LZTS2leucine zipper, putative tumor suppressor 2
Autism Reports / Total Reports
2 / 4Rare Variants / Common Variants
0 / 2Aliases
LZTS2, RP11-108L7.8, KIAA1813, LAPSER1Associated Syndromes
-Chromosome Band
10q24.31Associated Disorders
-Relevance to Autism
Genetic association has been found between the LZTS2 gene and autism in two large cohorts (AGRE and ACC) of European ancestry and replicated in two other cohorts (CAP and CART) (Wang et al., 2009).
Molecular Function
tumor suppressor
External Links
SFARI Genomic Platforms
Reports related to LZTS2 (4 Reports)
# | Type | Title | Author, Year | Autism Report | Associated Disorders |
1 | Highly Cited | LZTS2 is a novel beta-catenin-interacting protein and regulates the nuclear export of beta-catenin | Thyssen G , et al. (2006) | No | - |
2 | Recent Recommendation | LAPSER1/LZTS2: a pluripotent tumor suppressor linked to the inhibition of katanin-mediated microtubule severing | Sudo H and Maru Y (2008) | No | - |
3 | Primary | Common genetic variants on 5p14.1 associate with autism spectrum disorders | Wang K , et al. (2009) | Yes | - |
4 | Positive Association | A genome-wide association study of autism incorporating autism diagnostic interview-revised, autism diagnostic observation schedule, and social responsiveness scale | Connolly JJ , et al. (2012) | Yes | - |
Rare Variants
No rare variants reported.
Common Variants (2)
Status | Allele Change | Residue Change | Variant Type | Inheritance Pattern | Paternal Transmission | Family Type | PubMed ID | Author, Year |
c.2564A>C | A>C | 5KB_downstream_variant | - | - | - | 19404256 | Wang K , et al. (2009) | |
c.2564A>C | - | downstream_gene_variant | - | - | - | 22935194 | Connolly JJ , et al. (2012) |
SFARI Gene score
Strong Candidate

In a GWAS study, suggestive (not significant) association was identified near the gene. LZTS2 is known to function at the synapse and directly binds SHANK3.
Score Delta: Score remained at 2
criteria met
See SFARI Gene'scoring criteriaWe considered a rigorous statistical comparison between cases and controls, yielding genome-wide statistical significance, with independent replication, to be the strongest possible evidence for a gene. These criteria were relaxed slightly for category 2.

Decreased from 3 to 2
In a GWAS study, suggestive (not significant) association was identified near the gene. LZTS2 is known to function at the synapse and directly binds SHANK3.

Decreased from 4 to 3
New Scoring Scheme
In a GWAS study, suggestive (not significant) association was identified near the gene. LZTS2 is known to function at the synapse and directly binds SHANK3.
Reports Added
[New Scoring Scheme]7/1/2014

Increased from No data to 4
In a GWAS study, suggestive (not significant) association was identified near the gene. LZTS2 is known to function at the synapse and directly binds SHANK3.

Increased from No data to 4
In a GWAS study, suggestive (not significant) association was identified near the gene. LZTS2 is known to function at the synapse and directly binds SHANK3.
Krishnan Probability Score
Score 0.44354568919013
Ranking 16575/25841 scored genes
[Show Scoring Methodology]
ExAC Score
Score 0.87548209589102
Ranking 3425/18225 scored genes
[Show Scoring Methodology]
Sanders TADA Score
Score 0.93812141754663
Ranking 13755/18665 scored genes
[Show Scoring Methodology]
Larsen Cumulative Evidence Score
Score 10.5
Ranking 179/461 scored genes
[Show Scoring Methodology]
Zhang D Score
Score -0.039460583635558
Ranking 10036/20870 scored genes
[Show Scoring Methodology]
- Protein Binding
- DNA Binding
- RNA Binding
- Protein Modification
- Direct Regulation
- ASD-Linked Genes
Interaction Table
Interactor Symbol | Interactor Name | Interactor Organism | Interactor Type | Entrez ID | Uniprot ID |
ANKRD36BP1 | ankyrin repeat domain 36B pseudogene 1 | Human | Protein Binding | 84832 | Q96IX9 |
AZI1 | Centrosomal protein of 131 kDa | Human | Protein Binding | 22994 | Q9UPN4-2 |
BEX2 | brain expressed X-linked 2 | Human | Protein Binding | 84707 | Q9BXY8 |
C14ORF105 | chromosome 14 open reading frame 105 | Human | Protein Binding | 55195 | B7ZL43 |
C19ORF66 | chromosome 19 open reading frame 66 | Human | Protein Binding | 55337 | Q9NUL5 |
C20ORF195 | chromosome 20 open reading frame 195 | Human | Protein Binding | 79025 | Q9BVV2 |
C6ORF165 | chromosome 6 open reading frame 165 | Human | Protein Binding | 154313 | Q8IYR0 |
CARD9 | caspase recruitment domain family, member 9 | Human | Protein Binding | 64170 | A0A024R8F1 |
CDK18 | cyclin-dependent kinase 18 | Human | Protein Binding | 5129 | A0A024R996 |
CDKL3 | cyclin-dependent kinase-like 3 | Human | Protein Binding | 51265 | Q8IVW4 |
DGCR6L | DiGeorge syndrome critical region gene 6-like | Human | Protein Binding | 85359 | Q9BY27 |
DIPA | coiled-coil domain containing 85B | Human | Protein Binding | 11007 | Q15834 |
FAM107A | family with sequence similarity 107, member A | Human | Protein Binding | 11170 | O95990 |
FAM161A | family with sequence similarity 161, member A | Human | Protein Binding | 84140 | Q3B820 |
FAM74A4 | family with sequence similarity 74, member A4 | Human | Protein Binding | 401508 | Q5TZK3 |
FKBP6 | FK506 binding protein 6, 36kDa | Human | Protein Binding | 8468 | O75344 |
GTF2H1 | general transcription factor IIH, polypeptide 1, 62kDa | Human | Protein Binding | 2965 | P32780 |
HLA-DPB1 | major histocompatibility complex, class II, DP beta 1 | Human | Protein Binding | 3115 | I4EC15 |
KIAA0889 | Protein SOGA1 | Human | Protein Binding | 140710 | O94964-2 |
KIF9 | kinesin family member 9 | Human | Protein Binding | 64147 | A8K932 |
LIN37 | lin-37 DREAM MuvB core complex component | Human | Protein Binding | 55957 | Q96GY3 |
LZTS1 | Leucine zipper putative tumor suppressor 1 | Human | Protein Binding | 11178 | Q9Y250-2 |
MAB21L3 | mab-21-like 3 (C. elegans) | Human | Protein Binding | 126868 | Q8N8X9 |
MAGEB4 | melanoma antigen family B4 | Human | Protein Binding | 4115 | O15481 |
MORN3 | MORN repeat containing 3 | Human | Protein Binding | 283385 | Q6PF18 |
PAK7 | p21 protein (Cdc42/Rac)-activated kinase 7 | Human | Protein Binding | 57144 | B0AZM9 |
PLEKHN1 | pleckstrin homology domain containing, family N member 1 | Human | Protein Binding | 84069 | Q494U1 |
PPP1R18 | protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 18 | Human | Protein Binding | 170954 | Q6NYC8 |
RTP5 | receptor (chemosensory) transporter protein 5 (putative) | Human | Protein Binding | 285093 | Q14D33 |
RUNX1T1 | runt-related transcription factor 1; translocated to, 1 (cyclin D-related) | Human | Protein Binding | 862 | B2R6I9 |
SCNM1 | sodium channel modifier 1 | Human | Protein Binding | 79005 | Q9BWG6 |
SLC15A3 | solute carrier family 15 (oligopeptide transporter), member 3 | Human | Protein Binding | 51296 | Q8IY34 |
SMIM3 | small integral membrane protein 3 | Human | Protein Binding | 85027 | Q9BZL3 |
Spar1 | SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 3 | African clawed frog | Protein Binding | 100488068 | |
SPATA24 | spermatogenesis associated 24 | Human | Protein Binding | 202051 | Q86W54 |
SPATC1L | spermatogenesis and centriole associated 1-like | Human | Protein Binding | 84221 | Q9H0A9 |
STAC | SH3 and cysteine rich domain | Human | Protein Binding | 6769 | B4DR96 |
TBC1D7 | TBC1 domain family, member 7 | Human | Protein Binding | 51256 | Q9P0N9 |
TCEA2 | transcription elongation factor A (SII), 2 | Human | Protein Binding | 6919 | Q15560 |
THAP10 | THAP domain containing 10 | Human | Protein Binding | 56906 | Q9P2Z0 |
TNIP3 | TNFAIP3 interacting protein 3 | Human | Protein Binding | 79931 | Q96KP6 |
TRIM29 | tripartite motif containing 29 | Human | Protein Binding | 23650 | Q14134 |
TSSC4 | tumor suppressing subtransferable candidate 4 | Human | Protein Binding | 10078 | Q9Y5U2 |
WT1-AS | WT1 antisense RNA | Human | Protein Binding | 51352 | Q06250 |
ZMAT1 | zinc finger, matrin-type 1 | Human | Protein Binding | 84460 | A7MD47 |
ZNF572 | zinc finger protein 572 | Human | Protein Binding | 137209 | Q7Z3I7 |