive Profile:


Feliciano P et al. (2019)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50619906
CNV End: 50656389
CNV Size: 36484
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Birth/neonatal history: premature birth (36 weeks gestation), no problems reported during the perinatal period. Developmental milestones: developmental delay (absent speech, no eye contact, no other social skills, no acquisition of self-care skills). Behavioral/psychiatric evaluation: diagnosis of autism (DSM-5), hyperactivity, self-mutilation, sleep disturbance.

Cognitive Profile:

Intellectual disability

Hamide Betul Gerik-Celebi et al. ()
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and intellectual disability

Age: 6 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50732545
CNV End: 51052256
CNV Size: 319712
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Developmental milestones: developmental delay/intellectual disability. Motor and musculoskeletal evaluation: hypotonia. Epilepsy/seizures: epilepsy (West syndrome), early infantile epileptic encephalopathy. Dysmorphic features: dysmorphic facial features.

Cognitive Profile:

Developmental delay/intellectual disability

Hamide Betul Gerik-Celebi et al. ()
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay/intellectual disability and epilepsy

Age: 1 yr.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50850431
CNV End: 51143323
CNV Size: 292893
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Developmental milestones: delayed ability to walk (21 months), delayed speech (first words at 21 months). Motor and musculoskeletal evaluation: hypotonia, broad hands and feet, habital subluxation of the patella. Epilepsy/seizures: absence seizures and abnormal EEG in infancy (since resolved). Additional medical history: hypermetropia, vesico-renal reflux (resolved. Dysmorphic features: broad nose, prominent columella, smooth philtrum, small upper lip, tooth and jaw malposition.

Cognitive Profile:

Mild intellectual disability (IQ 52)

Gregor A et al. (2021)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay, intellectual disability, and seizures

Age: 11 yrs. 2 mos.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 47832348
CNV End: 47839769
CNV Size: 7422
Validation Description: MLPA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Developmental milestones: developmental delay, delayed ability to walk (23 months), delayed speech. Motor and musculoskeletal evaluation: hypotonia, clinodactyly of the fifth digits, large hands. Additional medical history: pyloric stenosis. Dysmorphic features: epicanthus, telecanthus, full lips, large mouth, large ears.

Cognitive Profile:


Gregor A et al. (2021)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: 3 yrs. 10 mos.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 47833203
CNV End: 47903240
CNV Size: 70038
Validation Description: MLPA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: FBXO11, RPS27AP7


Clinical Profile:

Developmental milestones: delayed ability to walk (17 months), speech delay (first words at 3 years, reduced vocabulary at 11.5 years). Motor and musculoskeletal evaluation: broad hands and feet, broad and short thumbs, big toes, hallux valgus. Behavioral/psychiatric evaluation: lack of distance, ADHS, poor sense of danger, aggressive behavior, hyperphagia. EEG: abnormal. Additional medical history: borreliosis with reversible facial palsy at 8 years, enuresis nocturna. Dysmorphic features: prominent eyebrows, long palpebral fissures, periorbital fullness, broad nasal tip, flat philtrum, thin upper lip vermillion.

Cognitive Profile:

Moderate intellectual disability (IQ 50)

Gregor A et al. (2021)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay and intellectual disability

Age: 11 yrs. 6 mos.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 47783233
CNV End: 47839769
CNV Size: 56537
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: FBXO11, MSH6, RPL36AP15


Clinical Profile:

Developmental milestones: delayed ability to walk (2 years), delayed speech (first words at 3-4 years). Motor and musculoskeletal evaluation: partial cutaneous 2-3 toe syndactyly, cavus foot deformity, ankle hypermobility. Additional medical history: glue ears until 4 years of age, isolated right inferior iris atrophy. Dysmorphic features: large and simple ears, unusual discoloration of the left iris.

Cognitive Profile:

Mild intellectual disability (IQ 62)

Gregor A et al. (2021)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay and intellectual disability

Age: 17 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 47806501
CNV End: 47902810
CNV Size: 96310
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: FBXO11, MSH6, RPS27AP7


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD

Cognitive Profile:

Intellectual disability

Husson T , et al. (2020)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and intellectual disability

Age: 6 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Familial
CNV Start: 51026370
CNV End: 51032536
CNV Size: 6167
Validation Description: WES
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Familial
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of Asperger syndrome

Cognitive Profile:


Husson T , et al. (2020)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: 12 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex
CNV Start: 51026370
CNV End: 51032536
CNV Size: 6167
Validation Description: ddPCR, QMPSF, or aCGH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD

Cognitive Profile:

Intellectual disability

Husson T , et al. (2020)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD and intellectual disability

Age: 7 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex
CNV Start: 51026370
CNV End: 51032536
CNV Size: 6167
Validation Description: WES
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: Simplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Language and communication evaluation: poor language pragmatics. Family history: positive for ASD.

Cognitive Profile:

IQ > 70

Kushima I , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: 44 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Not simplex
CNV Start: 50496341
CNV End: 51317388
CNV Size: 821048
Validation Description: While a subset of CNVs were reported to have been validated by qPCR in the report, precisely which CNVs were validated was not reported
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Not simplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Behavioral/psychiatric evaluation: sensory hypersensitivity, OCD, psychiatric symptoms (delusions). Family history: negative.

Cognitive Profile:

Mild intellectual disability

Kushima I , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD, OCD, ID

Age: 14 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex
CNV Start: 51001206
CNV End: 51200739
CNV Size: 199534
Validation Description: While a subset of CNVs were reported to have been validated by qPCR in the report, precisely which CNVs were validated was not reported
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Simplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Behavioral/psychiatric evaluation: onset of schizophrenia at 28 years of age (core symptoms include delusions, cognitive impairment). Family history: negative.

Cognitive Profile:

IQ > 70

Kushima I , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: Schizophrenia

Age: 69 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex
CNV Start: 50721552
CNV End: 50944617
CNV Size: 223066
Validation Description: While a subset of CNVs were reported to have been validated by qPCR in the report, precisely which CNVs were validated was not reported
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Simplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

No additional clinical information reported for this individual. Family history: unknown.

Cognitive Profile:


Kushima I , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: Schizophrenia

Age: 26 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50836961
CNV End: 51084060
CNV Size: 247100
Validation Description: While a subset of CNVs were reported to have been validated by qPCR in the report, precisely which CNVs were validated was not reported
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

No additional clinical information reported for this individual. Family history: unknown.

Cognitive Profile:


Kushima I , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: Schizophrenia

Age: 48 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Unknown
CNV Start: 50975328
CNV End: 51121693
CNV Size: 146366
Validation Description: While a subset of CNVs were reported to have been validated by qPCR in the report, precisely which CNVs were validated was not reported
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Unknown
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD according to DSM-5 criteria.

Cognitive Profile:


Kushima I et al. (2022)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50496340
CNV End: 51317388
CNV Size: 821049
Validation Description: qRT-PCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, MTCO1P42, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of ASD according to DSM-5 criteria.

Cognitive Profile:


Kushima I et al. (2022)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 51001205
CNV End: 51200739
CNV Size: 199535
Validation Description: qRT-PCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of bipolar disorder according to DSM-5 criteria.

Cognitive Profile:


Kushima I et al. (2022)
Primary Diagnosis: Bipolar disorder

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50008566
CNV End: 50572315
CNV Size: 563750
Validation Description: qRT-PCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of schizophrenia according to DSM-5 criteria.

Cognitive Profile:


Kushima I et al. (2022)
Primary Diagnosis: Schizophrenia

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50721551
CNV End: 50944617
CNV Size: 223067
Validation Description: qRT-PCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of schizophrenia according to DSM-5 criteria.

Cognitive Profile:


Kushima I et al. (2022)
Primary Diagnosis: Schizophrenia

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50836960
CNV End: 51084060
CNV Size: 247101
Validation Description: qRT-PCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of schizophrenia according to DSM-5 criteria.

Cognitive Profile:


Kushima I et al. (2022)
Primary Diagnosis: Schizophrenia

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50975327
CNV End: 51121693
CNV Size: 146367
Validation Description: qRT-PCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of schizophrenia according to DSM-5 criteria.

Cognitive Profile:


Kushima I et al. (2022)
Primary Diagnosis: Schizophrenia

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50912850
CNV End: 50981984
CNV Size: 69135
Validation Description: qRT-PCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Diagnosis of atypical autism (ADOS=22). Motor and musculoskeletal evaluation: congenital torticollis. Additional medical history: dental caries.

Cognitive Profile:

Severe intellectual disability

Leblond CS , et al. (2019)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex
CNV Start: 50898487
CNV End: 51028289
CNV Size: 129803
Validation Description: SnipPeep and XHMM plot visualizations
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: Simplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Case diagnosed with ASD (ICD-10 code F.84) and also presented with global developmental delay/intellectual disability, ADHD, aggressive behavior, self-injurious behavior, sensory processing disorder, mood disorder, motor stereotypies, and generalized absence seizures.

Cognitive Profile:

Global developmental delay/intellectual disability.

Karen Lob et al. ()
Primary Diagnosis: ASD, ADHD, DD/ID, and seizures

Age: -

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50243151
CNV End: 50748677
CNV Size: 505527
Validation Description: NRXN1 deletion/duplication analysis
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, MTCO1P42, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Case clinically diagnosed with ASD based on DSM-V criteria.

Cognitive Profile:


Miyake N et al. (2023)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50738981
CNV End: 51028448
CNV Size: 289468
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Case clinically diagnosed with ASD based on DSM-V criteria.

Cognitive Profile:


Miyake N et al. (2023)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 47795838
CNV End: 48733130
CNV Size: 937293
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: FBXO11, PPP1R21, FOXN2, MSH6, STON1-GTF2A1L, RPS27AP7, LHCGR, VN1R18P, RPL36AP15, PPIAP62, TPT1P11, RNU6-282P, RNU4-49P, RN7SKP224, PPP1R21-DT, GTF2A1L, STON1


Clinical Profile:

Case diagnosed with ASD based on DSM criteria. CNV detected by aCGH (Agilent 60K)

Cognitive Profile:


Munnich A , et al. (2019)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50369978
CNV End: 50610356
CNV Size: 240379
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Case diagnosed with ASD based on DSM criteria. CNV detected by aCGH (Agilent 60K)

Cognitive Profile:


Munnich A , et al. (2019)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: N/A

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50710306
CNV End: 51219735
CNV Size: 509430
Validation Description: FISH
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Case diagnosed with ASD according to DSM-5 criteria

Cognitive Profile:


Ohashi K et al. (2021)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50741314
CNV End: 51155734
CNV Size: 414421
Validation Description: WES
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: De novo
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Birth/neonatal history: absent cry at birth. Developmental milestones: global developmental delay, delayed ability to walk (2 years 6 months), speech delay (first words at 2+ years), developmental regression (regression of speech and language skills), receptive language delay. Family history: similarly affected mother.

Cognitive Profile:

Mild-moderate intellectual disability

Xin Pan et al. ()
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay and intellectual disability

Age: 14 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Maternal

Family Profile: Simplex
CNV Start: 47806919
CNV End: 47808427
CNV Size: 1509
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: Maternal
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: FBXO11, MSH6


Clinical Profile:

Developmental milestones: global developmental delay, delayed ability to walk (3 years), speech delay (first words at 3+ years). Motor and musculoskeletal evaluation: hypotonia. Family history: similarly affected daughter.

Cognitive Profile:

Moderate intellectual disability

Xin Pan et al. ()
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay and intellectual disability

Age: 35 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex
CNV Start: 47806919
CNV End: 47808427
CNV Size: 1509
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: Simplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: FBXO11, MSH6


Clinical Profile:

Global developmental delay (HP:0001263), plagiocephaly (HP:0001357), abnormal facial shape (HP:0001999).

Cognitive Profile:


Axel Schmidt et al. (2024)
Primary Diagnosis: Developmental delay

Age: Child

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50346692
CNV End: 50623615
CNV Size: 276924
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Case diagnosed with ASD according to ADOS, ADI-R, and DSM-V.

Cognitive Profile:


Tuncay IO et al. (2023)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50270332
CNV End: 50287662
CNV Size: 17331
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Case diagnosed with ASD according to DSM-5 criteria and assessed using ADOS-2 and CARS-2.

Cognitive Profile:


Marta Viggiano et al. (2024)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD

Age: -

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex
CNV Start: 49962600
CNV End: 50756048
CNV Size: 793449
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, MTCO1P42, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

Case clincially diagnosed with ASD according to DSM-V criteria. Additional clinical features: language delay, sleep disorders, forehead protrusion. Family history: CNV inherited from normal parent.

Cognitive Profile:

Intellectual disability

Zhang Y et al. (2023)
Primary Diagnosis: ASD, developmental delay, and intellectual disability

Age: 2 yrs.

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50818896
CNV End: 51469484
CNV Size: 650589
Validation Description: qPCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -
Show all Control Details Show all Cohort Details

No control populations reported.

Show all Control Details Show all Cohort Details


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Coe BP , et al. (2014)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 49919358
CNV End: 51029358
CNV Size: 1110001
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MTCO1P42, MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

No previous psychiatric history

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 52602320
CNV End: 52667759
CNV Size: 65440
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

No previous psychiatric history

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 49649453
CNV End: 49904629
CNV Size: 255177
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

No previous psychiatric history

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 51726852
CNV End: 51938860
CNV Size: 212009
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

No previous psychiatric history

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 52004395
CNV End: 52900408
CNV Size: 896014
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: ZNF863P, FTH1P6, MIR4431, LINC01867


Clinical Profile:

No previous psychiatric history

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 49344809
CNV End: 49420887
CNV Size: 76079
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

No previous psychiatric history

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50655015
CNV End: 50716390
CNV Size: 61376
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

No previous psychiatric history

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 52038543
CNV End: 52124384
CNV Size: 85842
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

No previous psychiatric history

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50662821
CNV End: 50698772
CNV Size: 35952
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: MIR8485, NRXN1


Clinical Profile:

No previous psychiatric history

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 52179922
CNV End: 52355628
CNV Size: 175707
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

No previous psychiatric history

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 52520616
CNV End: 52556534
CNV Size: 35919
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

No previous psychiatric history

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 52602320
CNV End: 52666027
CNV Size: 63708
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

No previous psychiatric history

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 52345029
CNV End: 52440806
CNV Size: 95778
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

No previous psychiatric history

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 52366845
CNV End: 52419198
CNV Size: 52354
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

No previous psychiatric history

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 51926530
CNV End: 51988503
CNV Size: 61974
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

No previous psychiatric history

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50758990
CNV End: 50860892
CNV Size: 101903
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

No previous psychiatric history

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 48779686
CNV End: 48851645
CNV Size: 71960
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

No previous psychiatric history

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 52179922
CNV End: 52355628
CNV Size: 175707
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

No previous psychiatric history

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 52520616
CNV End: 52562726
CNV Size: 42111
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

No previous psychiatric history

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 51141401
CNV End: 51244183
CNV Size: 102783
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

No previous psychiatric history

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50831607
CNV End: 50878714
CNV Size: 47108
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

No previous psychiatric history

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50698772
CNV End: 50756048
CNV Size: 57277
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

No previous psychiatric history

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 52510045
CNV End: 52620346
CNV Size: 110302
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

No previous psychiatric history

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 49681013
CNV End: 49784683
CNV Size: 103671
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

No previous psychiatric history

Cognitive Profile:


Engchuan W , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50749347
CNV End: 50983487
CNV Size: 234141
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Girirajan S , et al. (2013)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: N/A
CNV End: N/A
CNV Size: N/A
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: NCBI36
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Control screened for DSM-IV mental disorders using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview and psychotic disorders using the research version of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV

Cognitive Profile:


Kanduri C , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 49535856
CNV End: 49537795
CNV Size: 1940
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: Intergenic CNV: nearest genes, FSHR(dist=154190),NRXN1(dist=607848)


Clinical Profile:

Control screened for DSM-IV mental disorders using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview and psychotic disorders using the research version of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV

Cognitive Profile:


Kanduri C , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 49533498
CNV End: 49537795
CNV Size: 4298
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: Intergenic CNV: nearest genes, FSHR(dist=151832),NRXN1(dist=607848)


Clinical Profile:

Control screened for DSM-IV mental disorders using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview and psychotic disorders using the research version of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV

Cognitive Profile:


Kanduri C , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 51926599
CNV End: 51928042
CNV Size: 1444
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: Intergenic CNV: nearest genes, NRXN1(dist=666925),ASB3(dist=1969075)


Clinical Profile:

Control screened for DSM-IV mental disorders using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview and psychotic disorders using the research version of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV

Cognitive Profile:


Kanduri C , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 51909753
CNV End: 51926904
CNV Size: 17152
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: Intergenic CNV: nearest genes, NRXN1(dist=650079),ASB3(dist=1970213)


Clinical Profile:

Control screened for DSM-IV mental disorders using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview and psychotic disorders using the research version of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV

Cognitive Profile:


Kanduri C , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 51926599
CNV End: 51928042
CNV Size: 1444
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: Intergenic CNV: nearest genes, NRXN1(dist=666925),ASB3(dist=1969075)


Clinical Profile:

Control screened for DSM-IV mental disorders using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview and psychotic disorders using the research version of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV

Cognitive Profile:


Kanduri C , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 49533498
CNV End: 49537795
CNV Size: 4298
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: Intergenic CNV: nearest genes, FSHR(dist=151832),NRXN1(dist=607848)


Clinical Profile:

Unaffected sibling from the Simons Simplex Collection (SSC)

Cognitive Profile:


Krumm N , et al. (2015)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: Female
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50921524
CNV End: 51026469
CNV Size: 104946
Validation Description: Omni2.5-4v1
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Nord AS , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: -

Gender: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 48895069
CNV End: 48909473
CNV Size: 14405
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: -
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: Unknown
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Control (matched sibling)

Age: 11.5

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
CNV Start: 51699323
CNV End: 51702892
CNV Size: 3570
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Control (matched sibling)

Age: 11.5

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
CNV Start: 49306359
CNV End: 49310656
CNV Size: 4298
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Control (matched sibling)

Age: 9.9

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
CNV Start: 51684441
CNV End: 51702892
CNV Size: 18452
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Control (matched sibling)

Age: 13.4

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
CNV Start: 51699323
CNV End: 51702892
CNV Size: 3570
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Control (matched sibling)

Age: 7.1

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
CNV Start: 49486991
CNV End: 49541877
CNV Size: 54887
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Control (matched sibling)

Age: 13.6

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
CNV Start: 51684441
CNV End: 51700904
CNV Size: 16464
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Control (matched sibling)

Age: 7.2

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
CNV Start: 48811015
CNV End: 48825154
CNV Size: 14140
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Control (matched sibling)

Age: 11.2

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
CNV Start: 49411983
CNV End: 49441835
CNV Size: 29853
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Control (matched sibling)

Age: 23.3

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
CNV Start: 51699461
CNV End: 51702892
CNV Size: 3432
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Control (matched sibling)

Age: 8.8

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
CNV Start: 49306359
CNV End: 49310656
CNV Size: 4298
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Control (matched sibling)

Age: 12.2

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
CNV Start: 51695645
CNV End: 51700576
CNV Size: 4932
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Control (matched sibling)

Age: 10.5

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
CNV Start: 47874445
CNV End: 47878317
CNV Size: 3873
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Control (matched sibling)

Age: 6.8

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
CNV Start: 50642321
CNV End: 50649904
CNV Size: 7584
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Control (matched sibling)

Age: 18.1

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
CNV Start: 49306359
CNV End: 49310656
CNV Size: 4298
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Control (matched sibling)

Age: 7.9

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
CNV Start: 52417759
CNV End: 52419198
CNV Size: 1440
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Control (matched sibling)

Age: 9.3

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
CNV Start: 49306359
CNV End: 49310656
CNV Size: 4298
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Control (matched sibling)

Age: 14.1

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
CNV Start: 52179922
CNV End: 52355628
CNV Size: 175707
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Control (matched sibling)

Age: 6.7

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
CNV Start: 50749347
CNV End: 50775468
CNV Size: 26122
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Control (matched sibling)

Age: 9

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
CNV Start: 51695429
CNV End: 51700904
CNV Size: 5476
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Control (matched sibling)

Age: 6.2

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
CNV Start: 49306359
CNV End: 49320416
CNV Size: 14058
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Control (matched sibling)

Age: 10.3

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
CNV Start: 51693721
CNV End: 51700576
CNV Size: 6856
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Control (matched sibling)

Age: 7.9

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
CNV Start: 52179922
CNV End: 52372222
CNV Size: 192301
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Control (matched sibling)

Age: 6.3

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
CNV Start: 51689657
CNV End: 51700576
CNV Size: 10920
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Control (matched sibling)

Age: 11.7

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
CNV Start: 51689657
CNV End: 51700904
CNV Size: 11248
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Control (matched sibling)

Age: 7

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
CNV Start: 50271467
CNV End: 50282833
CNV Size: 11367
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Control (matched sibling)

Age: 8.3

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
CNV Start: 48811015
CNV End: 48825154
CNV Size: 14140
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Control (matched sibling)

Age: 4.6

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
CNV Start: 50983487
CNV End: 51020519
CNV Size: 37033
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Control (matched sibling)

Age: 4.9

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
CNV Start: 50924881
CNV End: 51437755
CNV Size: 512875
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Control (matched sibling)

Age: 9

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
CNV Start: 52032073
CNV End: 52039236
CNV Size: 7164
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Control (matched sibling)

Age: 7.1

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
CNV Start: 51689657
CNV End: 51702892
CNV Size: 13236
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Control (matched sibling)

Age: 4.3

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
CNV Start: 51699461
CNV End: 51702892
CNV Size: 3432
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:


Cognitive Profile:


Sanders SJ , et al. (2011)
Primary Diagnosis: Control (matched sibling)

Age: 11.1

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
CNV Start: 49306359
CNV End: 49310656
CNV Size: 4298
Validation Description: -
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Paternal
Family Profile: Simplex (quad)
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Control from SSC_phase1 cohort

Cognitive Profile:


Brandler WM , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: N/A

Gender: M
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50928135
CNV End: 51432922
CNV Size: 504788
Validation Description: PCR or SNP data validation
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Maternal
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

This individual had no history of mental disorders based upon responses to questionnaires or self-reporting.

Cognitive Profile:


Kushima I , et al. (2018)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: 32 yrs.

Gender: F
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50875980
CNV End: 50964367
CNV Size: 88388
Validation Description: While a subset of CNVs were reported to have been validated by qPCR in the report, precisely which CNVs were validated was not reported
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -


Clinical Profile:

Control with no history of mental disorders based on responses to questionnaires or self-reporting.

Cognitive Profile:


Kushima I et al. (2022)
Primary Diagnosis: Control

Age: NA

Gender: NA
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -

Family Profile: -
CNV Start: 50790429
CNV End: 50964367
CNV Size: 173939
Validation Description: qRT-PCR
Primary Disorder Inheritence: -
CNV Inheritance: Unknown
Family Profile: -
Genome Build: GRCh38
Gene Content: -
Genes associated with 2p16.3(0 Models)
FBXO11 6  /  14 Rare Single Gene Mutation, Syndromic
NRXN1 64  /  118 Rare Single Gene Mutation, Syndromic, Genetic Association, Functional
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