Human Gene Module / Chromosome 8 / ADGRB1

ADGRB1adhesion G protein-coupled receptor B1

SFARI Gene Score
Suggestive Evidence Criteria 3.1
Autism Reports / Total Reports
8 / 8
Rare Variants / Common Variants
8 / 0
Associated Syndromes
Chromosome Band
Associated Disorders
Relevance to Autism

Two de novo missense variants with CADD scores > 30 were identified in the ADGRB1 gene in a Korean ASD proband in Kim et al., 2024; this gene was subsequently classified as an ASD candidate gene in males following a combined TADA analysis consisting of the Korean ASD cohort described in Kim et al., 2024 in addition to the Simons Simplex Collection and the SPARK cohort. A de novo loss-of-function variant in ADGRB1 was identified in an SSC proband, and two additional de novo missense variants with CADD scores > 30 were identified in this gene in ASD probands from the Autism Sequencing Consortium and SPARK (Iossifov et al., 2014; Satterstrom et al., 2020; Zhou et al., 2022). De novo missense variants in ADGRB1 have also been identified in ASD probands from Japanese and Chinese cohorts (Takata et al., 2018; Yuan et al., 2023; Wang et al., 2023).

Molecular Function

Inhibits MDM2-mediated ubiquitination and degradation of DLG4/PSD95, promoting DLG4 stability and regulating synaptic plasticity. Required for the formation of dendritic spines by ensuring the correct localization of PARD3 and TIAM1.

SFARI Genomic Platforms
Reports related to ADGRB1 (8 Reports)
# Type Title Author, Year Autism Report Associated Disorders
1 Support The contribution of de novo coding mutations to autism spectrum disorder Iossifov I et al. (2014) Yes -
2 Support Whole genome sequencing resource identifies 18 new candidate genes for autism spectrum disorder C Yuen RK et al. (2017) Yes -
3 Support Integrative Analyses of De Novo Mutations Provide Deeper Biological Insights into Autism Spectrum Disorder Takata A , et al. (2018) Yes -
4 Support Large-Scale Exome Sequencing Study Implicates Both Developmental and Functional Changes in the Neurobiology of Autism Satterstrom FK et al. (2020) Yes -
5 Support - Zhou X et al. (2022) Yes -
6 Support - Yuan B et al. (2023) Yes -
7 Support - Wang J et al. (2023) Yes -
8 Primary - Soo-Whee Kim et al. (2024) Yes -
Rare Variants   (8)
Status Allele Change Residue Change Variant Type Inheritance Pattern Parental Transmission Family Type PubMed ID Author, Year
c.1870G>A p.Ala624Thr missense_variant De novo - - 35982159 Zhou X et al. (2022)
c.2840C>T p.Pro947Leu missense_variant De novo - - 36881370 Yuan B et al. (2023)
c.86G>C p.Arg29Pro missense_variant De novo - Simplex 37393044 Wang J et al. (2023)
c.3246C>G p.Tyr1082Ter stop_gained De novo - Simplex 25363768 Iossifov I et al. (2014)
c.3418T>C p.Cys1140Arg missense_variant De novo - - 39334436 Soo-Whee Kim et al. (2024)
c.3593G>A p.Arg1198His missense_variant De novo - - 31981491 Satterstrom FK et al. (2020)
c.2744A>G p.Asp915Gly missense_variant De novo - Simplex 29346770 Takata A , et al. (2018)
c.55_57del p.Leu19del inframe_deletion De novo - Simplex 28263302 C Yuen RK et al. (2017)
Common Variants  

No common variants reported.

SFARI Gene score

Suggestive Evidence


Suggestive Evidence

See all Category 3 Genes

The literature is replete with relatively small studies of candidate genes, using either common or rare variant approaches, which do not reach the criteria set out for categories 1 and 2. Genes that had two such lines of supporting evidence were placed in category 3, and those with one line of evidence were placed in category 4. Some additional lines of "accessory evidence" (indicated as "acc" in the score cards) could also boost a gene from category 4 to 3.


Initial score established: 3

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